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De la nature humaine" 1. Pour se faire une id e claire des l ments du droit naturel et de la politique, il est important de conna tre la nature de l'homme, de savoir ce que c'est qu'un corps politique et ce que nous entendons par loi.2....
- $27.05 AUD
- $27.05 AUD
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Criminal Justice and Criminology Research MethodsCriminal Justice and Criminology Research Methods, Third Edition, is an accessible and engaging text that offers balanced coverage of a full range of contemporary research methods. Filled with gritty criminal justice and criminology examples including policing, corrections, evaluation research, forensics, feminist studies, juvenile justice,...
- $339.55 AUD
- $339.55 AUD
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The Settlement of International Disputes: Basic DocumentsThe second edition of this book provides students, scholars, and practitioners of international law with easy access to the key primary sources in international dispute settlement, allowing users to focus on engaging with the primary material, rather than trying to source it. The text...
- $358.43 AUD
- $358.43 AUD
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White Collar and Corporate Crime: A Case Study ApproachThis timely and engaging text introduces the key topics in White Collar Crime, while providing an overview of both organizational and criminological theory. Throughout the text, Law in the Real World examples and in-depth Case Studies offer the opportunity to apply the theoretical to...
- $528.30 AUD
- $528.30 AUD
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Regulação, Infraestrutura E Políticas Públicas: Estudos em homenagem a José dos Santos Carvalho FilhoA an lise de temas de regula o, infraestrutura e pol ticas p blicas o tema posto em debate na obra a parte da discuss o da Built to suit enquanto ferramenta de fomento nas pol ticas de energia sustent vel nos munic pios,...
- $40.43 AUD
- $40.43 AUD
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The Peoples Tribunal of Ireland: Official Handbook Version 1.The Peoples Tribunal of Ireland was set up on July 1st 2020 in response to a crisis of criminality in the Irish domestic Courts, as documented in: "Criminaity in the Irish Courts and the absence of the Rule of Law" (ISBN: 978-1-906628-88-8) - which...
- $37.55 AUD
- $37.55 AUD
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The Recovery of Historical Law: Volume 1B of the Philosophy of Law: The History of Legal PhilosophyAs the world reels from crisis to crisis, the most serious one seems to draw the least attention. And that is the crisis of the Western mind. The seeds of radical subjectivism sown at the time of a previous such crisis, chronicled in Paul...
- $53.75 AUD
- $53.75 AUD
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Demystifying Shariah: What It Is, How It Works, and Why It's Not Taking Over Our CountryA direct counterpoint to fear mongering headlines about shariah law--a Muslim American legal expert tells the real story, eliminating stereotypes and assumptions with compassion, irony, and humor Through scare tactics and deliberate misinformation campaigns, anti-Muslim propagandists insist wrongly that shariah is a draconian and...
- $42.28 AUD
- $42.28 AUD
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A text-book of Roman law from Augustus to JustinianThis book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as...
- $88.13 AUD
- $88.13 AUD
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National Constitutions and Eu IntegrationDo individual constitutions, and the legal cultures underlying them, pose an obstacle to future EU integration? This ambitious collection brings together reports from all the European Member States, systematically setting out their individual constitutional guarantees. In doing so, it tracks possible roadblocks to the...
- $755.00 AUD
- $755.00 AUD
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Forensic Genetic Approaches for Identification of Human Skeletal Remains: Challenges, Best Practices, and Emerging TechnologiesForensic Genetic Approaches for Identification of Human Skeletal Remains: Challenges, Best Practices, and Emerging Technologies provides best practices on processing bone samples for DNA testing. The book outlines forensic genetics tools that are available for the identification of skeletal remains in contemporary casework and...
- $481.33 AUD
- $481.33 AUD
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2018This unique book includes comprehensive discussions of all decisions in IDEA and Section 504 / ADA cases by U.S. Courts of Appeals in 2018, including outcome and prevailing party. You will find a Table of 2018 Special Education Case decisions with date, court, description...
- $56.48 AUD
- $56.48 AUD
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Immigration Matters: Movements, Visions, and Strategies for a Progressive FutureA provocative, strategic plan for a humane immigration system from the nation's leading immigration scholars and activistsDuring the past decade, right-wing nativists have stoked popular hostility to the nation's foreign-born population, forcing the immigrant rights movement into a defensive posture. In the Trump years,...
- $63.40 AUD
- $63.40 AUD
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Effective Police SupervisionEffective Police Supervision, 9th ed., is a time-tested text providing complete coverage of the organizational dynamics surrounding leadership of teams in an effective police department. This revised edition provides readers with the tools to excel and advance with up-to-date and timely scholarly research and...
- $377.30 AUD
- $377.30 AUD
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Special Education and the Law: A Guide for PractitionersThe essential resource for success in special education Educators face major challenges when addressing the needs of students with disabilities. This includes understanding special education law. The authors, past presidents of the Educational Law Association and experts in translating legalese, have created a resource...
- $162.89 AUD
- $162.89 AUD
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Divorce in New Hampshire: The Legal Process, Your Rights, and What to ExpectProviding accurate and objective information to help make the right decisions during a divorce in New Hampshire, this guide provides answers to 360 queries such as: What is the mediation process in New Hampshire and is it required? How quickly can one get a...
- $56.80 AUD
- $56.80 AUD
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Peaceful and Non-Peaceful Uses of Space: Problems of Definition for the Prevention of an Arms RaceThis book, first published in 1991, is the cumulative result of a long period of research by qualified experts in an attempt to analyse the legal and scientific problems of arriving at definitions in the task of preventing an arms race in outer space....
- $172.57 AUD
- $172.57 AUD
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There Is No Difference: An Argument for the Abolition of the Indian Reserve System and Special Race-based Laws and Entitlements for Canada's IA COMPELLING SOLUTION TO ENDING THE TRAGICALLY HIGH DEGREE OF POVERTY AND SOCIAL DYSFUNCTION AMONG CANADA'S FIRST NATIONS PEOPLES- LEGAL EQUALITY For decades Canada's indigenous and non-indigenous elites have been mindlessly doubling down on the apartheid-like, "separate but equal", dysfunctional status quo that has...
- $67.90 AUD
- $67.90 AUD
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LSAT Study Guide!: Ultimate Test Prep for the LSAT Exam: Complete Review & Vocabulary Edition!If you want to pass the LSAT test, but don't have a lot of time for studying keep reading....You are no doubt a busy student with a lot of things going on It can be challenging to find the time to read your textbook...
- $51.74 AUD
- $51.74 AUD
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Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Employment Discrimination OpinionsHow would feminist perspectives and analytical methods change the interpretation of employment discrimination law? Would the conscious use of feminist perspectives make a difference? This volume shows the difference feminist analysis can make to the interpretation of employment discrimination statutes. This book brings together...
- $128.30 AUD
- $128.30 AUD
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