Old Is Gold
Œuvres complètes de Chamfort (Tome 4)Œuvres complètes de Chamfort (Tome 4) - Recueillies et publiées, avec une notice historique sur la vie et les écrits de l'auteur.Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t...
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Letters of Peregrine PickleLetters of Peregrine PickleTHE contents of this book originally appeared in the columns of the Chicago Tribune, in the form of weekly letters, over the nom de plume of "Peregrine Pickle," devoted to matters of gossip and interest in the world of amusement. Necessarily,...
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Erämaan taistelu: Historiallinen romaaniErämaan taistelu: Historiallinen romaaniI. Mustanahon rinteell. II. Piispa tarkastusmatkalla. III. Heimolaiskansan luona. IV. Kalajrville. V. Ermaan taistelu. VI. Maailmalle. VII. Kovassa on korven leip. VIII. Kaukaisten kuohujen laine. IX. Piispa rauhan tuomarina. X. Marski Kaarlo Knuutinpoika Turussa. XI. Viipuriin. XII. Krister Niilonpoika Vaasa. XIII....
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Lettres de Madame de SévignéLettres de Madame de Sévigné - Précédées d'une notice sur sa vie et du traité sur le style épistolaire de Madame de SévignéIl existe plusieurs recueils contenant un choix des lettres de madame de Svign. Le plus remarquable est celui que madame Tastu a...
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My Miscellanies, Vol. 1 (of 2)My Miscellanies, Vol. 1 (of 2)The various papers of which the following collection is composed, were most of them written some years since, and were all originally publishedwith many more, which I have not thought it desirable to reprintin 'Household Words,' and in the...
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Erämaan nuijamiehet: Historiallinen romaaniErämaan nuijamiehet: Historiallinen romaaniI. Isn kirje pojalleen. II. Veljesten kohtaus. III. Ermaan miehet. IV. Pohjanmaan viestit. V. Ison riistan pyyntiin. VI. Vanha ylimys. VII. Kuolevan rouvan talossa. VIII. Ensi taistelu. IX. Kun selkranka katkesi. X. Pitkt hiihdot. XI. Eristetyss linnassa. XII. Metskylss. XIII. Pakosaunaan....
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La Coupe Lupo Liverani Le Toast Garnier Le Contrebandier La Rêverie à ParisLa Coupe; Lupo Liverani; Le Toast; Garnier; Le Contrebandier; La Rêverie à ParisIl y a trois choses que Dieu ne peut point ne pas accomplir: ce qu'il y a de plus avantageux, ce qu'il y a de plus ncessaire, ce qu'il y a de...
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The Grim HouseThe Grim HouseHe folded up the letter he had been reading, and replaced it carefully and methodically in its envelope, then glanced round the breakfast-table with the slightly defiant, slightly deprecating, yet nevertheless wholly good-tempered air which we all knew wellso well that not...
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In the Morning Glow: Short StoriesIn the Morning Glow: Short Storieshen you gave Grandfather both your hands and put one foot against his knee and the other against his vest, you could walk right up to his white beard like a flybut you had to hold tight. Sometimes your...
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 02La Comédie humaine - Volume 02Ceci, cher Georges, ne saurait rien ajouter l'clat de votre nom, qui jettera son magique reflet sur ce livre; mais il n'y a l de ma part ni calcul, ni modestie. Je dsire attester ainsi l'amiti vraie qui s'est...
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The Story of Opal: The Journal of an Understanding HeartThe Story of Opal: The Journal of an Understanding HeartOf the days before I was taken to the lumber camps there is little I remember. As piece by piece the journal comes together, some things come back. There are references here and there in...
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Through the South Seas with Jack LondonThrough the South Seas with Jack LondonTOC Accounts of dare-devil exploits have always been read with deep interest. One of the salient features of human nature is curiosity, a desire to know what is being said and done outside the narrow limits of one's...
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Little Books About Old Furniture. Volume II. The Period of Queen AnneLittle Books About Old Furniture. Volume II. The Period of Queen AnneThe sovereigns of England, unlike those of France, have seldom taken to themselves the task of acting as patrons of the fine arts. Therefore when we write of the "Queen Anne period" we...
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Madame CorentineMadame CorentineNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Chaque dimanche, elles prenaient le petit chemin de fer de...
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La Chèvre d'OrLa Chèvre d'OrEn souvenir de nos voyages au joyeux pays de Provence, permettez-moi, cher Matre et cher Ami, de vous ddier La Chvre d'Or. Ce petit roman romanesque ne parle pas de nvrose. Peut-tre vous plaira-t-il cause de cela. Je te vois d'ici lisant...
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Tales of My Time, Vol. 1 (of 3)Tales of My Time, Vol. 1 (of 3) - Who Is She? The following story is founded on facts which came within the knowledge of the writer. The precise point at which truth ends, and fiction begins, it is not necessary to divulge; but...
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Old Friends and New Fancies: An Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane AustenOld Friends and New Fancies: An Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane AustenIn this little attempt at picturing the after-adventures of some of Jane Austen's characters I have made use of the references to them which she herself made, and which are recorded...
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14th Century Verse and ProseFourteenth Century Verse & ProseTwo periods of our early history promise most for the future of English literaturethe end of the seventh with the eighth century; the end of the twelfth century with the thirteenth. In the first a flourishing vernacular poetry is secondary...
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Relation d'un voyage du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarctique par le centre du mondeRelation d'un voyage du Pole Arctique au Pole Antarctique par le centre du mondeAyant tojours e ds ma jeunesse une trs-grande passion pour les Voyages, j'ai parcouru pour contenter ma curiosit, toutes les principales parties du vieux & du nouveau Monde, & la fin...
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Wounds in the rain: War storiesWounds in the rain: War stories Twenty-five men were making a road out of a path up the hillside. The light batteries in the rear were impatient to advance, but first must be done all that digging and smoothing which gains no encrusted medals...
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