Old Is Gold
La araña negra, t. 2/9La araña negra, t. 2/9Si las gentes de poca monta que a aquella hora iban a sus quehaceres a paso apresurado y soplndose las manos para ahuyentar el fro, se hubieran fijado en el marcial comandante de caballera de la Guardia, les habra llamado...
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La araña negra, t. 1/9La araña negra, t. 1/9No es sta la mejor hora para hacer visitas. En este colegio se guardan muy bien las reglas, seor; no s si la madre directora podr recibirle..., pero, a pesar de esto, preguntar. Y el hermano Andrs, al decir estas...
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Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five ActsFaust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts1. The original text is dual column, with English on the LHS and French on the RHS. In this version, the complete English text is presented first, followed by the complete French text. The legend of the magician...
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The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 11The German Classics of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Volume 11 - Masterpieces of German Literature Translated Into English VOLUME XI FRIEDRICH SPIELHAGEN THEODOR STORM WILHELM RAABE by ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 45788 Author: Francke, Kuno Release Date: May 27,...
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The International Magazine, Volume 4, No. 5, December 1851The International Magazine, Volume 4, No. 5, December 1851Among the many extraordinary chapters in the history of the Nineteenth Century none will seem in the next age more incredible and curious than that in which is related the Rise and Progress of Mormonism. The...
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The Tatler, Volume 2The Tatler, Volume 2 To Edward Wortley Montagu, The Tatler No. 50. [Steele. No. 51. [Steele. No. 52. [Steele. No. 53. [Steele. No. 54. [Steele. No. 55. [Steele. No. 56. [Steele. No. 57. [Steele. No. 58. [Steele. No. 59. [Steele. No. 60. [Steele. No....
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TamarisTamarisMon ami, ce n'est pas vous qui me reprocherez de vouloir farder la nature et dpasser la vraisemblance dans les sentiments exprims par le narrateur de cette histoire. Vous n'en auriez pas le droit, vous qui n'avez jamais compris le bonheur que dans le...
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A Change of AirA Change of Air"The thrifty plan of giving us sermons, politics, fiction, all in one stodgy sandwich, produces no permanent literature, produces but temporary 'tracts for the times.' Fortunately we have among us many novelistsyoung ones, luckilywho are true to the primitive and eternal,...
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Ballades and Rondeaus, Chants Royal, Sestinas, Villanelles, etcBallades and Rondeaus, Chants Royal, Sestinas, Villanelles, etc.This anthology is chosen entirely from poems written in the traditional fixed forms of the ballade, chant royal, kyrielle, rondel, rondeau, rondeau redoubl, sestina, triolet, villanelle, and virelai, with the addition of the pantoum. That such a...
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The Chaplain of the FleetThe Chaplain of the FleetMy life has been (above any merits of my own) so blessed by Providence, that methinks its history should be begun with the ringing of bells, the singing of psalms, the sound of cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all...
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Some Persons UnknownSome Persons UnknownKenyon had been more unmanageable than usual. Unsettled and excitable from the moment he awoke and remembered who was coming in the evening, he had remained in an unsafe state all day. That evening found him with unbroken bones was a miracle...
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Kummittelijoita: Kolminäytöksinen perhenäytelmäKummittelijoita: Kolminäytöksinen perhenäytelmä(Avara puutarhahuone, jossa on ovi vasemmalla sivuseinll ja kaksi ovea oikeanpuolisella seinll. Keskell huonetta pyre pyt, tuolien ymprimn; pydll on kirjoja, aikakauskirjoja ja sanomalehti. Etupuolella vasemmalla ikkuna, ja sen luona pieni sohva, neulomapyt edess. Takapuolella jatkuu huone avonaiseen, vh kapeampaan kasvihuoneesen, jonka...
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Christianity and Problems of To-day: Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the Foundation of the Late William BrossChristianity and Problems of To-day: Lectures Delivered Before Lake Forest College on the Foundation of the Late William Bross This book was written in a period when many words in the text had not become standardized in their spelling or hyphenation. These variations have...
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Saituri: Komedia 5:ssä näytöksessäSaituri: Komedia 5:ssä näytöksessäHarpagon, Clanten ja Elisen is, Marianen kosija. Clante, Harpagonin poika, Marianen rakastaja. Elise, Harpagonin tytr, Valren lemmitty. Valre, Anselmen poika, Elisen sulhanen. Mariane, Clanten lemmitty, jota Harpagon kosii. Anselme, Valren ja Marianen is. Frosine, naimistemppujen toimittajanainen. Herra Simon, kaupustelija. Jacques, Harpagonin...
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Lady PenelopeLady PenelopeShe let it be understood that men were in great need of her particular attention. They were too selfish and self-centred, too extravagant, too critical of each other, too vain. They acknowledged it humbly when she mentioned it, for Lady Penelope Brading's beauty...
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PoemsPoemsWhen the Transcriber could not to determine whether a verse at the top of a page was a new stanza or part of the stanza on the previous page, the latter was assumed. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 45643 Author: Tree,...
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Les belles-de-nuit ou, les anges de la famille. tome 5Les belles-de-nuit; ou, les anges de la famille. tome 5Pour voir ces corrections, faites glisser votre souris, sans cliquer, sur un mot soulign en pointills gris et le texte d'origine apparatra. La liste de ces corrections se trouve la fin du texte. Blaise et...
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A Desperate Game: A Comic Drama in One ActA Desperate Game: A Comic Drama in One ActBox and Cox, John Dobbs, The Woman I Adore, A Capital Match, Your Lifes in Danger, Who Stole the Pocket Book? Poor Pillicoddy, Friend Waggles, Where theres a Will theres a Way, The Writing on the...
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Little Pilgrimages Among the Men Who Have Written Famous BooksLittle Pilgrimages Among the Men Who Have Written Famous BooksThe aim of this book is to present to the reading public sketches of some of its American literary heroes. There are heroes young and old; but in literature, especially, age has little to do...
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Almansor: Eine TragödieAlmansor: Eine TragödieDie im Original links stehenden Zeilennummern wurden nach rechts verschoben und in den Fllen, in denen eine Verszeile auf mehrere Druckzeilen verteilt ist, in die letzte zur Verszeile gehrende Druckzeile gesetzt. Die Zeilennummern 315 bis 350 sind im Original um eine Zeile...
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