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On EverythingOn EverythingThat is a Pagan thing to say and a hopeless one, for the true comfort that remained for men, and that embodied and gave reality to their conquering struggle against every despair, was surely Song. If you would ask what society is imperilled...
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"Our Street""Our Street"Our Street, from the little nook which I occupy in it, and whence I and a fellow-lodger and friend of mine cynically observe it, presents a strange motley scene. We are in a state of transition. We are not as yet in the...
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Poems of AdorationPoems of Adoration Title: Poems of Adoration Author: Michael Field Release Date: January 1, 2020 [EBook #61070] Language: English Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet...
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Tiger Lily, and Other StoriesTiger Lily, and Other StoriesTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public domain....
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Kruununtorppari: Kuvaus kiveliöstäKruununtorppari: Kuvaus kiveliöstäHyvt tuttavat ovat vanha nimismies ja Romakkaniemen Jooseppi. Kunnon mieheksi on nimismies Joosepin tuntenut ja senvuoksi pitkin hnt hyvn vieraana. Ja kannattaakin pit. Ei ole ollut Joosepin tapana tyhjn kirkolle saapua yksinisen jrvens rannalta. Aina on tuomista ollut. Milloin metslintua laukku pullollaan,...
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Aslak Hetta: Kertova lappalaisrunoelmaAslak Hetta: Kertova lappalaisrunoelma Aslak Hetta, pivnpuolen poika, kasvoi Saamemaassa, sadun maassa, miss pilviin pyrkii passevaarat, miss joet huuhtoo kultasantaa, miss kultaa kiilt sydmmiss. Bigga, hento iti tunturilla siitti lumimyrskyss' yll pojan kahlatessaan Urtivaarall' yksin, mist Alattion lhteet kumpuu juosten kohti jist valtamerta. Siksk...
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Poésies religieusesPoésies religieuses - Préface de J. K. HuÿsmansMon intention n'est pas, en ces quelques pages, de parler, au point de vue littraire, de l'uvre de Verlaine. Cette tude a t mainte fois faite et, moi-mme, il y a bien longtemps, en 1884, dans A...
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Die Starken: Ein Athleten-RomanDie Starken: Ein Athleten-RomanIn der gedruckten Ausgabe befindet sich zwischen den Kapiteln IV. und V. auf S. 44 ein weiteres Kapitel, welches mit VI. bezeichnet wurde, aber nicht identisch mit dem ebenfalls mit VI. nummerierten Kapitel auf S. 95 ist. Die Kapitelnummern wurden in...
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The Black Dog, and Other StoriesThe Black Dog, and Other StoriesHaving pocketed his fare the freckled rustic took himself and his antediluvian cab back to the village limbo from which they had briefly emerged. Loughlin checked his luggage into the care of the porter, an angular man with one...
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Ma: Ein PorträtMa: Ein PorträtIrgend eine der kleinern Glocken im Kreml bimmelte und bimmelte. Hin und wieder nur unterbrach ein vereinzelter tiefer Glockenton, lang nachdrhnend und wie vertrumt, dies helle Gelute. Hoch ber den verschneiten Straen klang es unermdlich, mit dringlicher Monotonie, in den Winterwind hinein....
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Floating Fancies among the Weird and the OccultFloating Fancies among the Weird and the OccultVery many years ago, in an age when departures from the regular line of thought were accounted but vagaries of a diseased brain, when science was a thing of dread, and great knowledge deemed but sorcery, Nordhung...
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Nuorta verta: RomaaniNuorta verta: RomaaniElmn vakavuus antaa vastauksen eri tavoin eri luonteille: lujille, heikoille, vakaville, kevytmielisille, vielp eri tavoin eri aineellisessa ja yhteiskunnallisessa asemassa oleville. Toisille se antaa vastauksen heti ja varman, toisia se arveluttaa, jopa pelottaa. Toinen alkaa etsi elmns tarkoitusta, toinen sen lyt, perheess,...
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Contes pour les satyresContes pour les satyresJ'obis Durant les dernires annes du rgne glorieux d'Henri-le-Grand, la maison de la Mauvandire, d'o j'ai l'honneur d'tre issu, reconnaissait pour chef le marquis Aramante, fort honnte gentilhomme, sur toutes choses entich de sa noblesse, laquelle, dire le vrai, ne brillait...
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The letters of Richard Ford, 1797-1858The letters of Richard Ford, 1797-1858Sixty years ago, few men were more widely known in the world of art, letters, and society than Richard Ford, the author of the Handbook for Spain. A connoisseur of engravings, an admirable judge of painting, the interpreter to...
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Eri isää: Kuvaus maalaistytön elämästäEri isää: Kuvaus maalaistytön elämästäToukokuu oli kulumassa, kylmnkolea harmaataivainen toukokuu. Is istui pitkiss ajatuksissa eik ollut monta sanaa virkkanut sitten kun opiston pihalta lhdettiin ja knnyttiin tnne pohjoista kohden. Is oli nostanut lyhyen takkiturkkinsa kauluksen pystyyn, suojatakseen korviaan, kun pureva pohjatuuli puhalteli. Vanha musta...
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The Queen of Farrandale: A NovelThe Queen of Farrandale: A NovelThe town of Farrandale was en gala. It was the annual day of rejoicing in its own success and prosperity. Everybody was happy except Miss Frinks horses. The new coachman had drawn the check reins too tight. They didnt...
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A Change in the CabinetA Change in the CabinetSIRor to speak more correctly, the Right Honourable Sir T. Charles Repton, Bart., M.V.O., O.M., Warden of the Court of Dowry, a man past middle age but in the height of industry, sat at breakfast in his house: a large...
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The Vegetable or, From President to PostmanThe Vegetable; or, From President to PostmanThis is the living room of Jerry Frosts house. It is evening. The room (and, by implication, the house) is small and stuffyits an awful bother to raise these old-fashioned windows; some of them stick, and besides its...
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In an Unknown Prison LandIn an Unknown Prison Land - An account of convicts and colonists in New Caledonia with jottings out and homeThe Cachots Noirs were never opened except at stated intervals,once every morning for inspection, and once every thirty days for exercise and a medical examination...
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Munkki-kammio: RunojaMunkki-kammio: RunojaTynn' Rackautta on Mieli mun Quin Suo, joka kytee tulta, Se ihmek, caick' Elon liekit kun Nyt tukahdutettu on multa! Oi neitzet ja Frouwat! riemuin ly Juur' thtenne Rinta, waick' ympr on Y, Nin weisaten Valee-wirren. Taas hetken olen onnellinen ollut. Se oli...
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