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Közép-ázsiai utazásKözép-ázsiai utazásHogy mi lehetett azon vgy, mely a Bosporus bjos partjairl Kzp-zsia rmsges pusztira vezetett: VIII. honfitrsaim tlem bizonyosan nem fogjk krdezni. Lehetnek olyanok, kik megfelejtkezve ezen utamra szksgelt 10 vi elkszletrl, szmba sem vve a killott veszlyeket s nlklzseket, melyeket elre ismertem, mindent...
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The prey of the strongestThe prey of the strongest Of all the men I worked with on the Canadian Pacific Railroad in the Kicking Horse Pass and on the Shushwap, when you and men like you were hustling to put it through, I am not, nowadays, in touch...
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Darwin's biologische meesterwerken v. 4De afstamming van den mensch en de seksueele teeltkeus (deel 1 van 2)Aard der bewijzen, die betrekking hebben op s menschen oorsprong.Gelijkvormigheid van maaksel bij den mensch en de lagere diersoorten.Verschillende punten van overeenstemming.Ontwikkeling.Rudimentaire organen, spieren, zintuigen, haar, geslachtsdeelen, enz.Het gewicht van deze drie...
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Drawing in charcoal and crayon for the use of students and schoolsDrawing in charcoal and crayon for the use of students and schoolsIn learning to draw, charcoal is the most available material that can be used, as, with it, large and striking effects are so easily and quickly produced, while it is also adapted to...
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Australian Fairy TalesAustralian Fairy TalesThe Stories in this little book have been set down almost in the same words in which they were told. How the telling of them came about is a very simple matter. Having three children, each of whom loved a Fairy Tale,...
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Lafitte, a play in prologue and four actsLafitte, a play in prologue and four actsMAN. He is worse: he is a poseur. You know very well that a girls admiration is always captured by such a tale of heroism as he has been at pains to have circulated. MAN. An absurd...
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DefinitionDefinitionIt is a truism that a human being can get used to very nearly everything. The hardy Eskimo, lying belly-down on a plain of ice that stretched unbroken to the sky, probably spent little of his time in meditating upon the vastness and inscrutability...
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The Chinese Exclusion ActThe Chinese Exclusion Act - Report and Resolutions Adopted by the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New Yorkby a letter addressed to Mr. A. A. Low, a member of the Chamber, by Mr. C. P. Huntington, also a member, and by Mr....
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Les aventures du capitaine MagonLes aventures du capitaine Magon - ou une exploration phénicienne mille ans avant l'ère chrétienneLa bannire bleue. Aventures dun musulman, dun chrtien et dun paen lpoque des croisades et de la conqute mongole. 1 vol in-8 jsus avec 73 gravures daprs J. Lix, et...
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BlindfoldBlindfoldEllen Sydneys first garden in the Meadowburns new American home had made a fair beginning. She was at work one afternoon bending over the bed of sweet peas, hooking the baby tendrils to the wire mesh of the frame, with an occasional pat of...
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Gereformeerde dogmatiek. Vierde deelGereformeerde dogmatiek. Vierde deel1. De gemeenschap dergenen, die Christus en zne weldaden deelachtig zn, draagt den naam van de kerk. In strikten zin is er daarom van deze alleen binnen de grenzen van het Christendom sprake. Maar dat neemt toch niet weg, dat er,...
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The Trevor caseThe Trevor caseA faint, very faint scratching noise broke the stillness. Then a hand was thrust through the hole in the window pane; deftly the burglar alarm was disconnected, and the fingers fumbled with the catch of the window. The sash was pushed gently...
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Petsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan: MatkakuvausPetsamhon valaskaloja onkimhan. Ei siin kauan noukka tuhissu ku Jaakkoo lhti. Tuttuja mihi. Joukkue jrjestyy ja matka alkaa. Kemijrvelt Pelkosennimelle. Tukkikmpll. Vesikevarista seljllns Askahan. Lapin kuningas ja Saukosken keisari. Vil vh Kaalepista ja sitte autolla Sorankylhn. Retkue saapuu Sorankylhn. Karhuntappajia ja...
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The village labourer, 1760-1832The village labourer, 1760-1832 - A study in the government of England before the Reform BillMany histories have been written of the governing class that ruled England with such absolute power during the last century of the old rgime. Those histories have shown how...
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Die kurschsischen Postmeilensulen beim 200jhrigen Bestehen Heimatschutzgedanken in Gottfried Kellers Dichtungen Die Kirche zu den Vierzehn Nothelfern auf der Kahlenhhe bei Reichstdt Um Juchhh und Windberg Wanderbilder aus den Grenzgebieten...
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The private life of Henry Maitland: A record dictated by J. HThe private life of Henry Maitland: A record dictated by J. H. This book was dictated by J.H. mostly in my presence, and I consider it well worth publishing. No doubt Henry Maitland is not famous, though since his death much has been written...
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Cape-CodditiesCape CodditiesThese essaysthumbnail sketches of Cape Codshould not be taken as a serious attempt to describe the Cape or to delineate its people. They merely express a perennial enthusiasm for this summer holiday land, to-day the playground of thousands of Americans, three hundred years...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 6, May, 1836The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 6, May, 1836CRITICAL NOTICES SPAIN REVISITED: by Lieutenant Slidell SALLUST'S JUGURTHINE WAR, AND CONSPIRACY OF CATILINE: by Charles Anthon PARIS AND THE PARISIANS IN 1835: by Frances Trollope A LIFE OF WASHINGTON: by James K. Paulding DIDACTICSSOCIAL,...
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Angel: A sketch in Indian inkAngel: A sketch in Indian inkIt was the middle of March in the North-West Provinces, and the hot weather had despatched several heralds to Ramghur, announcing its imminent approach. Punkahs were swinging lazily in barrack rooms, the annual ice notice had made a round...
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