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The Early Christians in RomeThe Early Christians in RomeOf the five Books which make up this work, the First Book relates generally the history of the fortunes of the Church in Rome in the first days. The foundation stories of the Roman congregations were laid largely by the...
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The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the LordThe Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord - A sermon, preached Oct. 13, 1822, in Park Chapel, Chelsea, on occasion of the death of the late Rev. John OwenAnd I heard a voice from heaven, saying unto me, Write, Blessed...
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Celle qui pleure (Notre Dame de la Salette)Celle qui pleure (Notre Dame de la Salette)Il faut bien que ce livre vous soit ddi, mon cher ami, puisquil nexisterait pas sans vous. Jen avais abandonn le projet, il y a vingt-sept ans, et javais fini par ny plus penser, le croyant impraticable....
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Plain Sermons, preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street. Second SeriesPlain Sermons, preached at Archbishop Tenison's Chapel, Regent Street. Second SeriesGo to now, ye that say, To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall...
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A Sermon preached at St. George's Church, Bolton, on Sunday, 7th January, 1838A Sermon preached at St. George's Church, Bolton, on Sunday, 7th January, 1838 - occasioned by the death of the Rev. William ThistlewaiteThe text refers to the foregoing verse: None of us liveth unto himself; and no man dieth to himself. We are very...
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The Sabbath: A SermonThe Sabbath: A SermonThe Sermon here presented to the Public is below all criticism. It makes no pretensions to novelty, or to merit of any kind; it is only one of the thousands which are preached every week by men, who, in the midst...
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Sree Krishna, the Lord of LoveSree Krishna, the Lord of LoveI beg to present this my humble work to the English reader. It is the history of the Universe from its birth to its dissolution. I have explained the science of creation, its making and its mechanism. In doing...
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1st notions of logic (preparatory to the study of geometry)First notions of logic (preparatory to the study of geometry) This Tract contains no more than the author has found, from experience, to be much wanted by students who are commencing with Euclid. It will ultimately form an Appendix to his Treatise on Arithmetic....
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The Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim FaithThe Preaching of Islam: A History of the Propagation of the Muslim FaithEver since Professor Max Mller delivered his lecture in Westminster Abbey, on the day of intercession for missions, in December, 1873, it has been a literary commonplace, that the six great religions...
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Religious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena LeeReligious Experience and Journal of Mrs. Jarena Lee - Giving an Account of Her Call to Preach the GospelI was born February 11th, 1783, at Cape May, State of New Jersey. At the age of seven years I was parted from my parents, and...
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Wesley's Designated SuccessorWesley's Designated Successor - The Life, Letters, and Literary Labours of the Rev. John William Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley, ShropshireEIGHTEEN years before his death, Wesley wrote the following letter to Fletcher, Vicar of Madeley Dear Sir,What an amazing work has God wrought in these...
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Le livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de FolignoLe livre des visions et instructions de la bienheureuse Angèle de Foligno - Traduit par Ernest Hello avec avertissement de Georges Goyau, de l'Académie françaiseIl y a juste un demi-sicle lorsque la France vaincue faisait effort pour se reconstruire et cherchait dans la tradition...
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Introduction aux études historiquesIntroduction aux études historiquesPAR CH.-V. LANGLOIS Charg de cours la Sorbonne CH. SEIGNOBOS Matre de confrences la Sorbonne PARIS LIBRAIRIE HACHETTE ET Cie 79, BOULEVARD SAINT-GERMAIN, 79 1898 Droits de traduction et de reproduction rservs. A LA MME LIBRAIRIE Coulommiers. Imp. Paul BRODARD. 115-97....
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The origins of art a psychological and sociological inquiryThe origins of art; a psychological & sociological inquiryThe aim and scope of this book is sufficiently indicated by its title. I have endeavoured throughout to restrict my attention to questions connected with the origins of art. Points of history and criticism have been...
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A szellemi erők gyüjtése és pazarlásaA szellemi erők gyüjtése és pazarlásaA takarkossg elve a termszetben. Szervezetnk energija. Lelknk vltozsai. Kpzetvilgunkrl. A lelki tnemnyek localisatija. Az agysejt tulajdonsgai. Kpzeteink klnflesge. Kpzeteink, fogalmaink klnbz agysejtekben vannak elhelyezve. A feleds menete. A tanulnivgys agyszerkezeti szksglet, mely kielgtsre vr. A talentumok eredete s...
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Ruysbroeck and the Mystics: with selections from RuysbroeckRuysbroeck and the Mystics: with selections from RuysbroeckMany works are more correctly beautiful than this book of Ruysbroeck LAdmirable. Many mysticsSwedenborg and Novalis among othersare more potent in their influence, and more timely. It is very probable that his writings may but rarely meet...
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Stained Glass Windows: An Essay: With a Report to the Vestry on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church Lockport New YorkStained Glass Windows: An Essay: With a Report to the Vestry on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church Lockport New YorkThe first edition of the Report on Stained Glass Windows for Grace Church, Lockport, which appeared in January, 1897, is now exhausted; as there...
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Tükör darabok az önismeret és emberismeret világábólTükör darabok az önismeret és emberismeret világábólIsmerd meg magadat s magad ltal az embereket; ez ismeret nlkl tudomnyod holt tudomny. Thalestl napjainkig e szavak viszhangzottak a blcsek ajkain: s valljon mi sikerrel? Az ember klns lny: feledve nmagt a klvilg forradalmaiba sovrg, dltl jig,...
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A babonák könyveA babonák könyveMert a romlatlan npben minden jra meg van a hajlam; csak legyen, aki elmjt a mvelds al megmunklja; s megszabadtja lelkt s kedlyt az elfogultsgtl, az elitletektl s egyb szz fajta burjntl, melyek szivben minden nemes helyet elfoglalva tartanak. Ezen tudattl volt...
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Az élet értelme és értékeAz élet értelme és értékeAz let rtelme s rtke felli krds ppensggel nem magtl rtetd: olyan idkben tmad fel, a mikor az egyes ember kezd zavarba jnni a krnyezete ltal nyujtott lettartalom fell s ez a ktsg azt jelenti, hogy a hagyomnyos sszefggsek nem...
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