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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 17, February, 1921Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 17, February, 1921 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyAlong about the first of September last year, my cellar supply gave out and on the second day I had a look of languor like a homesick...
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Onkel Toms HytteOnkel Toms HytteEndda det var bidende koldt ude, som det kan vre paa en vinterdag i Kentucky[1], var det lunt inde i den hyggelige dagligstuen. Her sad gaardens eier, herr Shelby, og en fremmed mand ved et bord med sine vinglas fremfor sig. De...
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Market Harborough, and Inside the BarMarket Harborough, and Inside the BarMost men have a sunny spot to which they look back in their existence, as most have an impossible future, to attain which all their energies are exerted, and their resources employed. The difference between these visionary scenes is...
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Gambolling with Galatea: a Bucolic RomanceGambolling with Galatea: a Bucolic Romance Fair reader (and unfair one, of either sex), I pray you be not dismayed by the profundity of this discourse. Doubtless there are some light-minded observers who would have seen in the natural phenomena herein recorded the very...
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The Conquest of Plassans (La Conquête de Plassans)The Conquest of Plassans (La Conquête de Plassans)With the end of the century there has come in France a great revival of the struggle between religion and free thought which has so long been waged there; and the stupendous effort put forth by the...
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Heart of EuropeHeart of EuropeBY RALPH ADAMS CRAM, Litt.D., LL.D. F.A.I.A., A.N.A., F.R.G.S. ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS 1916 {iv} Copyright, 1915, by CHARLES SCRIBNERS SONS Published October, 1915 {v} TO E. S. C. WHO SOME DAY MAY KNOW THE HEART OF EUROPE AND TO...
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Carlo Porta e la sua MilanoCarlo Porta e la sua Milano I. Fervore di nuova vita a Milano al tempo di Carlo Porta. Due grandi satirici: Giuseppe Parini e Carlo Porta. La fortuna di Carlo Porta. Maria Teresa. Pag. 1 II. Clamoroso supplizio a Milano quando nacque Carlo Porta....
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Journal of a Cavalry Officer Including the Memorable Sikh Campaign of 1845-1846Journal of a Cavalry Officer; Including the Memorable Sikh Campaign of 1845-1846The remark has often been made, that India is but little known to persons in England and on the continent of Europe. That there is ample ground for such a remark none can...
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Time and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of ConsciousnessTime and Free Will: An Essay on the Immediate Data of Consciousness , " , , ." PLOTINUS Henri Louis Bergson was born in Paris, October 18, 1859. He entered the cole normale in 1878, and was admitted agrg de philosophie in 1881 and...
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The Night the Mountain Fell: The Story of the Montana-Yellowstone EarthquakeThe Night the Mountain Fell: The Story of the Montana-Yellowstone EarthquakeTo those who experienced, suffered the helping and the helped, the surviving and the lost all members of the involuntary fellowship of the Montana-Yellowstone Earthquake, to those who come to see and wonder, and...
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Velikulta: Seikkailutarina kaupunkiviisikostaVelikulta: Seikkailutarina kaupunkiviisikostaEdward Henry Machin nki ensi kertaa savun toukok. 27:nten 1867 Broughaminkadun varrella Bursleyss, Kaupunkiviisikon vanhimmassa. Broughaminkatu ulottuu P. Luukkaan aukiosta suoraan Shropshire Union kanavaan, ja osittain siihen kuuluu rakennuksia, jotka ovat tunnetut "savipakarin" nimell (kunnes joutuvat huutokaupalla myytviksi, jolloin ne vasara miehen...
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What Every Mother Should Know or, How Six Little Children Were Taught The TruthWhat Every Mother Should Know; or, How Six Little Children Were Taught The Truth There is scarcely any subject which is of greater importance or of greater interest to parents than this subject of teaching children the truth about life and birth. Every parent...
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Harper's Round Table, April 28, 1896Harper's Round Table, April 28, 1896One evening early in April two boys of about fifteen were talking together at the home of one of them in New York city. They were close friends as well as classmates in one of the largest schools for...
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