Public Domain
Whose Body? A Lord Peter Wimsey NovelWhose Body? A Lord Peter Wimsey Novel WHOSE BODY? Copyright, 1923, by Dorothy Sayers Printed in the United States of America All rights in this book are reserved. No part of the book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written...
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The Choir School of St. Bede'sThe Choir School of St. Bede'sIT was a lovely morning, about eleven oclock, and the boys of the cathedral choir of St. Bedes were playing in the cloister of the grand old church. There was a square plot of grass in the centre, where...
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Quelques dames du XVIe siècle et leurs peintresQuelques dames du XVIe siècle et leurs peintresImaginez une cour cre de toutes pices, une socit polie de jeunes seigneurs et de belles filles succdant la maison pleine de svrit et de pruderie de la reine Anne de Bretagne, quelque chose comme une envole...
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The Praying Skipper, and Other StoriesThe Praying Skipper, and Other StoriesTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as in the original. A few typographical errors have been corrected. The cover page was created by the transcriber and can be considered public...
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Simla Village Tales Or, Folk Tales from the HimalayasSimla Village Tales; Or, Folk Tales from the HimalayasIn introducing Simla Village Tales to my readers, I wish to acknowledge gratefully the valuable assistance given me by my sister Mabel Baldwin, who, when I was obliged to leave India suddenly owing to nervous breakdown...
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Sekasointuja: RunojaSekasointuja: RunojaMin viilltn yllist ulappaa . Niin hyvin ma ymmrrn kaikki ne . Min kaihtien kujia kuljeksin . Jospa voisi nukkua . Nyt en min en itkekkn . Ikuinen henki, ikuinen aine . Niin kaukaa hiljaseen yhn . Sua katsoa mielisin kauvan silmiin ....
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A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1815. Volume II, 1689-1815A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1815. Volume II, 1689-1815I submit this second part of the Short History of the Royal Navy to the kindness of the reader and the animadversions of reviewers with a profound sense of its deficiencies. That some were...
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Cartoons on the WarCartoons on the WarThese drawings are selections from Cartoons published, for the most part, in a daily newspaper. They represent the emotions evoked by the news from day to day, and make no pretense to a philosophic viewpoint. They do seek to express, however,...
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Sermons of the Rev. Francis A. Baker, Priest of the Congregation of St. PaulSermons of the Rev. Francis A. Baker, Priest of the Congregation of St. Paul - With a Memoir of His Life In offering the Memoir and Sermons of this volume to the friends of F. Baker, and to the public, propriety requires of me...
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Koulumestari ja hänen poikansa: Kertomus 30 vuotisen sodan ajoiltaKoulumestari ja hänen poikansa: Kertomus 30 vuotisen sodan ajoilta1. Kirjantekijn sty ja sukuper. 2. Poika. 3. Valentin ksitylisopissa. 4. Valentin kirjurina. 5. Erlachin jkri. 6. Varotus. 7. Portinvartija. 8. Hykkys. 9. Ryst. 10. Rikos tulee ilmi. 11. Jumalan tuomio. 12. Pako. 13. Rutto. 14....
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The Heavens Above: A Popular Handbook of AstronomyThe Heavens Above: A Popular Handbook of AstronomyIt has been the aim of the authors to give in this little book a brief, simple, and accurate account of the heavens as they are known to astronomers of the present day. It is believed that...
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British Popular Customs, Present and PastBritish Popular Customs, Present and Past - Illustrating the Social and Domestic Manners of the People. Arranged According to the Calendar of the Year.In presenting the following pages to the Public I do not lay claim to any originality, my object simply having been...
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The Dances of DeathThe Dances of Death - Through the Various Stages of Human Life: Wherein the Capriciousness of that Tyrant is ExhibitedJOHN or HANS HOLBEIN was born at Basil in 1498, and died at London of the plague in 1554, aged 56. This admirable Painter was...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Ambrose BierceIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Ambrose Bierce You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Frances Hodgson BurnettIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Frances Hodgson Burnett "It's another pirate vessel and it is going to attack us" ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 58806 Author: Burnett, Frances Hodgson Release Date: Feb 1, 2019 Format: eBook Language: English Contributors...
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Deutsche Romantik: Eine SkizzeDeutsche Romantik: Eine SkizzePassagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. die nunmehr auf ein mehr...
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Die Deutschen Familiennamen, geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlichDie Deutschen Familiennamen, geschichtlich, geographisch, sprachlichVereinzelt wurden Namen und Namensteile alphabetisch nicht korrekt eingeordnet; die originale Reihenfolge der Begriffe wurde dennoch beibehalten. Zu einigen Verweisen im enzyklopdischen Teil des Buches existiert keine Entsprechung. Verschiedentlich wurden Seitenzahlen in Verweisen dem gegebenen Inhalt angepasst. Die Berichtigungen...
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The Witch-Maid, and Other VersesThe Witch-Maid, & Other VersesAbout a third of these poems have appeared before in a volume published in Australia; several in The Spectator and The Sydney Bulletin, and a few elsewhere. I have to thank the editors {7}{6}for permission to reprint. ......Buy Now (To...
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Community PropertyCommunity PropertyOne of these days an embittered lawyer is going to write a text on the effects of spaceflight on the divorce laws. This writer will be a Terrie, about five ten, with blue eyes, black hairturning grey very fast, and the unlikely name...
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Essais de Montaigne (self-édition) - Volume IIIEssais de Montaigne (self-édition) - Volume III* Ce volume, indpendant des autres, est susceptible par sa contexture dtre aisment utilis avec nimporte quelle dition des Essais ancienne ou moderne, moyennant un simple tableau de concordance de pagination facile tablir soi-mme. Prminence dHomre sur les...
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