Old Is Gold
Ginger-SnapsGinger-SnapsFanny Fern. [Pg 9] GINGER-SNAPS. And now, what are these fine dinners? Just this: a pleasant gleam of silver and china; a lovely disposition of fruit and flowers; a great deal of dress, or undress, on the part of the ladies; much swallow-tail, and...
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Poems, 1916-1918Poems, 1916-1918[Transcriber's note: the above errata have been applied to this etext. The word "Lybia" was also on page 32, and was corrected as above. Similarly, "tyrranous" was also on page 86, and was corrected.] PROTHALAMION TESTAMENT LOCHANILAUN LETTERMORE LAMENT THE LEMON-TREE PHTHONOS EASTER...
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L'élite: écrivains, orateurs sacrés, peintres, sculpteursL'élite: écrivains, orateurs sacrés, peintres, sculpteursEn effet, il est surprenant de penser qu'on le conteste encore, que les critiques le dnaturent, que les anthologies le ngligent, qu'on le tient tout au plus pour un pote trange, malsain, strile en tout cas. Mais l'opinion finale...
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