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Irlantilaisia satujaIrlantilaisia satuja"Et tiennyt? Kyll min sinut opetan. Mene hakemaan arkku", sanoi jttilinen toiselle palvelijoistaan, ja siin silmnrpyksess he olivat sitoneet poika paran kdet ja jalat karhealla kydell, pistneet hnet arkkuun ja heittneet arkun jokeen. Sen jlkeen he menivt kaikki tiehens, paitsi aasi parka. Mutta...
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The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 3, March 1922The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 3, March 1922Happily it is not such a frequent occurrence as may be supposed that the Judges of our Court of Errors and Appeals split apart so curiously as they did in determining that the Van...
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Team-MatesTeam-MatesThe policeman on duty at the North Woodfield station turned from watching the train disappear westward along the track and gave his attention to the speaker. What he saw was a rather thin youth of fourteen with deeply tanned face from which a pair...
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The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 1, January, 1883The American Missionary — Volume 37, No. 1, January, 1883The Gospel in All Lands was commenced in February, 1880, and was continued during 1880 and 1881 as a 48 page monthly. The only numbers of these years that can now be furnished are as...
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The World Above: A DuologueThe World Above: A DuologueThe scene is laid in a shadowy and mystic place known to the dwellers there as The Darker Realm. It has been built and burrowed from time immemorial far down underneath some great, beautiful, sunny, human metropolis, called The World...
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Tillicums of the TrailTillicums of the Trail - Being Klondike Yarns Told to Canadian Soldiers Overseas by a Sourdough Padre Pte. Clarke of the Orderly Room staff told me how my coming as Chaplain to the 43rd in 1917 was announced to the men attached to Battalion...
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Die Hexe von NorderoogDie Hexe von NorderoogScharen wilder Gnse grasen zwischen den Lmmern; um die Wattstrme mit ihrem vielverschlungenem Netz von kleinen Wasserlufen streichen mit ohrenbetubendem Gezeter unzhlige Mvenenten, whrend Langbeine aller Art, welche die Wanderschaft nach fernen Lndern hier zusammengefunden, in dem zhen Schlick herumstechen nach...
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Welsh Rarebit TalesWelsh Rarebit TalesA PREFACE is the place where an author usually apologizes to the public for what he is about to inflict. Such being the case, I hasten to state that I am only jointly responsible for this aggregation of tales, which resemble, more...
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An geöffneter TürAn geöffneter Tür Wie das sonderbar ist, ... eigentlich wie ein Traum. Ich sitze ganz allein in einem Passantenzimmerchen des Glarner Hofs in Glarus. In den Gartenanlagen vor meinem Fenster pltschert hinter dickbltterigem Buschwerk das Wasser eines Springbrunnens. Das wird heute mein Wiegenlied sein...
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Una giovinezza del secolo XIXUna giovinezza del secolo XIX Il pregio, in cui ho sempre tenuto gli scritti di Neera, non ha trovato, a dir vero, generale consenso nel nostro mondo letterario, dove a questa scrittrice gentile, austera e nobilissima si assegna di solito un posto assai inferiore...
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Bramble BushBramble BushDr. David Lessing found Jack Dorffman and the boy waiting in his office when he arrived at the Hoffman Center that morning. Dorffman looked as though he'd been running all night. There were dark pouches under his eyes; his heavy unshaven face seemed...
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The Nineteenth and Their TimesThe Nineteenth and Their Times - Being an Account of the Four Cavalry Regiments in the British Army That Have Borne the Number Nineteen and of the Campaigns in Which They ServedFour cavalry regiments in the British Army have borne the number Nineteen. The...
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Science Primers, IntroductoryScience Primers, IntroductoryAll the time that we are awake we are learning by means of our senses something about the world in which we live and of which we form a part; we are constantly aware of feeling, or hearing, or smelling, and, unless...
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Harper's Round Table, January 5, 1897Harper's Round Table, January 5, 1897It was I who called him the Little Bishop. His name was Phillips Brooks Sanderson, but one seldom heard it at full length, since "Phil" was quite enough for an urchin just in his first trousers, and those assumed...
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Nousukas: KertomusNousukas: KertomusSuuremman kaupungin laidasta pistypi pienoinen luoto merta kohti. Katukin, joka sinne kaupungin keskuksista suuntaupi, muuttuu siell toisemmoiseksi. Siin, miss herrastalot loppuvat, loppuu sen kivitys. Se ky eptasaiseksi ja paikoittain kuoppaiseksi. Pimen aikana on tll luodolla yht sankka pimeys kuin tarujen tuonelan joella. Piviseen...
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 03 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 03 (of 12)This pamphlet of 46 8vo pages was published by the author himself in 1806. The title-page was Free Thoughts on Public Affairs, or Advice to a Patriot; in a Letter addressed to a Member of...
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The Table: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It, and How to Serve ItThe Delmonico Cook Book: How to Buy Food, How to Cook It, and How to Serve It.Your are, no doubt, acquainted with the fact, that for the past five years, I have been engaged upon a work, designed for the use of private families....
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Clemencia: Novela de costumbresClemencia: Novela de costumbresNo se canse Vd., D. Silvestre; cada casa es un mundo,decia una tarde del verano de 1844 la Marquesa de Cortegana su amigo y compadre D. Silvestre Sarmiento, mintras este sorbia paladendola una taza de caf.Tmelo Vd. por arriba, tmelo Vd....
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The Birds and the BeesThe Birds and the BeesI was wandering among the tall grass of the slopes, listening to the soft whistling of the wind; allowing the grass to caress my toga and thighs. It was a day soft and clear; a day accepted by the young,...
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African Colonization by the Free Colored People of the United States, an Indispensable Auxiliary to African MissionsAfrican Colonization by the Free Colored People of the United States, an Indispensable Auxiliary to African Missions. - A LectureIn the course of his labors, as Colonization Agent for Ohio, the writer, at an early day, found it necessary to examine the subject of...
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