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Poisonous Snakes of KansasPoisonous Snakes of KansasBecause of the greatly increased cost, due to the color plates, no free copies of this issue will be available. Extra copies may be obtained for 25 cents each, postpaid. Send orders to The Kansas School Naturalist, Department of Biology, State...
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The Disappearance of Kimball WebbThe Disappearance of Kimball WebbKimball Webb didnt look at all like a man who would disappear mysteriously. Though Im not sure mysteriously disappearing men, as a class, have physical characteristics in common. But one rather imagines them eerie looking, with deep, cavernous eyes and...
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Der MädchenhandelDer MädchenhandelDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1911 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche Schreibweisen, insbesondere bei Personen- und Ortsnamen, bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Zitate wurden nicht korrigiert. Am 12. September 1905 wurde in...
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Aristotle's History of AnimalsAristotle's History of Animals - In Ten BooksThe following Translation of Aristotle's History of Animals has been made from the text of Schneider. In a work of considerable difficulty it is hardly possible entirely to avoid errors; but it is hoped that those which...
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Original Plays [First Series]Original Plays [First Series]The Story upon which The Palace of Truth is founded is probably as old as the Arabian Nights. The Princess is a respectful parody of Mr. Tennysons exquisite poem. It has been generally held, I believe, that if a dramatist uses...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Prose Works of Hector BerliozIndex of the Project Gutenberg Prose Works of Hector Berlioz You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you...
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The Heir Presumptive and the Heir ApparentThe Heir Presumptive and the Heir ApparentLord Frogmore was about sixty when his step-brother, John Parke, his heir presumptive, announced to him one day his desire to marry. John was thirty-five, the son of another mother, with whom, however, Lord Frogmore had always lived...
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My Two CountriesMy Two CountriesI KNOW that this welcome has nothing to do with me. Ever since I first entered the Mother of Parliaments I realised that I had ceased to be a person and had become a symbol. The safe thing about being a symbol...
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The Automatic Maid-of-All-Work: A Possible Tale of the Near FutureThe Automatic Maid-of-All-Work: A Possible Tale of the Near FutureYou know John has invented lots of things. Theres that door-spring now,not much when you look at it but it brings in quite a little income. He used to say that he was spending his...
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Fata Morgana: A Romance of Art Student Life in ParisFata Morgana: A Romance of Art Student Life in Paris In his half-sleep he thought he was still at the Quatz-Arts Ball, from which he had just come; he still heard the murmuring noise of the multitude, like the prolonged moo-o-o of oxen in...
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Maisa JonsMaisa JonsHn ei voinut lainkaan siet sit, ett he tahtoivat panna hnet, Maisan, palvelijanhuoneeseen ompelemaan, vaikkapa he kutsuivatkin sit hienosti silityshuoneeksi tai neitsytkammioksi tai muuksi sentapaiseksi. Hn ei lainkaan ollut niit, jotka ottivat ksirahoja ja antoivat pestata itsens, hn kiittisi kunniasta kuulua palvelusvkeen. Ja...
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Poker Jim, Gentleman, and Other Tales and SketchesPoker Jim, Gentleman, and Other Tales and SketchesIt requires some assurance to step out of the conventional in story writing. Especially does it require courage on the part of one whose ideals of what a story should be are far beyond what his productions...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of RabelaisIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Rabelais You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Antoine de La SalleIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Antoine de La Salle You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to...
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La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar beneLa scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene - Manuale pratico per le famiglie Avevo data l'ultima mano al mio libro La scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene, quando capit in Firenze il mio dotto amico Francesco Trevisan, professore di belle...
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Erzgebirgische Christ- und MettenspieleErzgebirgische Christ- und Mettenspiele - Ein Versuch zur Rettung alten VolksgutesVolkslied und Volksdichtung sind lange nicht mehr kaum geduldete und mitleidig belchelte Begriffe im deutschen Kunstleben. Das Volkslied erklingt auf allen Wegen und Stegen, daheim und im Konzertsaal; die Volksdichtung hat verstndnisvolle Leser und...
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Harper's Round Table, August 18, 1896Harper's Round Table, August 18, 1896It was the day before a great storm. Any one familiar with the face of the sea could have told that. The sky was a dead, dull sheet of cold leaden-gray cloud, and the color of it was reflected...
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Tales of English Minsters: St. Paul'sTales of English Minsters: St. Paul'sI am sure that there is no one who goes to London for the first time, no matter how hurried he may be, who does not try to visit at least three placesthe Tower, Westminster Abbey, and St. Pauls...
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For Yardley: A Story of Track and FieldFor Yardley: A Story of Track and FieldIt was a cheerless outlook. Through the blurred panes his gaze traversed the Yard, empty and bedraggled, to the back of Merle Hall and the gymnasium. Everywhere was rotting snow or pools of water, while from a...
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The Stock ExchangeThe Stock ExchangeIn accordance with the scope of the series of Books on Business, of which this little work forms an item, its main object is to explain to the unversed in simple terms the somewhat complicated machinery of the Stock Exchange. Some criticism...
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