Public Domain
With Roberts to Pretoria: A Tale of The South African WarWith Roberts to Pretoria: A Tale of The South African WarThe war in South Africa may be roughly divided into three parts. First, The desperate fighting in Natal, which culminated in the relief of Ladysmith. Second, The advance towards Kimberley begun by Lord Methuen...
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PatsyPatsyA flock of wild geese flying across the sunset far away, remote, fantastic, the only living things visible in a world filling with shadows, lent the last touch of beauty to the vast and lonely moors. Mr Fanshawe watched the flock pass and vanish...
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The British Interned in SwitzerlandThe British Interned in SwitzerlandIn giving the following pages to the public, I do so in the hope that a plain statement of the life and activities of British soldiers whilst interned in Switzerland may prove of interest to those at home who have...
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Jääkärin muistelmiaJääkärin muistelmiaI. Nietostuneet jljet. 1. Tilinteko. 2. Matka. II. Lockstedtin leirill. 1. Vastaanotto. 2. Ensiminen piv. 3. Sunnuntai. 4. Marssiharjoitus. 5. Sairaana. 6. Nhty ja tunnettua. 7. Valmistuksia. III. Misse-joella. 1. Tittelmndeen. 2. Marssi rintamalle. 3. Hykkys. 4. Tyt ja nlk. 5. Rumputulessa. 6....
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Zakflora voor Suriname [Deel I]Zakflora voor Suriname [Deel I] - Bulletin van het Koloniaal Museum te Haarlem No. 47.Indien het waar is, dat een zakflora van een land eerst dan mag samengesteld worden, wanneer de flora zelf in haar geheelen omvang bekend is, dan komt de verschijning van...
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Rules and Directions for the Employment of Injections in Various DiseasesRules and Directions for the Employment of Injections in Various DiseasesHeretofore one of the greatest objections to the free use of Injections, as a domestic remedy, has been the inconvenience and clumsy size of the instruments employed for the purpose, and the manner of...
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Die altindische Säule: Ein Beitrag zur SäulenkundeDie altindische Säule: Ein Beitrag zur SäulenkundeSchon beim Vorentwurfe dieser Abhandlung, welche erst nach mehrfachem Umarbeiten die vorliegende Gestalt annahm, entschlo ich mich, den ersten Abschnitt des indischen Sulenbaues als indisches Altertum bis ins 8.Jahrhundert n.C. auszudehnen. Einmal fhrt eine untrennbare Entwicklungsreihe bis zu...
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Tobacco: Growing, Curing, & ManufacturingTobacco: Growing, Curing, & Manufacturing - A Handbook for Planters in All Parts of the WorldTobacco growing is one of the most profitable branches of tropical and sub-tropical agriculture; the$1$2$3has even been proposed as a remunerative crop for the British farmer, and is very...
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Girls and AthleticsGirls and Athletics - Giving a brief summary of the activity, rules and method of administration of the following games in girls' schools and colleges, women's clubs, etc.: archery, basket ball, cricket, fencing, field day, field hockey, gymnastics, golf, hand ball, ice hockey, indoor...
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Flowers of the SkyFlowers of the SkyWe live in a mighty ocean whose waves are ever rushing hither and thither, always according to law, with velocity inconceivable, almost immeasurable. These waves lave the shore of that island of space which is our home, travelling to it from...
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Earthwork Slips and Subsidences upon Public WorksEarthwork Slips and Subsidences upon Public Works - Their Causes, Prevention, and ReparationThe absence of any but fragmentary information on EARTH-SLIPS AND SUBSIDENCES UPON PUBLIC WORKS, one of the most annoying and expensive occurrences in engineering construction, has prompted the author to write this...
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Punakaartin päällikön tytär: SalapoliisiromaaniPunakaartin päällikön tytär: SalapoliisiromaaniToissa iltana he seisoskelivat portilla. He tirkistelivt minua niin lhelt, ett minun oli melkein pakko pyshty. Tin tuskin psin poikkeamaan talon pihaan. Eilen illalla he taivastelivat kadun toisella puolen. Lhestyessni he pyshtyivt ja tuijottivat minuun kadun yli. Sitten he murahtivat keskenn...
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Letters to a Friend, Written to Mrs. Ezra S. Carr, 1866-1879Letters to a Friend, Written to Mrs. Ezra S. Carr, 1866-1879Inconsistencies in punctuation, hyphenation, and spellingsuch as Snelling and Snellings, hardworking and hard-drinkingwere left as printed in the original text. The inconsistent use of italicsas in Linna and Linnawas retained as printed in the...
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The Book of the FlyThe Book of the Fly - A nature study of the house-fly and its kin, the fly plague and a cureThe dangers of house-flies to the health of the community have come into such recent prominence that the appearance of Major Hurlstone Hardy's book...
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The Cottage on the FellsThe Cottage on the FellsWithout wishing to paraphrase or parody a famous author, one may say that if one goes over to Boulogne and stands long enough on the pier, one will meet, most possibly, someone one knowsprobably ones tailor. Hellier had come over...
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Die Thurmuhr: eine Rechen-Fibel für kleine KinderDie Thurmuhr: eine Rechen-Fibel für kleine Kinder DIE THURMUHR eine Rechen-Fibel fr kleine Kinder zur Erkennung der Uhr, Erlernung der Zahlen u. practisch: Entwickelung der ersten Begriffe der Rechen - Kunst in Bildern und Reimen von F. G. Normann del. BERLIN, Plahn'sche Buchhandlung (L....
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The son of Don JuanThe son of Don Juan - an original drama in 3 acts inspired by the reading of Ibsen's work entitled 'Gengangere'The author of the plays here done into English was born in Madrid on the Thursday in Holy Week of sixty-three years ago. In...
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Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta IIIKuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta IIISteen Stuure ja suuri venlissota. (Vanha ruotsalainen riimikronikka. Suomentanut Ilta Koskimies.). Savo ja Savonlinna. (Yrj Koskinen: Savo ja Savonlinna.). Olavin linna. (K. Leino: Runoja.). "Kotimaan puolesta!". (Santeri Ivalo: Viipurin pamaus.). Viipurin pamaus. (Santeri Ivalo: Viipurin pamaus.). Pakosaunalla. (Santeri Ivalo:...
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Kuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta IIKuvia ja kuvitelmia Suomen historiasta II Pyys Eerikki valtaherrat maan ja ritarit kuningaskunnassaan, talonpojat ja virkamiehetkin, kuten herrain on tapana vielkin maan asujat aseihin kutsua, kun sotaretki on ovella, pyys heidt maahan pakanain, vvymiehens pllikks asettain, joka ristijoukkoa johdattaisi, joka parhaiten sen tehd taisi....
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