Old Is Gold
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Cruikshank's Water-ColoursCruikshank's Water Colours It is fair to characterise the three suites of original water-colour drawings, as executed by our artist, as unique examples of the great George Cruikshanks special individual proficiency as an exponent of this branch of technical dexterity. Moreover, it may be...
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Carols of CockayneCarols of Cockayne - The Third Edition, 1874 The following trifles have already made their appearance in various periodicals. The limit of their pretension is obvious from their individual brevity and collective title; with few exceptions, they were intended simply as drawing-room songs. Without...
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Tre racconti: Il cane del cieco - Un genio sconosciuto - GalateaTre racconti: Il cane del cieco - Un genio sconosciuto - Galatea Mi piacerebbe rispondervi citando i notissimi versi di Dante: Io mi son un che quando amore spira, noto ec. Ma siccome di questa citazione si gi troppo abusato, la lascio stare. Voglio...
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Drawing Rooms, Second Floor, and Attics: A Farce, in One ActDrawing Rooms, Second Floor, and Attics: A Farce, in One ActLend me Five Shillings, Three Cuckoos, Catch a Weazel, Where theres a Will theres a Way, John Dobbs, A Most Unwarrantable Intrusion, Going to the Derby, Your Lifes in Danger, Midnight Watch, Box and...
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LähimmäisiäniLähimmäisiäniPaljon heiss oli toisiaan muistuttavaa. Molemmat olivat ensinnkin pieni, alle keskikoon. Ja tummapintaisia he molemmat niinikn olivat, kummallakin miltei pikimusta tukka ja mustat kulmakarvat. Saikulla oli lisksi silmtkin mustat, mutta Simolalla ne olivat siniset. Tmn viimemainitun eroavaisuuden lisksi oli Simola hiukan tytelisempi ja hartiakkaampi...
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Hanuumanin tytär: 3-näytöksinen apinakomediaHanuumanin tytär: 3-näytöksinen apinakomediaOikealla etu-alalla on vanhan vanha phkinpuu, joka konkeloisine, punertavine juurineen sek kamartuvine ja kumartuneine runkoineen on kuin alkuaikojen hmhkki. Sen viheri lehvist tulee vain oikmlta nkyviin ja alimmalla oksalla riippuu karkeatekoinen rumpu. Phkinpuusta vasemmalle kasvaa suora ja puhdasrunkoinen seesam-puu. Taka-alalla lempenhele...
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Frank Reade and His Steam HorseFrank Reade and His Steam HorseAway they flew like rockets over the hard and level ground, the breeze raising their hats as they dashed along. The Steam Man put forth mighty efforts, and made giant strides; but he couldnt match the metal steed. Frank...
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The Love ChaseThe Love ChaseA young man of twenty-seven, a dashing Count d'Orsay type, was sitting astride a chair in flat number fifteen, one of the three-room flats in the Lorillard model tenement houses. He was alone in the room but evidently not in the flat,...
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Tales of two peopleTales of two peopleCOMMON opinion said that Lord Lynborough ought never to have had a peerage and forty thousand a year; he ought to have had a pound a week and a back bedroom in Bloomsbury. Then he would have become an eminent man;...
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Il passaggio: RomanzoIl passaggio: Romanzo Il silenzio attende. Il silenzio, la pi fedele cosa che in vita m'abbia allacciato. Pi grande di me, via via ch'io crescevo anch'esso cresceva, sempre pareva volesse ascoltarmi e tacevamo insieme, ed ancora io mi ritrovavo uguale fra le sue braccia,...
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Les nuits mexicainesLes nuits mexicainesNulle contre au monde n'offre, aux regards blouis des voyageurs, de plus charmants paysages que le Mexique; entre tous, celui de las Cumbres ou des cimes est sans contredit un des plus saisissants et des plus gracieusement accidents. Las Cumbres forment une...
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Moderne Geister: Literarische Bildnisse aus dem neunzehnten JahrhundertModerne Geister: Literarische Bildnisse aus dem neunzehnten JahrhundertEs ist bekannt, wie zu Anfang dieses Jahrhunderts mehrere hervorragende Dnen das Brgerrecht in der deutschen Litteratur zu erwerben gesucht haben. Seitdem ist der Versuch von keinem dnischen Schriftsteller mehr wiederholt worden. Ganz zu geschweigen von der...
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$237.06 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Lame Lover: A Comedy in Three ActsThe Lame Lover: A Comedy in Three ActsBut then to turn the scale, child, against A, in favour of B, they produce the circumstance D, viz. B's watch found in the pocket of A; upon which, the testimony of C being contradicted by B,no,...
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It was a Lover and His LassIt was a Lover and His LassThere stands in one of the northern counties of Scotland, in the midst of a wild and wooded landscape, with the background of a fine range of hills, and in the vicinity of a noble trout-stream, a great...
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Briefe von Goethe an Lavater aus den Jahren 1774 bis 1783Briefe von Goethe an Lavater aus den Jahren 1774 bis 1783 Die nachfolgenden Briefe von Goethe an Lavater wurden dem Herausgeber von Freunden in Zrich, welche nicht genannt seyn wollten, zur ffentlichen Mittheilung anvertraut. Ebendenselben verdankte er die chronologische Anordnung der Briefe, denen hufig...
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The Man in Ratcatcher, and Other StoriesThe Man in Ratcatcher, and Other StoriesA groom, chewing the inevitable straw, gave a final polish to the saddle, and then stood at the animal's head, waiting for the tall, spare man with the bronzed, weather-beaten face, who was slowly drawing on his gloves...
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Viimeiset luostarinasukkaat: RomaaniViimeiset luostarinasukkaat: RomaaniJa is Mikkeli, Jmsn seurakunnan kuratus eli kirkkoherra, lyd jrytti turpean nyrkkins pytn, niin ett juuri tytetyst katajahaarikasta likhti olutta myllylaudalle. Vaikka vasta oli puolenpivn aika, istuivat he kanttorin kanssa ryypiskellen ja pelaten jlkimisen tuvassa. Ikkunalauta oli tynnetty auki ja ulkoa lyhhteli...
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Un enfant, t. 3/3Un enfant, t. 3/3Lattitude mlancolique des saules{4} qui se penchent pour cacher les tombes, les promeneurs indiffrens, les curieux moqueurs, les amans qui fuient sous la vote paisse des arbres, tout nous fait souvenir que nous sommes au Pre-Lachaise, ce cimetire odorant et joyeux...
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Un enfant, t. 2/3Un enfant, t. 2/3LOUISE avait dit Gustave quelles taient ses craintes au sujet des menaces de sa mre; il est croire mme quelle avait exagr les unes et les autres, afin que Gustave la rassurt par des preuves plus grandes damour. Mais loin dapporter...
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Un enfant, t. 1/3Un enfant, t. 1/3DANS une maison de la rue Bourbon-Villeneuve, au troisime tage, vivaient, il y aura bientt huit ans, une mre et sa fille, toutes deux sans fortune, mais non tout--fait pauvres. Veuve dun officier de lancienne arme, madame Drouart avait obtenu du...
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