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Boys' Make-at-Home ThingsBoys' Make-at-Home ThingsMake-At-Home-Things for Boys aims to keep boys busy and entertained. It furnishes them with simple directions for making toys and useful articles, all of which are carefully pictured. The aim of the book, is to give boys an idea of the craft...
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Harper's Round Table, February 2, 1897Harper's Round Table, February 2, 1897Jenks, the master-at-arms, otherwise known as Jimmylegs, was the best Jimmylegs in the naval service of the United States. His countenance was usually as stolid as a mummy's, and his voice as steady as the Sphinx's might have been....
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Astronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's PrinciplesAstronomy Explained Upon Sir Isaac Newton's Principles - And made easy to those who have not studied mathematicsThis book uses a number of astronomical symbols, including signs of the Zodiac (, , , , , , , , , , , ), and symbols...
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Fragments d'épopées romanes du XIIe siècleFragments d'épopées romanes du XIIe siècle - traduits et annotés par Edward le Glay5 Toute littrature commence par la posie: singulire destine dont l'explication importe peu ici, mais qu'il faut signaler pourtant, ne ft-ce que pour constater l'origine toujours antique, toujours mystrieuse de cette...
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The Rise and Fall of ProhibitionThe Rise and Fall of Prohibition - The Human Side of What the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act Have Done to the United StatesThanks are also due the editor of Harpers Magazine, for his kind permission to include portions of E.S. Martins article,...
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De la mer aux VosgesDe la mer aux VosgesLes pages qui suivent nont pas la prtention dtre un chapitre dhistoire; nous navons jamais cherch expliquer, commenter, ni mme comprendre les vnements militaires auxquels nous avons pu nous trouver mls et qui nous dpassent singulirement. Et nous ne nous...
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A Ride through Syria to Damascus and Baalbec, and ascent of Mount HermonA Ride through Syria to Damascus and Baalbec, and ascent of Mount HermonOur Ride through Palestine did not exhaust our enthusiasm for the East; we were not, as some travellers have been, disappointed with The Holy Land, because we did not expect to find...
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Rat in the SkullRat in the SkullSome people will be shocked by this story. Others will be deeply moved. Everyone who reads it will be talking about it. Read the first four pages: then put it down if you can. Dr. Joseph MacNare was not the sort...
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Lover and Husband: A NovelLover and Husband: A NovelLONDON in September. A dull, close, airless day. The streets would have been dusty enough too, no doubt, had there been a breath to stir the dust, which one felt instinctively, was lying there in masses, ready on the slightest...
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A Maid in ArcadyA Maid in ArcadyThe clear water of the little river, in which the willows were mirrored quiveringly, shallowed where a tiny bar of silver-white sand thrust the ripples aside. Thus confined, the stream sulked for a moment in a deep, pellucid pool, and then,...
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The Teenie Weenies in the WildwoodThe Teenie Weenies in the WildwoodThe Teenie Weenies had known for some time that a tribe of tiny wild men lived in a big swamp many teenie weenie miles from the shoe house. Field mice and birds had carried the news of these strange...
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 15Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 15UVRES COMPLTES DE G U Y D E M A U P A S S A N T LA PRSENTE DITION DES UVRES COMPLTES DE GUY DE MAUPASSANT A T TIRE PAR LIMPRIMERIE NATIONALE EN VERTU...
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Punasydän eli Metsien kummitus: Kertomus Pohjois-Amerikan YhdysvalloistaPunasydän eli Metsien kummitus: Kertomus Pohjois-Amerikan YhdysvalloistaErn iltapivn loimusi aika nuotio Dakota-intiaanien leiriss vuolaasti virtaavan puron oikealla rannalla. Lhell olevalle tasangolle kokoontuivat kohta kaikki kyln miehet. Alipllikt ja merkittvimmt sotilaat asettuivat ympyrn nuotion ymprille ja tuijottivat synkin katsein tuleen. Ei kukaan uskaltanut lausua sanaakaan;...
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Satellite PassageSatellite PassageThe three men bent over the chart and once again computed the orbit. It was quiet in the satellite, a busy quiet broken by the click of seeking microswitches and the gentle purr of smooth-running motors. The deep pulsing throb of the air...
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A New Era of ThoughtA New Era of Thought[viii-ix] [xii-xiii] At the completion of a work, or at the completion of the first part of a work, the feelings are necessarily very different from those with which the work was begun; and the meaning and value of the...
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The Glebe 1913/09 (Vol. 1, No. 1): Songs, Sighs and CursesThe Glebe 1913/09 (Vol. 1, No. 1): Songs, Sighs and Curses Dear Friend:To whom else than to you can I dedicate this little wreath of poems? Weeds or flowers, without you, they would not have been. Your interest, your sympathy, your appreciation were the...
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Industrial Poisoning from Fumes, Gases and Poisons of Manufacturing ProcessesIndustrial Poisoning from Fumes, Gases and Poisons of Manufacturing ProcessesThe attempt to systematise from the scientific standpoint the mass of material that has been collected about poisons is a very heavy task, even for the toxicologist who desires to treat his subject comprehensively. How...
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Under Honour's FlagUnder Honour's FlagGreat banks of purple vapour rose in the west; and sinking towards the earth, spread abroad in hazy wreaths, which seemed to possess, in a fainter degree, the hues of their parent clouds above. The air was heavy with moisture, which condensed...
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Der Tod des Tizian. Idylle. Zwei DichtungenDer Tod des Tizian. Idylle. Zwei Dichtungen Sptsommermittag. Auf Polstern und Teppichen lagern auf den Stufen, die rings zur Rampe fhren, Desiderio, Antonio, Batista und Paris. Alle schweigen, der Wind bewegt leise den Vorhang der Tr. Tizianello und Gianino kommen nach einer Weile aus...
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Meditations on the Actual State of Christianity, and on the Attacks Which Are Now Being Made Upon ItMeditations on the Actual State of Christianity, and on the Attacks Which Are Now Being Made Upon It. When I published, two years ago, the first series of these Meditations, the series which had for its object the essence of Christianity, "that is to...
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