Public Domain
Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 1 (of 2)Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 1 (of 2)In the series of books on American history, upon which I have for many years been engaged, the present volumes come between "The Discovery of America" and "The Beginnings of New England." The opening chapter, with...
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Studies in Greek Scenery, Legend and HistoryStudies in Greek Scenery, Legend and History - Selected from His Commentary on Pausanias' 'Description of Greece,'The Englishman in Greece who pays any heed to the remains of classical antiquity is apt, if he be no scholar, to wonder who a certain Pausanias was...
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The Busy Woman's Garden BookThe Busy Woman's Garden BookThis little book has a very definite aima big aim too, though two little words or even one will serve to define itTo help, or better still, perhapshelpfulness. It does not aim to tell everything there is to tell about...
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Schetsen uit de DierenwereldSchetsen uit de DierenwereldDe Schetsen uit de Dierenwereld, die hierbij het vaderlandsche publiek worden aangeboden, zijn een nederlandsche bewerking van een engelsch boek, getiteld: Wild Animals, bevattende een twintigtal prachtige gravures van J. W. en Edward Whymper, naar teekeningen van den beroemden Joseph Wolf,...
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Die schöpferische PauseDie schöpferische PauseAlles was der berlieferung wert erscheint, ist entweder Gekonntes oder Gewutes. Jede berlieferung hat die Absicht, die Jngeren zu ihrer eigenen schpferischen Leistung und zur eigenen liebenden Weisheit zu fhren. Wer zu solch eigenem Knnen, eigenem Lieben, eigenem Wissen kommen will, mu...
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London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1London Labour and the London Poor, Vol. 1The present volume is the first of an intended series, which it is hoped will form, when complete, a cyclopdia of the industry, the want, and the vice of the great Metropolis. It is believed that the...
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An Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonAn Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonPortrait of George Washington By Chas. Wilson Peale Bequeathed to the Mount Vernon Ladies Association by the late Miss Jane Boudinot, in whose familys possession the portrait has been since 1788, when it was painted...
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Godey's Lady's Book, Philadelphia, Volume 48, March, 1854Godey's Lady's Book, Philadelphia, Volume 48, March, 1854The advantages which the civilized world owe to the invention of paper are beyond calculation, and almost out of the reach of thought. The great blessing of knowledge which it has conferred on mankind, together with its...
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Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)You have begun, malgr vous, said I to C., the next time we met tte--tte, the vie anecdotique of the prince, which I have always felt sure would prove so full of interest. Your strange story of...
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Peradventure or, The Silence of GodPeradventure; or, The Silence of God Recently a very eminent Anglican divine gave us a book which he said embodied "forty years of profound thought." In it he deals to no small extent with the subject of this novel, a novel which, though hiddenly,...
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The Diamond ShipThe Diamond ShipIt would have been at the Fancy Fair and Fte at Kensington Town Hall that my friend, Dr. Fabos, first met Miss Fordibras. Very well do I recollect that he paid the price of it for the honourable company of the Goldsmith...
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YlenkatsotuitaYlenkatsotuitaTti laittoi perunainkastiketta unisesti palavan takkatulen luona. Pojat istuivat penkill, vanhempi ikkunapieless kdet polvilla ja p kumarassa, nuorempi nurkkauksessa nenlln kirnuten asetteli kukon sulkaa lakkiinsa. Nuorin lapsista, kolmen neljn vanha tytt, istui lattialla ja sitoi liinaa huiviksi pienen varpuluudan tyveen. Hn oli yksitoista tyttnyt...
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Kazan susikoira: Seikkailukirja suurilta saloseuduiltaKazan susikoira: Seikkailukirja suurilta saloseuduiltaI. Ihme II. Pohjoiseen III. McCready maksaa velkansa IV. Kahleista vapaana V. Taistelu lumessa VI. Kazan tapaa Joanin VII. Pois lumipyryst VIII. Suuri muutos IX. Murhenytelm Sun Rockilla X. Tulen pivin XI. Aina yhdess XII. La mort rouge XIII. Nln...
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Post-Mediæval PreachersPost-Mediæval Preachers - Some Account of the Most Celebrated Preachers of the 15th, 16th, & 17th Centuries; with outlines of their sermons, and specimens of their styleThe history of preaching begins with the first sermon ever delivered, the first and the best, that of...
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Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx (Volume 2 of 2)Celtic Folklore: Welsh and Manx (Volume 2 of 2)Une des lgendes les plus rpandues en Bretagne est celle dune prtendue ville dIs, qui, une poque inconnue, aurait t engloutie par la mer. On montre, divers endroits de la cte, lemplacement de cette cit fabuleuse,...
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Natural History of EnthusiasmNatural History of EnthusiasmThere are minor differences between the titles of sections and those given in the Table of Contents. A reference to two notes, at the end of the book, has been inserted in the table. The belief that a bright era of...
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Letters of Asa Gray Vol. 2Letters of Asa Gray; Vol. 2Note on the Illustrations. The frontispiece portrait of Dr. Gray is a photogravure from a photograph taken in 1880. The plate of Dr. Gray in his study, facing page 529, is from a photograph taken in 1879. The view...
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Letters of Asa Gray Vol. 1Letters of Asa Gray; Vol. 1It has been my aim, in collecting and arranging the Letters from Dr. Grays large correspondence, to show, as far as possible in his own words, his life and his occupation. The greater part of the immense mass of...
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Névtelen vár (2. rész)Névtelen vár (2. rész) - Történelmi regénygy tett Drvakereszturi Grmblyi Bernt alispn r s, a midn a megye rendei rszrl ktelessgv ttetett, hogy az 1808-ki orszggyls 2-ik trvnyczikkelye 1. -nak s az azt kvet paragrafusoknak szemlyes megjelensvel is rvnyt szerezni sernykedjk. A feladat ez...
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Névtelen vár (1. rész)Névtelen vár (1. rész) - Történelmi regényAz utcza egszen res, a minek taln csak az az oka, hogy a prisi nem szeret a hessben kborolni. Lehet, hogy mg egyb oka is van. A rue des Ours klnben sem igen jrt hely, s maga a...
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