Explore a comprehensive selection of medical books, including medical medium books, dictionaries, and textbooks covering dermatology, human anatomy, physiology, surgery, and pediatrics.
Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques, Vol. 1: Favorite Methods of Master CliniciansHypnosis has proven efficacy for helping individuals make important changes in their lives. In this edited volume, written by and for clinicians, 11 master clinicians from around the world describe the hypnotic strategies and techniques they have found to be most effective in their...
- $84.95 AUD
- $84.95 AUD
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Stand Up to Depression: How To Activate THE BODY MIND MIRACLE and Defeat DepressionStand Up to Depression adds an entirely new dimension to the treatment of depression. This is a revolutionary guide to using one's musculature--harnessing the power of proper posture--to heal one's mind. Complete with patient vignettes and simple-to-follow exercises, this book gives readers all they...
- $36.10 AUD
- $36.10 AUD
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Wounds of War: How the Va Delivers Health, Healing, and Hope to the Nation's VeteransU.S. military conflicts abroad have left nine million Americans dependent on the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) for medical care. Their "wounds of war" are treated by the largest hospital system in the country--one that has come under fire from critics in the White House,...
- $45.18 AUD
- $45.18 AUD
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Current Anesthesia Practice: Evaluation & Certification ReviewAuthor: Sass Elisha, John J. Nagelhout, Jeremy S. HeinerPublisher: ElsevierPublished: 02/28/2020Pages: 394Binding Type: PaperbackISBN: 9780323483865
- $174.38 AUD
- $174.38 AUD
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Anecdotes and Antidotes: A Medieval Arabic History of PhysiciansTo my one...has ever written a comprehensive book dealing with physicians through the ages and recounting their history in a coherent fashion. So wrote Syrian physician Ibn Abi Usaybi'ah, circa 1243, as he embarked on the first world history of medicine ever attempted....
- $31.60 AUD
- $31.60 AUD
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The Unspeakable Mind: Stories of Trauma and Healing from the Frontlines of Ptsd ScienceFrom a physician and post-traumatic stress disorder specialist comes a nuanced cartography of PTSD, a widely misunderstood yet crushing condition that afflicts millions of Americans."Dr. Jain's beautiful prose illuminates this widely misunderstood condition and makes for fascinating reading. It is a must for anyone...
- $47.53 AUD
- $47.53 AUD
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Classical Chinese MedicineThis book uses simple language to explain the essence of Shanghanlun (Treatise on Cold Damage), a monumental ancient medical classic, paired with cases the author encountered during years of practicing Chinese medicine, allowing readers to understand the melding of theory and practice and philosophical...
- $339.75 AUD
- $339.75 AUD
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A tiny itsy bitsy gift of life, an egg donor storyThis story is available for girls, boy, twins in kindle and hardcover. Now-a-days many children are born through egg donation. This touching story of how a happy couple of rabbits have their own baby by means of egg donation. Using rabbits in this story...
- $42.95 AUD
- $42.95 AUD
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Remedios Caseros Que Curan Casi TodoAuthor: TomoPublisher: TomoPublished: 06/01/2003Pages: 225Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.44lbsSize: 8.20h x 6.36w x 0.73dISBN: 9789706667403Language: Spanish
- $26.28 AUD
- $26.28 AUD
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CBD oder Cannabidiol: CBD & Cannabis als Medizin: Ein wesentlicher Leitfaden zu Cannabinoiden und Medizinischem MarihuanaEntdecken Sie die entspannenden, schmerzlindernden und heilenden Anwendungen von Cannabinoiden (CBD).Die medizinische Verwendung von Cannabis blickt auf eine ber 5000-j hrige Tradition zur ck. Im antiken China war die Pflanze allgemein bekannt und wurde dort aufgrund ihrer medizinischen Anwendungen h ufig genutzt. Heute stehen...
- $35.00 AUD
- $35.00 AUD
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Digestive System Tumours: Who Classification of Tumours****When not purchasing directly from the official sales agents of the WHO, especially at online bookshops, please note that there have been issues with counterfeited copies. Buy only from known sellers and if there are quality issues, please contact the seller for a refund.*****...
- $611.55 AUD
- $611.55 AUD
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Manual of Dry Needling TechniquesAuthor: Piyush Jain PtPublisher: Pref PublicationPublished: 03/16/2015Pages: 162Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.86lbsSize: 11.02h x 8.50w x 0.35dISBN: 9788192426723This title is not returnable
- $28.28 AUD
- $28.28 AUD
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Zolpidem, Zopiclone Et Conduite Automobile de la Personne ÂgéeL'insomnie, d finie comme un manque subjectif de sommeil est un trouble tr s fr quent, au point d' tre devenue un probl me de sant publique. Physiologiquement, le sommeil devient moins r parateur avec le vieillissement et les personnes g es sont tr...
- $208.00 AUD
- $208.00 AUD
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The NEW MEDICINE: Understanding cancer and other biological programsThe NEW MEDICINE is a comprehension of the biological programs running inside the body, which have formerly been called "diseases", based on biological laws of nature. Due to the NEW MEDICINE it is now possible to understand, why we become "ill", what happens in...
- $46.73 AUD
- $46.73 AUD
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Vom Dienst an Mutter Und Kind Zum Dienst Nach Plan: Hebammen in Der Bundesrepublik 1950-1975The trend toward giving birth to children in hospitals that arose in the 1950s and 1960s in Germany led to the nearly complete disappearance of home births. This in turn changed the role of the midwife, who became part of the professionalized obstetrics of...
- $268.98 AUD
- $268.98 AUD
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Life Paints Its Own SpanThe pioneering work, Life Paints Its Own Span, is a comprehensive exposition of Susan Bach's original approach to the physical and psychospiritual evaluation of spontaneous paintings and drawings by severely ill patients. At the same time, this work is a moving record of Susan...
- $117.77 AUD
- $117.77 AUD
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Association Rule Mining: Models and AlgorithmsDue to the popularity of knowledge discovery and data mining, in practice as well as among academic and corporate R&D professionals, association rule mining is receiving increasing attention.The authors present the recent progress achieved in mining quantitative association rules, causal rules, exceptional rules, negative...
- $186.83 AUD
- $186.83 AUD
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Regression Modeling Strategies: With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic and Ordinal Regression, and Survival AnalysisThere are many books that are excellent sources of knowledge about individual stastical tools (survival models, general linear models, etc.), but the art of data analysis is about choosing and using multiple tools. In the words of Chatfield ...students typically know the technical details...
- $288.75 AUD
- $288.75 AUD
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Schmerztherapie: Ein Leitfaden Fur Pflegende in Praxis Und WeiterbildungDa das Engagement und die Notwendigkeit einer adaquaten Schmerztherapie zunehmend in den Fokus der Pflegenden, aber auch der Betroffenen rucken, ist das Werk eine auf die Berufspraxis bezogene Basis fur ein besseres Verstandnis der Schmerzmechanismen. Es wird somit zu einer Verbesserung der Schmerztherapie beitragen....
- $139.88 AUD
- $139.88 AUD
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Preemie Care: A Guide to Navigating the First Year with Your Premature BabyAn essential resource for parents of premature babies.The birth of a new baby is a time full of joy and wonder. But when your baby is born premature, that joy also comes with stresses and challenges.Written for parents, but full of practical advice for...
- $61.15 AUD
- $61.15 AUD
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