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Lappalaisten uskontoLappalaisten uskontoPohjan perill, miss talvi kauan viihtyy jineen ja lumineen, valjuine kuutamoineen ja roihuavine revontulineen, mutta kes valoisine ineen on vain lyhytaikainen vieras, on lappalaisten laaja kotimaa. Heidn harvaanasuttu asuma-alueensa ulottuu suurena kaarena Trondhjemin seuduilta lnness itn Vienanmerelle asti, jakaantuen Norjan, Ruotsin, Suomen ja...
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Heliogabalus: A Buffoonery in Three ActsHeliogabalus: A Buffoonery in Three ActsIn its present form this play is dedicated to the reading public only, and no performances of it may be given without the permission of the authors who may be addressed in care of the publisher. Any piracy or...
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The Young Pilgrim: A Tale Illustrative of "The Pilgrim's Progress"The Young Pilgrim: A Tale Illustrative of "The Pilgrim's Progress"It may perhaps be necessary to give a brief explanation of the object of this little work. It has been written as a Childs Companion to the Pilgrims Progress. That invaluable work is frequently put...
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London and Its Environs Described, vol. 6 (of 6)London and Its Environs Described, vol. 6 (of 6) - Containing an Account of Whatever is Most Remarkable for Grandeur, Elegance, Curiosity or Use, in the City and in the Country Twenty Miles Round It Those with this mark generally derived their name from...
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Too Many EggsToo Many EggsCoxe, an unusually phlegmatic citizen, came to buy the new refrigerator in the usual fashion. He was looking for a bargain. It was the latest model, fresh from the new production line in Los Angeles, and was marked down considerably below standard....
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History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 5 (of 8)History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin, Vol. 5 (of 8)This is the tenth volume of the History of the Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, and the fifth of the Second Series. The first series described the history of that...
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Horse SecretsHorse SecretsDr. A. S. Alexander, the writer and compiler of Horse Secrets, has had upward of 25 years experience in matters pertaining to agriculture, horse breeding, veterinary science, press writing and teaching. He was the author of the first stallion service legislation and inspection...
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Het Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 04: De InsectenHet Leven der Dieren, Deel 3, Hoofdstuk 04: De InsectenDe bonte Vlinders, de vlijtige Mieren, de lastige Vliegen, de lichtschuwe Duizendpooten, de kunstig wevende Spinnen en een onnoemelijk aantal andere dieren, die aan de genoemde zeer nauw verwant zijn, vormen de hoofdafdeeling, op welker...
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La Guerre du Feu: Roman des âges farouchesLa Guerre du Feu: Roman des âges farouchesLes Oulhamr fuyaient dans la nuit pouvantable. Fous de souffrance et de fatigue, tout leur semblait vain devant la calamit suprme: le Feu tait mort. Ils l'levaient dans trois cages, depuis l'origine de la horde; quatre femmes...
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The Woman in the BazaarThe Woman in the BazaarSummer-time at Under-edge compensated, in a measure, for the trials and severities of winter--for winter could be grim and cruel in the isolated little Cotswold village approached by roads that were almost perpendicular. Why such a spot should ever have...
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The Man Who FlewThe Man Who FlewKeller turned away from the window dismally. His conscience was bothering him, and it affected his every movement. Looking over his humbly furnished office, he entertained the thought, not for the first time, that he should change jobs if he wanted...
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Poussières de ParisPoussières de ParisEt cet amant fervent de la vie, de la vie avec ses joies et ses douleurs, dont il a rendu les plus fugitives nuances, vient de mourir, peine g de quarante ans. Cette anne 98 la emport, comme elle en a emport...
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The Sea Road to the East, Gibraltar to Wei-hai-weiThe Sea Road to the East, Gibraltar to Wei-hai-wei - Six Lectures Prepared for the Visual Instruction Committee of the Colonial OfficeThese lectures each had a set of associated slides, a complete list of which can be found on pages 117124 at the end...
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AustralasiaAustralasia - Eight Lectures Prepared for the Visual Instruction Committee of the Colonial OfficeThese lectures each had a set of associated slides, a complete list of which can be found on pages 143152 at the end of the book. These slide sets were sold...
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Oxford medical publicationsThe Surgery of the Skull and BrainThis work on the Surgery of the Skull and Brain is based on experience derived, and on research carried out, during the past ten years. Cranio-Cerebral Surgery, though still in its infancy, has progressed with leaps and bounds...
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GertrudGertrudWenn ich, von auen her, ber mein Leben weg schaue, sieht es nicht besonders glcklich aus. Doch darf ich es noch weniger unglcklich heien, trotz aller Irrtmer. Es ist am Ende auch ganz tricht, so nach Glck und Unglck zu fragen, denn mir scheint,...
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The Outlaws of Cave-in-RockThe Outlaws of Cave-in-Rock - Historical Accounts of the Famous Highwaymen and River PiratesLike the original book, this eBook encloses Bibliography references in square brackets. Footnote references are not enclosed, and are shown superscripted in a smaller font when such notations are supported. Please...
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The Library of Scandinavian LiteratureThe King's Mirror (Speculum regale-Konungs skuggsjá)Son. The last time that I had a talk with you, sire, I heard a wise speech from your lips, one that should profit every man who intends to follow the craft with which our conversation was concerned. Since...
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Cultural ExchangeCultural ExchangeSecond Secretary Magnan took his green-lined cape and orange-feathered beret from the clothes tree. "I'm off now, Retief," he said. "I hope you'll manage the administrative routine during my absence without any unfortunate incidents." "I don't appreciate frivolity with reference to this Division,"...
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