Public Domain
Harper's Young People, May 30, 1882Harper's Young People, May 30, 1882 - An Illustrated WeeklyIt was Friday afternoon, right in the middle of May, and it seemed as if the wide front door of Prome Centre Academy would never get through letting out just one more squad of boys...
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MeeresfischeMeeresfischeDie Gesellschaft Kosmos will die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes verbreiten. Dieses Ziel glaubt die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen mittels des Diese Verffentlichungen sind...
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Kun me olimme tyttöjäKun me olimme tyttöjä 1. Muutamia tytist. 2. Jennetin sukulaisista. 3. Haastelu puutarhassa. 4. Tapaturma. 5. Ensiminen ero. 6. Jennetin koettelemukset. 7. Charlotten vihamielisyys. 8. Retkeily. 9. Hurja teko. 10. Tikkaiden lainaaminen. 11. Horjahdus. 12. Heltyminen. 13. Kielletyill poluilla. 14. Listodistus. 15. Epsuosiossa. 16....
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Aventures surprenantes de Robinson CrusoéAventures surprenantes de Robinson CrusoéA notre poque, en France, le lecteur veut absolument, et il a bien raison, juger par lui-mme, avec sa propre intelligence, et pices compltes sous les yeux, de la valeur des Livres clbres des autres nations. Il nadmet plus, sous...
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Seeking Fortune in AmericaSeeking Fortune in AmericaIn the early eighties lads who preferred exercise to examinations looked abroad for work, and parents who feared their failure in competitions agreed with them. Ditties like had long moved our agricultural class America-wards; perhaps the next line did not so...
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Select Specimens of Natural History Collected in Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. Volume 5Select Specimens of Natural History Collected in Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. Volume 5.As it has been my endeavour, throughout this history, to leave nothing unexplained that may assist the reader in understanding the different subjects that have been treated in...
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Mexican Copper Tools: The Use of Copper by the Mexicans Before the Conquest and the Katunes of Maya History, a Chapter in the Early History of Central America, With Special Reference to the Pio Perez ManuscriptMexican Copper Tools: The Use of Copper by the Mexicans Before the Conquest; and the Katunes of Maya History, a Chapter in the Early History of Central America, With Special Reference to the Pio Perez Manuscript.The subject of prehistoric copper mining, together with the...
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Historia de América desde sus tiempos más remotos hasta nuestros días, tomo IHistoria de América desde sus tiempos más remotos hasta nuestros días, tomo INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el...
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Van Brussel naar Karema: Geschiedenis eener Belgische Kolonie in Midden-AfrikaVan Brussel naar Karema: Geschiedenis eener Belgische Kolonie in Midden-AfrikaWanneer men de lijst naziet van de stoute baanbrekers, die, van het Oosten naar het Westen, van den pool tot den evenaar, land en zee doorkruist hebben, van jaar tot jaar het gebied van het...
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Index of the PG Works of Voltaire in EnglishIndex of the PG Works of Voltaire in English THE WHITE BULL: A SATIRICAL ROMANCE. CHAPTER I. How the Princess Amasidia meets a bull. CHAPTER II. How the wise Mambres, formerly magician of Pharoah, knew again the old woman, and was known by her....
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Hopeakauha: Satuja ja kertomuksiaHopeakauha: Satuja ja kertomuksiakki ilmestyi rannalle valkopukuinen nainen, juoksi edestakaisin rantaa pitkin ja nytti vlill kuuntelevan jotakin. Sitte alkoi hn kiivaasti huitoa valkoisella liinallaan kalastajalle venheess. Kalastaja huomasi, ett nainen oli hdss. Hn irroitti veneens ja souti rantaan. Mies juoksi edes ja takaisin rannalla,...
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Herön kartanon lapsetHerön kartanon lapset Pieni poika kulki tiet pitkin itkien. Joku tuli hnelt kysymn: "Miksi itket?" Silloin hn vastasi: "Siksi ett olen niin iloinen!" "Ja mist olet niin iloinen?" "Siit, ett olen ihminen." "Totuuden sanansaattajat levittvt salassa pyh sanaa sukukunnasta sukukuntaan, ajanjaksosta toiseen, kunnes kansojen...
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Los entremesesLos entremesesEntre las diversas obras que debemos al prncipe de los ingenios espaoles, ninguna mas desconocida ni mas digna de conocerse que la preciosa coleccion de Entremeses que ofrecemos al pblico en la presente esmerada edicion manual, con objeto de que logren la misma...
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Useful Knowledge: Volume 2. VegetablesUseful Knowledge: Volume 2. Vegetables - Or, a familiar account of the various productions of nature1. Vegetables or Plants are natural bodies endowed with organization and life, but destitute of voluntary motion and sense; and Botany is that branch of natural science which treats...
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Inaugural Presidential AddressInaugural Presidential AddressEvery four years, we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power, and we are grateful to President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition. They have been magnificent. Today's...
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Die Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, III. BandDie Naturwissenschaften in ihrer Entwicklung und in ihrem Zusammenhange, III. Band - Das Emporblühen der modernen Naturwissenschaften bis zur Entdeckung des EnergieprinzipesDer zweite Band schilderte das Entstehen der neueren Naturwissenschaft. Er umfat den Zeitraum vom Anfang des 17. bis zur Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts....
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LanternaLanterna Title: Lanterna Author: Aldo Palazzeschi Release Date: September 22, 2018 [EBook #57951] Language: Italian Credits: Produced by Gianfranco De Robertis, Carlo Traverso and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Archive)...
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The Grey MonkThe Grey Monk It was a wild and stormy October night. The big moon-faced clock in the entrance-hall, in its slow and solemn fashion, as of a horologe that felt the burden of its years, had just announced the hour of eleven. In his...
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Were You Ever a Child?Were You Ever a Child?This book is intended as an explanation of the new educational ideals and methods now being fostered and developed, under great difficulties, by courageous educators, in various schools for the most part outside the public school system. These schools are...
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