Explore our collection of philosophy books at our online bookstore, featuring the best books on philosophy, philosophical novels, and famous works on stoicism and political philosophy. Discover must-read and best-selling titles that offer deep insights into the world of philosophy.
Wilford Woodruff, Fourth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsWilford Woodruff, Fourth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - History of His Life and Labors, as Recorded in His Daily JournalsThat which is perhaps best known about Wilford Woodruff is the fact that he kept throughout his long and...
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The Problem of TruthThe Problem of Truth A problem of philosophy is completely different from a problem of science. In science we accept our subject-matter as it is presented in unanalysed experience; in philosophy we examine the first principles and ultimate questions that concern conscious experience itself....
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Birth of a Reformation Or, The Life and Labors of Daniel S. WarnerBirth of a Reformation; Or, The Life and Labors of Daniel S. WarnerThe life and labors of D. S. Warner are so closely associated with a religious movement that any attempt at his biography becomes in part necessarily a history of that movement. I...
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Friedrich NietzscheFriedrich NietzscheFriedrich Nietzsche appears to me the most interesting writer in German literature at the present time. Though little known even in his own country, he is a thinker of a high order, who fully deserves to be studied, discussed, contested and mastered. Among...
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Martti Luther: ElämäkertaMartti Luther: ElämäkertaKauvas oli romalais-katolinen kirkko, Kristuksen seurakunta, muuttuessaan aikojen kuluessa paavi-kirkoksi, vieraantunut perustajansa hengest ja pyhn raamatun opista. Hnen sijalleen, joka oli lausunut: "minun valtakuntani ei ole tst maailmasta", oli asettunut kruunattu pappi, paavi, joka piti oikeutenaan, ei ainoastaan pyhn Pietarin seuraajana vaan...
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A Lamp to the PathA Lamp to the Path - Or, The Word of God in the Heart, the Home, the Workshop and the Market-Place A LAMP TO THE PATH. ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 47538 Author: Tweedie, W. K. (William King) Release Date: Dec...
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Precious MemoriesPrecious Memories - Sixteenth Book of the Faith Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsThe assurances received of the beneficial effects of the earlier volumes of the Faith-Promoting Series encourage the hope and belief that the present volume may...
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President Heber C. Kimball's JournalPresident Heber C. Kimball's Journal - Seventh Book of the Faith-Promoting Series. Designed for the Instruction and Encouragement of Young Latter-day SaintsNo apology is necessary for publishing as a volume of the "FAITH-PROMOTING SERIES" some portion of the history of the late President Heber...
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The Coming of the FairiesThe Coming of the FairiesThis book contains reproductions of the famous Cottingley photographs, and gives the whole of the evidence in connection with them. The diligent reader is in almost as good a position as I am to form a judgment upon the authenticity...
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The Non-religion of the Future: A Sociological StudyThe Non-religion of the Future: A Sociological StudyI. We shall meet, in the course of this work, many different definitions that have at one time or another been given to religion. Some were assigned from the point of view of physics, others from that...
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Aphorismen zur LebensweisheitAphorismen zur LebensweisheitKursiv dargestellte Texte sind im Original in einer anderen Schriftart (Antiqua) als der Haupttext (Fraktur) gedruckt. Im Original sind auch die Abkrzung "Dr." und rmische Zahlen in Antiqua gedruckt; dies wurde fr die elektronische Fassung nicht bernommen. Offensichtliche Interpunktionsfehler wurden berichtigt. Im...
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Children Above 180 IQ Stanford-Binet: Origin and DevelopmentChildren Above 180 IQ Stanford-Binet: Origin and DevelopmentThis study is founded upon the work of Francis Galton, on the one hand, and of Albert Binet, on the other. It goes back to Galton's Hereditary Genius, read as a prescribed reference in the courses of...
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The Expositor's Bible: The General Epistles of St. James and St. JudeThe Expositor's Bible: The General Epistles of St. James and St. JudeThe table in Footnote 10, that categorises the books of the New Testament, contains numerous braces that extend over several lines. They have been replaced by horizontal lines that have the same effect....
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Cowley's Talks on DoctrineCowley's Talks on DoctrineNotwithstanding what has already been written upon the principles and doctrines of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught by the Latter-Day Saints, I feel an assurance that this little work will be received with no little pleasure and a great...
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Famous Scots Series, 14Norman MacleodIf any modern minister has a place, though it were the least, among the worthies of his nation, he must have been a surprising personality. When Scottish life was based on Calvinism, and there was a Stuart deforming the Kirk at the swords...
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New Witnesses for God (Volume 2 of 3)New Witnesses for God (Volume 2 of 3)The following work was begun twenty-two years ago, in England, when the author was in that land on a Mission, as assistant Editor of the Latter-day Saints' Millennial Star. It was the author's design then to make...
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The Philosophy of Natural TheologyThe Philosophy of Natural Theology - An Essay in confutation of the scepticism of the present dayThe Essay now published is the expansion of a thin volume by the present writer, which was printed more than four years ago.[1] Natural Theology, considered as a...
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Gli eretici d'Italia, vol. IIIGli eretici d'Italia, vol. III Per la solita altalena, a Pio V fu dato successore Ugo Buoncompagni bolognese, che volle chiamarsi Gregorio XIII. Arrendevole e clemente fin a scapito della giustizia, le inclinazioni sue mondane dovette reprimere a fronte della riforma morale, e a...
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Gli eretici d'Italia, vol. IIGli eretici d'Italia, vol. IIAlessandro Farnese avea studiato sotto Pomponio Leto, poi alla Corte dei Medici erasi formato nell'erudizione elegante e ne' facili costumi; parlava squisitamente italiano e latino, rifuggendo ogni frase che classica non fosse: amante delle belle arti, cominci in Roma il...
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Gli eretici d'Italia, vol. IGli eretici d'Italia, vol. I Ne' lavori storici, che formarono l'occupazione, la compiacenza e lo strazio della lunga mia carriera letteraria, sempre una gran parte ho assegnato alle religioni, persuaso non possa acquistarsi intero concetto dei tempi e degli uomini quando non si conosca...
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