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Notes on the Kiowa Sun DanceNotes on the Kiowa Sun DanceThe following notes were obtained from Andres Martinez (Andele, a Mexican captive of the Kiowa whose history[1] is well known) in August, 1919. Attention was directed in the first instance to the organization of the dance, but a brief...
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Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten. Fünfter Band (der 11)Geschichte von England seit der Thronbesteigung Jakob's des Zweiten. Fünfter Band (der 11)Dieser Text benutzt die UTF-8-Kodierung (Unicode). Wenn die Apostrophe, Anfhrungszeichen und die Umlaute in diesem Absatz als seltsame Zeichen dargestellt werden, knnte es auch an Ihrem inkompatiblen Browser oder an fehlenden Fonts...
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Michelin's Illustrated Guides to the Battle-fields (1914-1918)Ypres and the Battles of YpresThese canals, of which the Yser Canal is the most important, follow a general direction south-eastnorth-west. A number of streams flowing in the same direction also water the plain. In addition, there are the Dickebusch, Zillebeke and Bellewaarde ponds....
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La rivoluzione di Milano dell'Aprile 1814La rivoluzione di Milano dell'Aprile 1814La rivoluzione milanese dell'aprile 1814 e la caduta del Regno italico, che ne fu conseguenza immediata, ebbero gi parecchi storici o raccontatori; quali, per citare solamente i pi diffusi, il Fabi[1], il De Castro[2], l'Helfert[3]: ma sono avvenimenti tuttora...
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The Franco-German War of 1870-71The Franco-German War of 1870-71Field-Marshal von Moltke began this history of the War of 18701 in the spring of the year 1887, and during his residence at Creisau he worked at it for about three hours every morning. On his return to Berlin in...
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Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs (1/2)Histoire d'Attila et de ses successeurs (1/2) - jusqu'à l'établissement des Hongrois en EuropeAmen, dans le cours de mes travaux sur la Gaule romaine, m'occuper d'Attila et de son irruption au midi du Rhin en 451, j'ai t arrt en quelque sorte malgr moi,...
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Norfolk Annals, Vol. 2Norfolk Annals, Vol. 2 - A Chronological Record of Remarkable Events in the Nineteeth CenturyIn the terms of the publishers announcement the two volumes of Norfolk Annals were to have contained 800 pages; the work has really exceeded that estimate by 255 pages. Although...
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Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778Diary of Ezra Green, M.D. from November 1, 1777, to September 27, 1778 A few words may be necessary in respect to the Diary of my father, Dr. Ezra Green, which I am quite sure he never suspected would appear in print before the...
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'Neath the Hoof of the Tartar Or, The Scourge of God'Neath the Hoof of the Tartar; Or, The Scourge of GodBaron Mikls Jsika, the Walter Scott of Hungary, was born at Torda, in Transylvania, on April 28th, 1796. While quite a child, he lost both his parents, and was brought up at the house...
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Francis Drake and the California Indians, 1579Francis Drake and the California Indians, 1579 University of California Publications in American Archaeology and Ethnology Editors (Los Angeles): Ralph L. Beals, Franklin Fearing, Harry Hoijer Volume 42, No. 3, pp. 251-302, plates 18-21, 1 figure in text, 2 illus. Submitted by editors February...
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History of the DeWitt guard, company A, 50th regiment National guard, state of New YorkHistory of the DeWitt guard, company A, 50th regiment National guard, state of New YorkOur object in giving to the public a full, true, and concise history of Company A, 50th Regiment National Guard, State of New York, better known to the citizens of...
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Our CalendarOur Calendar - The Julian calendar and its errors. How corrected by the Gregorian. Rules for finding the dominical letter, and the day of the week of any event from the days of Julius Caesar 46 B.C. to the year of our Lord four...
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The Viceroys of IrelandThe Viceroys of Ireland This is the first complete history of the viceroys of Ireland, the only other book on the subject being the late Sir John T. Gilbert's, which was published in 1864. But as he dealt with the viceroys between 1172 and...
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The Balkan Wars: 1912-1913The Balkan Wars: 1912-1913 - Second Edition The interest in the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913 has exceeded the expectations of the publishers of this volume. The first edition, which was published five months ago, is already exhausted and a second is now called for....
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The Judicial Murder of Mary E. SurrattThe Judicial Murder of Mary E. SurrattOceans of horse-hair, continents of parchment, and learned-sergeant eloquence, were it continued till the learned tongue wore itself small in the indefatigable learned mouth, cannot make the unjust just. The grand question still remains, Was the judgment just?...
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Great Englishwomen: An Historical Reading Book for SchoolsGreat Englishwomen: An Historical Reading Book for SchoolsAdventures of a Donkey. Translated from the French. Great Deeds in English History. Grimms German Tales. (Selected.) Andersens Danish Tales. (Selected.) Great Englishmen. Short Lives for Young Children. Great Irishmen. Short Lives for Young Children. Life of...
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The Life of George Washington. In Words of One SyllableThe Life of George Washington. In Words of One SyllableThe Life story of a public man cannot help being to some extent the same thing as a history of the times in which he lived, and to the case of none does this remark...
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HeraldiekHeraldiekAfgebroken woorden aan het einde van de regel zijn stilzwijgend hersteld. De illustraties met figuren zijn verplaatst naar plaats deze figuren in de tekst verklaard worden. Van deze illustraties is ook een vergroting beschikbaar door op de illustratie te klikken. De heraldiek staat met...
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The Three Charters of the Virginia Company of LondonThe Three Charters of the Virginia Company of London - With Seven Related Documents; 1606-1621Historians may trace in the Royal charters issued to the Virginia Company of London a course of empire; a Company organized for profit by the ablest businessmen of their timemerchants,...
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Letters of Major Jack Downing, of the Downingville MilitiaLetters of Major Jack Downing, of the Downingville Militia Entered according to Act of Congress, by Bromley & Co., in the year 1864, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York Surs: I...
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