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Bibelen, Det nye TestamenteBibelen, Det nye Testamente1. Jesu Kristi Davids Sns, Abrahams Sns, Slgtsbog. 2. Abraham avlede Isak; og Isak avlede Jakob; og Jakob avlede Juda og hans Brdre; 3. og Juda avlede Fares og Zara med Thamar; og Fares avlede Esrom; og Esrom avlede Aram; 4....
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The Bible, Old and New TestamentsBibeln, Gamla och Nya TestamentetEvangelium enligt Matteus Evangelium enligt Markus Evangelium enligt Lukas Evangelium enligt Johannes Apostlagrningarna Paulus' brev till romarna Paulus' frsta brev till korintierna Paulus' andra brev till korintierna Paulus' brev till galaterna Paulus' brev till efesierna Paulus' brev till filipperna Paulus'...
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A History of the Moravian ChurchA History of the Moravian Church For assistance in the preparation of this second edition, I desire herewith to express my obligations to several friends:To the late Rev. L. G. Hass, B.D., whose knowledge of Moravian history was profound, and who guided me safely...
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Crotchet CastleCrotchet CastleThomas Love Peacock was born at Weymouth in 1785. His first poem, The Genius of the Thames, was in its second edition when he became one of the friends of Shelley. That was in 1812, when Shelleys age was twenty, Peacocks twenty-seven. The...
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The Religion of Babylonia and AssyriaThe Religion of Babylonia and Assyria The original text contains a number of characters that are not available even in 8-bit Windows text, such as H with a breve below it in Hammurabi, S with a breve, S and T with a dot below...
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The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker & MissionaryThe Life of William Carey, Shoemaker & Missionary {Note from the preparer of this etext: I have had to insert a view comments mainly in regards to adjustments to fonts to allow for some of the characters in the Indian names; you will find...
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The American Republic: Its Constitution, Tendencies, and DestinyThe American Republic: Its Constitution, Tendencies, and Destiny In the volume which, with much diffidence, is here offered to the public, I have given, as far as I have considered it worth giving, my whole thought in a connected form on the nature, necessity,...
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The Unknown GuestThe Unknown Guest1 My Essay on Death[1] led me to make a conscientious enquiry into the present position of the great mystery, an enquiry which I have endeavoured to render as complete as possible. I had hoped that a single volume would be able...
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Legends of Babylon and Egypt in Relation to Hebrew TraditionLegends of Babylon and Egypt in Relation to Hebrew Tradition The beginning of the text is wanting, and the earliest lines preserved of the First Column open with the closing sentences of a speech, probably by the chief of the four creating deities, who...
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Dhammapada, a Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the BuddhistsDhammapada, a Collection of Verses; Being One of the Canonical Books of the Buddhists DHAMMAPADA Chapter I. The Twin-Verses Chapter II. On Earnestness Chapter III. Thought Chapter IV. Flowers Chapter V. The Fool Chapter VI. The Wise Man (Pandita) Chapter VII. The Venerable (Arhat)....
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Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and NoneThus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None Zarathustra is my brothers most personal work; it is the history of his most individual experiences, of his friendships, ideals, raptures, bitterest disappointments and sorrows. Above it all, however, there soars, transfiguring it, the image...
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The Crown of Thorns: A Token for the SorrowingThe Crown of Thorns: A Token for the Sorrowing One of the discourses in this volume"The Mission of Little Children"was written just after the death of a dear son, and was published in pamphlet form. The edition having become exhausted sooner than the demand,...
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Concerning Christian Liberty with Letter of Martin Luther to Pope Leo XConcerning Christian Liberty; with Letter of Martin Luther to Pope Leo X. Among those monstrous evils of this age with which I have now for three years been waging war, I am sometimes compelled to look to you and to call you to mind,...
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The Black-Bearded Barbarian : The Life of George Leslie Mackay of FormosaThe Black-Bearded Barbarian : The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa Up in the stony pasture-field behind the barn the boys had been working all the long afternoon. Nearly all, that is, for, being boys, they had managed to mix a good deal...
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PhilebusPhilebus The Philebus appears to be one of the later writings of Plato, in which the style has begun to alter, and the dramatic and poetical element has become subordinate to the speculative and philosophical. In the development of abstract thought great advances have...
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SophistSophist The dramatic power of the dialogues of Plato appears to diminish as the metaphysical interest of them increases (compare Introd. to the Philebus). There are no descriptions of time, place or persons, in the Sophist and Statesman, but we are plunged at once...
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Martin Luther's Large Catechism, translated by Bente and DauMartin Luther's Large Catechism, translated by Bente and DauPlease take a look at the important information in this header. We encourage you to keep this file on your own disk, keeping an electronic path open for the next readers. Do not remove this. We...
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ParmenidesParmenides The awe with which Plato regarded the character of 'the great' Parmenides has extended to the dialogue which he calls by his name. None of the writings of Plato have been more copiously illustrated, both in ancient and modern times, and in none...
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MenexenusMenexenus The Menexenus has more the character of a rhetorical exercise than any other of the Platonic works. The writer seems to have wished to emulate Thucydides, and the far slighter work of Lysias. In his rivalry with the latter, to whom in the...
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EryxiasEryxias Much cannot be said in praise of the style or conception of the Eryxias. It is frequently obscure; like the exercise of a student, it is full of small imitations of Plato:Phaeax returning from an expedition to Sicily (compare Socrates in the Charmides...
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