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Black'erchief DickBlack'erchief DickIN THE sense of requiring elucidation or apology, this novel needs no introduction. The young lady who wrote it about two years ago, when she was eighteen, has already abandoned this work to publishers and other grown-ups, and with admirable professional good sense,...
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A Winter of ContentA Winter of ContentA small, rocky island in a lake, a canoe paddling away across the blue water, a woman standing on a narrow strip of beach, looking after it. I was the woman left on the shore, the canoe held my companions of...
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Scritti politiciScritti politici Un obbligo mi corre di delicata onest nel dar fuori questo primo Volume delle Opere dell'egregio Terenzio Mamiani: ed , che questo aver dato principio alla collezione di esse dagli Scritti politici, avvenuto contro il primo concetto formatosi e contro la prima...
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Canoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and EvergladesCanoemates: A Story of the Florida Reef and Everglades"Really, mother, it doesn't seem as though I could stand it any longer! Life in this place isn't worth living, especially when it's a life of poverty, and what people call 'genteel poverty,' as ours is....
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The Plague of Lust, Vol. 1 (of 2)The Plague of Lust, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Being a History of Venereal Disease in Classical AntiquityIf we would undertake to write the history of a Disease, the very first thing needful is to frame in ones own mind a clear conception of...
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A Discourse on Trade, and Other Matters Relative to itA Discourse on Trade, and Other Matters Relative to itOf Trade in general: Of the Trade of England: OfHusbandry, Feeding, Tillage,Corn, Fruit, Fish, Minerals,Trees, Manufactures, Sheep-Wool,Cotton-Wool, Hempand Flax: Glass, Earthen-Ware,Silk, Distilling: Thegreat Advantages of a universalNational Bankdemonstrated: Sugar-baking, Tobacco,Tanning, Clock-Work, Paper-Mills, Powder-Mills:Method to improve...
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The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 3 of 3)The Impending Sword: A Novel (Vol. 3 of 3)'You wish to see me,' she said, advancing towards him, and placing her cold hand in his; 'you have bad tidings, and you hesitate to tell me; you need not be afraid--directly your arrival was announced...
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The Patchwork PapersThe Patchwork PapersSome eight of these papers appear in print for the first time. For those which have been published before, my thanks are due to the Editors of The Onlooker and The Ladies Field for permission to reprint. Here are my Patchwork Papers...
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The Fly Leaf, No. 1, Vol. 1, December 1895The Fly Leaf, No. 1, Vol. 1, December 1895 - A Pamphlet Periodical of the New—the New Man, New Woman, New Ideas, Whimsies and ThingsPublished monthly. Single copies 10 cents; subscription, $1.00 a year. Subscriptions to be made payable to W. B. Harte, 269...
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Mary LeeMary LeeIt seems to have been a great year in the history books. Fires of revolution sweeping over Europe; half the capitals aflame. From Prague to Palermo, from Paris to Pesth, the peoples rising against their rulers. Wars and rumours of wars; civil strife...
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Savolainen soittaja: RomaaniSavolainen soittaja: RomaaniHeinjrvi, yksi Pohjois-Savon pienimmist jrvist, saapi vetens "taivahan teit" myten: lumihiutaleina ja vesipisaroina. Siin ei ole avarampaa vett, selk, ainoastaan kolme lahdelmaa. Etelisin nist, Etellahti, on suurin, ja sen kahden puolen ovat kyln huomattavimmat talot ja niiden pellot. Toinen lahdelma on luodetta,...
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Kaappaajan kynsissä: RomaaniKaappaajan kynsissä: RomaaniI. Ensiminen. II. Toinen. III. Kolmisin. IV. Malaytan lhetyssaarnaaja. V. Keksint ja torpedovene. VI. Hyv ja harvinaista urheilua. VII. Suuren nostoranan takana. VIII. Viimeisess hetkess. IX. Laittomien liitto. X. "Hai". XI. Sodanjulistus. XII. Englannin meriministeriss. XIII. Kapteeni Sullivanin kertomus. XIV. Vaara ilmasta....
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The Dogs and the FleasThe Dogs and the Fleas - By One of the DogsHenry Ward Beecher, in a sermon shortly before his death, said America was going through a period of disgrace. This was true; for there had come to pass, what the prophetic Lincoln had foretold,...
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A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 5, Oct. 1811-Aug. 31, 1812A History of the Peninsular War, Vol. 5, Oct. 1811-Aug. 31, 1812 - Valencia, Ciudad Rodrigo, Badajoz, Salamanca, MadridIn this volume Wellingtons campaigning in 1812 is followed no further than the day (August 31st) on which he set out from Madrid to drive back...
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Le livre du faulconLe livre du faulconPour faire passer temps aux seigneurs dames escuiers et damoiselles qui voulentiers oyent parler du deduyt de chiens/ d'oyseaulx et d'amours J'ay entreprins mettre par escript ung cas puis certain temps advenu en france de deux gracieux amoureux. C'est assavoir ung...
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Le trésor des équivoques, antistrophes, ou contrepéteriesLe trésor des équivoques, antistrophes, ou contrepéteriesLe malheureux, sans le savoir,comme M. Jourdain faisait de la prose,et surtout sans le vouloir, venait de commettre une contrepterie intempestive. Elle obtint, auprs du public, le franc succs d'hilarit que l'on pense; mais le triste hros de...
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Billy TomorrowBilly To-morrowAS Billy Bennett wheeled around the corner he saw his mother in the doorway. Also he saw Jean Hammond across the street speaking with Bess Carter,the Queen of Sheba, the children called her, she was so large and dark and handsome, and had...
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The Collector's Guide, No. 17, January 1940The Collector's Guide, No. 17, January 1940 - A monthly periodical devoted to first editions, Americana, autographs, old newspapers and magazines, sheet music, playbills, dime novels, current auction prices, etc.A Monthly Periodical Devoted to First Editions, Americana, Autographs, Old Newspapers and Magazines, Sheet Music,...
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Milwaukee Public Museum. Popular science handbook series, no. 7Kachina DollsOur Southwest is a veritable treasure chest of interesting things made by clever Indian craftsmen. Here and there, at Indian trading posts or Indian roadside stands along the way, among the rugs, sashes, pottery, and silver and turquoise jewelry, you will find Kachina...
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The Art and the Romance of Indian BasketryThe Art and the Romance of Indian Basketry - Clark Field Collection, Philbrook Art Center, Tulsa, 1964The purpose that a foreword serves to the reading public is ostensibly to express its writers endorsement of the material presented and of the mode of treatment. In...
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