Public Domain
The Theory and Practice of BrewingThe Theory and Practice of BrewingThe difference that appears in the several processes of brewing, though executed with the same materials, by the same persons, and to the same intent, is generally acknowledged. The uneasiness this must occasion to those who are charged with...
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Thrills of a Bell BoyThrills of a Bell BoyONE hundred poems representing the best work of this well-known poet. Many of them are humorous, some have a delicate vein of pathos that makes a sure appeal to the heart, and all possess that charming human quality which has...
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Am Sonnenwirbel: Eine DorfgeschichteAm Sonnenwirbel: Eine DorfgeschichteNeue Freie Presse: Max Geiler ist ein Dichter und Naturschilderer von groer Begabung und auerordentlicher Gestaltungskraft. Er versteht es, wie selten einer, der Natur ihre Geheimnisse abzulauschen und Stimmungen zu erzeugen Er gehrt zu jenen Geistern, welche kulturelle Erscheinungen und Strmungen...
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Midnight Sunbeams or, Bits of Travel Through the Land of the NorsemanMidnight Sunbeams; or, Bits of Travel Through the Land of the NorsemanThe following sketches of a journey in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are given to the public in the hope that their perusal will furnish information concerning the people, and attractions, of countries which...
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$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Hemlock Avenue MysteryThe Hemlock Avenue MysteryYoung Lyon, lounging in the Court House to make up his daily tale of items for the Waynscott News, was perhaps the only man who knew exactly how the quarrel between Lawrence and Fullerton began, though, when later events had made...
- $9.99 AUD
$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Erotic Motive in LiteratureThe Erotic Motive in LiteratureThis work is an endeavour to apply some of the methods of psychoanalysis to literature. It attempts to read closely between the lines of an author's works. It applies some principles in interpreting literature with a scrutiny hitherto scarcely deemed...
- $9.99 AUD
$237.06 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 49The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898; Volume 49 - Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands...
- $9.99 AUD
$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Evolution of Naval ArmamentThe Evolution of Naval ArmamentThe notes on which these essays are based were collected in the course of two commissions spent under the lee of the Admiralty library, close to the Royal United Service Institution, and in touch with the Reading Room of the...
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Practical Hand Book of Gas, Oil and Steam EnginesPractical Hand Book of Gas, Oil and Steam Engines - Stationary, Marine, Traction; Gas Burners, Oil Burners, Etc.; Farm, Traction, Automobile, Locomotive; A simple, practical and comprehensive book on the construction, operation and repair of all kinds of engines. Dealing with the various parts...
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$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Un cavallo nella luna: NovelleUn cavallo nella luna: Novelle Di settembre, su quell'altipiano d'aride argille strapiombante franoso sul mare africano, la campagna, gi riarsa dalle rabbie dei lunghi soli estivi, era triste, tutta irta di stoppie annerite. E tuttavia fu stabilito che i due sposi vi passassero almeno...
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$148.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Polly Page Ranch ClubThe Polly Page Ranch ClubSue Warner ran down the flight of stone steps that led from the side entrance at Calvert Hall to the garden, her face full of perplexity. Waiting for her were three of the girls, Isabel Lee, Ruth Brooks, and Edwina,...
- $9.99 AUD
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The Land of Riddles (Russia of Today)The Land of Riddles (Russia of To-day)Shortly before my departure from Vienna I chanced to meet an acquaintance, a Viennese writer. "Are you really going to Russia?" said he. "I almost envy you, for it is to us a land of riddles. It has...
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$89.79 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Harper's Young People, April 18, 1882Harper's Young People, April 18, 1882 - An Illustrated Weekly"Now I'll see about makin' the saddle," said Bob, "'cause I've seen 'em a good many times in a circus, an' I know jest how they're made. While I'm doin' that, you fellers must be...
- $9.99 AUD
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De Sobremesa crónicas, Tercera Parte (de 5)De Sobremesa; crónicas, Tercera Parte (de 5)Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio pblico....
- $9.99 AUD
$148.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Im Hause des KommerzienratesIm Hause des Kommerzienrates.Die Dezembersonne huschte noch einmal scheu durch die groe Schlomhlenstube, dann nahm sie das letzte laue Strahlenfnkchen von den seltsamen Gegenstnden, die auf dem tiefen Steinsimse des Eckfensters ausgebreitet lagen, und verschwand in dem Schneewolkenbette, das sich trge, aber beharrlich am...
- $9.99 AUD
$148.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Scribner's Magazine, Volume 26, August 1899Scribner's Magazine, Volume 26, August 1899 Prentiss had a long lease on the house, and because it stood in Jermyn Street the upper floors were, as a matter of course, turned into lodgings for single gentlemen; and because Prentiss was a Florist to the...
- $9.99 AUD
$391.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Whitefriars Library of Wit and Humour. Second SeriesThose Other AnimalsMAN, being essentially a creature of habit, has come to look upon what he is pleased to consider as the inferior creation from one point of view only, and that in most cases the narrow and selfish one of his own interests;...
- $9.99 AUD
$237.06 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Harper's Round Table, April 14, 1896Harper's Round Table, April 14, 1896It was a beautiful summer morning. There was a light wind from the southwest, which just tempered to a degree of endurance the blazing heat of the full-orbed sun. A few wisps of feathery white lay slantwise across the...
- $9.99 AUD
$148.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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The Bashful Earthquake, and Other Fables and VersesThe Bashful Earthquake, & Other Fables and VersesThe contractions t and nt for it and not have a space before and after them, so we see is nt and wer nt and t is in the original text. These spaces are retained in this...
- $9.99 AUD
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