Public Domain
Terrible Tractoration, and Other PoemsTerrible Tractoration, and Other PoemsIn submitting the present edition of the following poem, entitled Terrible Tractoration, to the American public, the author complies not only with solicitations of personal friends, but with expressed wishes of many gentlemen to whom he is personally a stranger....
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It's Raining Frogs!It's Raining Frogs!"We shall pick up an existence by its frogs.... Wise men have tried other ways. They have tried to understand our state of being, by grasping at its stars, or its arts, or its economics. But, if there is an underlying oneness...
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The Life of Reverend David Brainerd, Chiefly Extracted from His DiaryThe Life of Rev. David Brainerd, Chiefly Extracted from His DiaryThere is one thing, easily discernible in the life of Brainerd, which by many may be considered an objection to the extraordinary evidences of his religion and devotion, viz. that he was, by his...
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Base-ball BalladsBase-ball Ballads(A big advance order is now in for Christy Matthewsons forthcoming volume on baseball; John L. Sullivan is at work upon a romance of the ring, of which he is the hero; Battling Nelson has just closed up a comfortable wad upon his...
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The Old OnesThe Old OnesDr. Warner didn't usually burst into Dr. Farrar's office. Usually he paced slowly up the hospital corridor, pulling down his glistening white lastijac uniform, meditating on all the mistakes he might have made during the past week, reluctantly turning the knob on...
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Kummastuneet kasvotKummastuneet kasvotMenin aamulla Herran ehtoolliselle, koska niin tahdoin, ilman toivomuksia; min koetin; tuntui niin tyhjlt pssni, sydmessni, siell oli kirkas ja suloinen tyhjyys, ja min toistin: Herra, minulla ei ole suuta, ei ksi, ei katsetta, ei lmp; katso, olen edesssi kuin ilmoihin kohoava kevyt...
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Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914Anthology of Magazine Verse for 1914The Masses Edmond McKenna Boston News Bureau. Bartholomew F. Griffin Infantry Journal E. Sutton Smart Set Ruth Comfort Mitchell Boston Transcript Percy MacKaye The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters ... and shall be chased before...
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The Boston cooking-school cook bookThe Boston cooking-school cook bookBut for life the universe were nothing; and all that has life requires nourishment. With the progress of knowledge the needs of the human body have not been forgotten. During the last decade much time has been given by scientists...
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Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare: Twelve EssaysWit, Humor, and Shakspeare: Twelve EssaysThis subject is best reached from the point of reflecting that, of all the animals, man alone appears to be capable of laughter. If, as so many naturalists now claim, man has ascended by successive evolutions of varieties from...
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Le temple enseveliLe temple enseveliJe parle pour ceux qui ne croient pas lexistence dun Juge unique, tout-puissant et infaillible, qui, pench jour et nuit sur nos penses, nos sentiments et nos actions, maintient la justice en ce monde et la complte ailleurs. Sil ny a pas...
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Old Greek EducationOld Greek Education 1. We hear it often repeated that human nature is the same at all times and in all places; and this is urged at times and places where it is so manifestly false that we feel disposed peremptorily to deny it...
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Keisarinna ElisabetKeisarinna Elisabet "Olet luonnolta saanut erinomaiset lahjat, ja Sinulla on jalo luonne. Mutta et kykene laskeutumaan ympristsi kannalle. Et voi taipua olosuhteiden valtaan. Kuulut toiseen aikaan kuin meidn." Syyskuun 9 pivn 1888 vietettiin Wittelsbachin ruhtinassuvussa harvinaista juhlaa. Maksimilian Josef, Wittelsbachin suvun Vorphalz-Zweibrcken-Birkenfeldin haaran pmies,...
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Amerikanskt: Som emigrant till AmerikaAmerikanskt: Som emigrant till Amerika Det brjade i Kpenhamn p Skandinavien-Amerikalinjens kontor nere vid hamnen. Dr var frsta stationen p resan ver havet, och alla tredjeklasspassagerare voro beordrade att infinna sig fr lkarbesiktning dagen fre btens avgng. Och dr sutto och stodo vi i...
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A báróné ténsasszony: RegényA báróné ténsasszony: RegényTolnai Lajos a hetvenes vekben feltnt rk kzt a legnagyobb tehetsgnek mutatkozott. Kt pspk tmogatta, Szkcs s Trk Pl, a mely utbbi, mikor a papi vizsgt letette, maga mellett tartotta kplnnak, s azonfell tanr lett a reformtus fgymnziumban. Robusztus ers ember...
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Muistelmia hyönteismaailmasta: Kuvauksia hyönteisten tavoista ja vaistostaMuistelmia hyönteismaailmasta: Kuvauksia hyönteisten tavoista ja vaistostaPitkt puheet eivt kuvaa niin tarkasti ja niin sattuvasti Jean Henri Fabrea, ranskalaista hynteistieteilij kuin edell olevat hnen maanmiehens muutamat sanat. J.H. Fabre oli todellakin tiedemies, filosofi, taiteilija ja runoilija. Hnen terv tieteilijsilmns nki ja seurasi kaikkea, mit...
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Meet Me in TomorrowMeet Me in TomorrowThe gravel road wound its way through quiet country fields cloaked in the fresh green of early summer. Andy Pearce watched it with expectant eyes and the odd feeling that it was winding up within him like twine, making an ever-growing...
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Conseils à un Jeune Homme pauvre qui vient faire de la littérature à ParisConseils à un Jeune Homme pauvre qui vient faire de la littérature à ParisO jeune homme qui viens faire de la littrature Paris, qui as peu dargent et pour la premire fois apparais la gare dOrsay, arrte. Il est temps encore. Tu pourrais, ayant...
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La pace domestica L'elisir di lunga vita La borsa: Racconti sceltiLa pace domestica; L'elisir di lunga vita; La borsa: Racconti scelti Abbiamo gi dato la biografia di Balzac, allorquando si pubblicarono i volumi contenenti Mercadet l'affarista, Il lutto, Fisiologia del matrimonio, Gl'impiegati. Quale prefazione a questo volume che si sta pubblicando, il quale contiene...
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Brief for the higher education of the negroBrief for the higher education of the negroRidicule and contempt have characterized the habitual attitude of the American mind toward the Negros higher strivings. The African was brought to this country for the purpose of performing manual and menial labor. His bodily powers alone...
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The Evolution Theory, Vol. 2 of 2The Evolution Theory, Vol. 2 of 2Budding and divisionEvery theory of regeneration in the meantime only provisional, a mere 'portmanteau theory'Regeneration not a primary characterVolvoxHydraVital affinitiesPlanariansHeteromorphosesEnemies of Hydroid-coloniesRegeneration in PlantsIn AmphibiansIn EarthwormsDifferent degrees of regenerative capacity according to the liability of the part to...
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