Public Domain
A Lecture on Stained GlassA Lecture on Stained GlassPublished at The Royal College of Art Students Common Room, South Kensington, S.W.7; and printed by George W. Jones at The Sign of The Dolphin in Gough Square, Fleet Street, London. Copyright. All Rights Reserved. My subject of Stained Glass...
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Captain Bill McDonald, Texas Ranger: A Story of Frontier ReformCaptain Bill McDonald, Texas Ranger: A Story of Frontier ReformMy dear Captain: I am glad you are to publish your memorials. I shall always look back with pleasure to our wolf-hunt in Oklahoma. Yours has been a most interesting life. You are one of...
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Engravers and EtchersEngravers and Etchers - Six Lectures Delivered on the Scammon Foundation at the Art Institute of Chicago, March 1916The lectures presented in this volume comprise the twelfth series delivered at the Art Institute of Chicago on the Scammon Foundation. The Scammon Lectureship is established...
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Heiraten: Zwanzig EhegeschichtenHeiraten: Zwanzig Ehegeschichten Deutsche Originalausgabe gleichzeitig mit der schwedischen Ausgabe unter Mitwirkung von Emil Schering als bersetzer vom Dichter selbst veranstaltet. Geschtzt durch die Gesetze und Vertrge. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Den Bhnen gegenber Manuskript. Copyright 1909 by Georg Mller Verlag, Mnchen. Gedruckt im Mnchner...
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"1914""1914" Gods Prisoner Rising Fortunes Our Lady of Deliverance A Princess of Vascovy John of Gerisau Under the Iron Flail Bondman Free Mr. Joseph Scorer Barbe of Grand Bayou A Weaver of Webs Hearts in Exile The Gate of the Desert White Fire Giant...
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La Guerre est morte: romanLa Guerre est morte: romanNon, je ne relirai pas ces notes. Je ne veux pas, mme en littrature, revivre cette journe invraisemblable. Lai-je vcue seulement? Ah! je ne sais plus. Jai souvenir davoir approch le crime et le gnie, et je suis sr davoir...
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The Life of the WeevilThe Life of the WeevilI have gathered into this volume the essays on Weevils contained in the Souvenirs entomologiques, lest I should swell unduly the number of volumes devoted to Beetles, of which there will be three in all, or four if we include...
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Battle for the StarsBattle for the StarsYou made your decision. You threw a ship, a hundred men, your officers, your friends, your own Commander's badge you threw them all down on the gamble. But when the stakes were stars.... Kirk's palms itched. If they were running into...
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Szerelem (2. kötet)Szerelem (2. kötet) - Móricz Zsigmond egyfelvonásosai(A kertnek egy igen kicsiny rszlete. Csupn annyi, amennyit a szzados nagy hrsfa betakar. A nagy fa gai elnyulnak szlesen s alatta egy kerti asztal, hrom kerti szk s egy lca van. Magas bokrok kertik a kisded trt....
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Szerelem (1. kötet)Szerelem (1. kötet) - Móricz Zsigmond egyfelvonásosai(Mind a ketten paraszt lakodalmi ruhban vannak. A Mari fejn olcs menyasszonyi ftyol, csinlt mirtussal. Fehr ruhban van, amelyen -10- nagy srfoltok ltszanak. Ktsgbeesve nzi, mi trtnt a ruhjval, simtgatja magt.) Mikor egy koront fizettem minden mterrt! A...
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The Autobiography of Upton SinclairThe Autobiography of Upton SinclairAll through my seventy-one years of writing lifeI started at thirteenI have had from my readers suggestions that I should tell my own story. When I was halfway through those writing years I accepted the suggestion and wrote a book...
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Les fleurs animées - Tome 2Les fleurs animées - Tome 2Au carrefour dune fort, lendroit do partent quatre routes diffrentes, plusieurs Fleurs se rencontrrent, parmi lesquelles on remarquait le Pois de Senteur, le Cactus, la Fleur de Pcher, le Dahlia, la Sensitive, la Fuchsie, la Pervenche. Il fut rsolu...
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Coasting BohemiaCoasting BohemiaMany of the papers which give to the present volume its title first appeared in the columns of the Daily Telegraph, and are here reprinted by the courteous permission of the proprietors of that journal. A portion of the essay on Burne-Jones was...
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Portrait of a Man with Red Hair: A Romantic MacabrePortrait of a Man with Red Hair: A Romantic Macabre It is appropriate, in a way, that I should give you this book when so much of it was written under your roof. It is a romance, and this has not been, during the...
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Mazaroffin murhajuttuMazaroffin murhajuttuI. Herra Mazaroff. II. Lehtokurpan majatalo. III. Kadoksissa. IV. Nuoruuden vapaamuurariutta. V. Ainoa uskottu. VI. Herra Crole Bedford Rowin varrelta. VII. Muistolevy. VIII. Majatalon isnnn pyssy. IX. Kapkaupungin postileima. X. Yorkilainen asianajaja. XI. Poliisien otaksuma. XII. Salakirjoituksinen kirje. XIII. Timanttimaailma. XIV. Bond-kadun jalokivikauppias....
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GedigteGedigte(In 1837 is te Petrossa n skat ontdek, bestaande uit gou bekers, met edelgesteente beset. Die bekers moet uit verskillende lande afkomstig wees, blijkens die opskrifte. Die skat dateer uit die Europese volksverhuising, en bestaat uit die roof van Europa, die tribuut, wat een...
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Victor Hugo à vingt ans: Glanes romantiquesVictor Hugo à vingt ans: Glanes romantiquesElles ont trouv place par extraits dans le tome premier de la Correspondance de Victor Hugo[1] et ont fourni M. Louis Belton, avocat Blois, matire une fort attachante tude: Victor Hugo et son Pre, le gnral Hugo Blois[2]. Publie...
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Stepping WestwardStepping WestwardThe wayside hedgerow, gay with its autumn tints, stretched its undulating length beside the rather stony lane that wound upwards from the high road, and lost itself amid a multiplicity of sheep-tracks on the down. It was one of those mild days that...
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Tied Up for TombstoneTied Up for TombstoneLodestone wiggles his ears, kicks at a hoss-fly, narrowly missing my head, and looks with sad eyes down at the city of Piperock. Then he goes to sleep. Which shows that a burro aint got no finer feelings. We been away...
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Modern Essays and StoriesModern Essays and Stories - A book to awaken appreciation of modern prose, and to develop ability and originality in writingThe plowman, near at hand, Whistles o'er the furrowed land, And the milkmaid singeth blithe.... Why? Simply because they are happy; because they are...
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