Public Domain
L'imageL'imageLe repas finissait, la salle autour de nous se vidait peu peu. Sur un air de harpe lointain, un concert d'ambulants qui montait affaibli de l'extrmit de la rue, dfilaient les longues Anglaises tte chevaline, les clergymens onctueux et boutonns, les alpinistes dsinvoltes et...
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Mathematische Geographie für LehrerbildungsanstaltenMathematische Geographie für LehrerbildungsanstaltenNach dem Erscheinen der ministeriellen Bestimmungen vom 1. Juli 1901 erschien es mir klar, da eine neue Auflage der von mir im Jahre 1898 umgearbeiteten Mathematischen Geographie von Lorch sich nicht mit dem Ausmerzen und Verbessern einiger Mngel und Versehen begngen...
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Les demoiselles Goubert: moeurs de ParisLes demoiselles Goubert: mœurs de ParisLa lumire cuivre de la lampe s'plore vers la tapisserie et ses fleurages d'or, le glac des toffes chres, les cadres tincelants des miroirs. Sur le dsordre des choses, un silencieux effroi, un recueillement d'attente. Alors le docteur se...
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The Little Review, July 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 5)The Little Review, July 1914 (Vol. 1, No. 5) There seems to be a kind of renaissance of motherhood in the air. Ellen Key has just done a book with that title which has come to us too late to be reviewed adequately in...
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Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 3 (of 3)Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 3 (of 3) They deplored the death of poor Mr. Quail; but their blood was too much "up," to use a common phrase, and their own peril was too imminent, to permit them indulging in the...
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Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 2 (of 3)Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 2 (of 3) "I can't give you iced champagne, as in the gardens at Rio; but the steward has bitter beer, beaujolais, and potash water, with grog for you, Morrison, which I know you prefer; and...
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Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 1 (of 3)Morley Ashton: A Story of the Sea. Volume 1 (of 3) It was the evening of one of the last days of spring, when that delightful season is blending with the approaching summer, and when the sun was setting on one of those green...
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The Happy Hunting-GroundsThe Happy Hunting-GroundsThere is a universal saying to the effect that it is when men are off in the wilds that they show themselves as they really are. As is the case with the majority of proverbs there is much truth in it, for...
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Told at twilight storiesNibble Rabbit Makes More FriendsYou remember all the funny things Nibble heard about Man from the guests who came to his Storm Party. That was the time the Big Hollow Oak blew down, and the brave little bunny who lived at Doctor Muskrats Pond...
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A Description of a New-Invented Stove-GrateA Description of a New-Invented Stove-Grate - Shewing Its Uses and Advantages Over All Others, Both in Point of Expence, and Every Purpose of a Chamber FireAnd ever since the Duty laid upon Coals, the Article of Fire has been so very expensive in...
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Out of the Dark NebulaOut of the Dark NebulaFive thousand green space-cadets, manning the mighty Albion on their shake-down cruise, heard that grim message from HQ: "War with Xantu! Return immediately to Terra Base!" Which posed a problem ... for lurking in starry battleground, somewhere between Earth and...
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Captive of the CentaurianessCaptive of the CentaurianessThe hero is the child of his times, in that his milieu furnishes him with motives and means, and yet the hero seizes the time and shapes it as he will. And he remains an enigma to his contemporaries and to...
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G. F. WattsG. F. WattsThe Photogravures are from photographs by Fredk. Hollyer. Permanent photographs of works of Watts, Rossetti, Burne-Jones, Holbein, and of pictures in the Dublin and Hague Galleries can be obtained of Fredk. Hollyer, 9 Pembroke Square, Kensington. GEORGE FREDERICK WATTS was born on...
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Dateline: MarsDateline: MarsScott Warren snapped off the vision screen and sat down in front of his typewriter. Through the glass side of the building he could see the lights of the celebrations whose sounds he had just silenced. He lighted a cigarette and started to...
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Lake of FireLake of FireSteve found the mirror in the great northwestern desert. It was lying half-buried in the sand, and the wind howled in fury over it, and when he bent to pick it up the sun smote him like a shining blade, dividing his...
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Open InvitationOpen InvitationWithout waiting for an answer, he made his way to the row of shallow mud tubs before the television screen. The operators aimed eyestalks at each other. Finally, Yado Nol-Moz, as junior, rose and went to the wall controls of the conditioner. Which...
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The Secret Chart or, Treasure Hunting in HaytiThe Secret Chart; or, Treasure Hunting in HaytiTwo sailors and an old colored steward remained below to escape an unnecessary wetting, and the fifty-ton beauty tugged at the cable as if trying to escape from her moorings before her caretakers should be aware of...
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The most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, on Salisbury PlainThe most notable Antiquity of Great Britain, vulgarly called Stone-Heng, on Salisbury Plain - Restored by Inigo Jones Esquire, Architect Generall to the late KingTHis Discourse of Stone-heng is moulded off, and cast into a rude Form, from some few indigested notes of the...
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The platinum metalsThe platinum metalsThe Mineral Resources Committee of the Imperial Institute has arranged for the issue of this series of Monographs on Mineral Resources in amplification and extension of those which have appeared in the Bulletin of the Imperial Institute during the past fifteen years....
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Les gens de théâtreLes gens de théâtreLe temps n'est plus Dieu merci o les comdiens se voyaient frapps d'une proscription brutale qui ne s'arrtait mme pas devant une tombe. Ces planches que l'intolrance feignait de prendre pour des trteaux, trop de noms illustres les ont glorifies pour...
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