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Mykkä paholainen: KertomuksiaMykkä paholainen: KertomuksiaOvenvartia katsoi llistyneen vuoroin minuun, vuoroin oveen, joka vastikn oli paukahtanut kiinni toverini jlkeen. Min olin yht hmmstynyt. Olimmehan juuri tulleet thn kodikkaaseen ravintolaan, ja musiikki pauhasi kutsuvasti vastaamme. Ovenvartia oli riisunut ystvni pllysvaatteet ja oli paraikaa ripustamassa minun takkiani naulaan, kun...
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La dama jovenLa dama jovenI esta coleccin llevase al frente un ttulo significativo, podra ser el de Apuntes y miniaturas, porque se compone de dos clases de pginas: unas trazadas libremente, como los apuntes en que los dibujantes fijan impresiones tipos del natural, otras empastadas con...
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Sämmtliche Werke 6: Arabesken, Prosaschriften, RomSämmtliche Werke 6: Arabesken, Prosaschriften, Rom Diese Sammlung enthlt eine Reihe von Schriften, die zu sehr verschiedenen Zeiten und in verschiedenen Epochen meines Lebens entstanden sind. Sie sind nicht auf Bestellung geschrieben. Sie waren ein Ausdruck meiner Seelenstimmung, und ich whlte mir nur solche...
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The Boys' Story of the Railroad SeriesThe Young Train MasterNestling among the hills of the Scioto valley, in the south-central portion of the state of Ohio, lies the little town of Wadsworth. Venerable in its age, proud of its history, the first capital of its state and the home of...
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La psychologie comme science naturelle, son présent et son avenirLa psychologie comme science naturelle, son présent et son avenir - Application de la méthode expérimentale aux phénomènes de l'âmeConnais-toi toi-mme avait dit le plus sage des oracles au plus sage des hommes. En donnant Socrate ce prcepte, Apollon n'avait fait que traduire en...
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The New SpiritThe New Spirit - Third EditionThere is a memorable period in the history of Europe which we call the Renaissance. We do well to give pre-eminence to that large efflorescence of latent life, but we forget sometimes that there have been many such new...
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The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd: A Drama in Three ActsThe Widowing of Mrs. Holroyd: A Drama in Three ActsD H. Lawrence is one of the most significant of the new generation of writers just beginning to appear in England. One of their chief marks is that they seem to step forward full-grown, without...
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In the Prison City, Brussels, 1914-1918: A Personal NarrativeIn the Prison City, Brussels, 1914-1918: A Personal NarrativeTHESE reminiscences of prison years in Brussels, during the entire German occupation, aim merely at giving an accurate account of the citys moral atmosphere, and of certain events which came to me first-hand and have not...
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Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 1 van 2Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 1 van 2Het landzijn bodem, geleding en kustontwikkelingis n factor. Betrekkelijk onvruchtbaar, noopte het zijn bewoners tot inspanning, en al spoedig gingen deze, mede aangelokt door de op vele plaatsen het land binnendringende zee, varen, wat...
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Der Weg zur ZeichenkunstDer Weg zur Zeichenkunst - Ein Büchlein für theoretische und praktische Selbstbildungnunmehr schon ber 600 Bndchen umfassend, sucht seit ihrem Entstehen dem Gedanken zu dienen, der heute in das Wort: Freie Bahn dem Tchtigen! geprgt ist. Sie will die Errungenschaften von Wissenschaft, Kunst und...
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Eri uriaEri uria Esipuhe. 1. Tulevaisuussuunnitelmia. 2. Marian koti. 3. Eeditin koti. 4. Ragnhildin koti. 5. Tanssijaisissa. 6. Kansakoulunopettaja. 7. Sairasvuoteen ress. 8. Hannan koti. 9. Amyn koti. 10. Ompelijan luona. 11. Suuri juhla. 12. Kyhn lapsen onni. 13. Liinan koti. 14. Ensi askel. 15....
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A History of Architecture in All Countries, Volume 2, 3rd edA History of Architecture in All Countries, Volume 2, 3rd ed. - From the Earliest Times to the Present DayThe cover image was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain. Scale bars marked '1 in.' have been added to illustrations...
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A History of Architecture in all Countries, Volume 1, 3rd edA History of Architecture in all Countries, Volume 1, 3rd ed. - From the Earliest Times to the Present DayLike every other object of human inquiry, Architecture may be studied from two distinct points of view. Either it may be regarded statically, and described...
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A History of Architecture in all Countries, Volumes 1 and 2, 3rd edA History of Architecture in all Countries, Volumes 1 and 2, 3rd ed. - From the Earliest Times to the Present DayLike every other object of human inquiry, Architecture may be studied from two distinct points of view. Either it may be regarded statically,...
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Les grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècleLes grands navigateurs du XVIIIe siècleBouvet de Lozier. de Surville. Marion-Dufresne. Crozet. de Grenier. de Kerguelen-Trmarec. de Fleurieu. de Borda. Verdun de la Crenne. Galaup de La Prouse et de Langle. Bruni dEntrecasteaux et Huon de Kermadec. dHesmivy dAuribeau. de Rossel. Marchand et Chanal....
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Lady WilliamLady WilliamThe village of Watcham is not a village in the ordinary sense of the word, and yet it is a very pretty place, with a charming picturesque aspect, and of which people say, What a pretty village! when they come upon its little...
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The Life and Adventures of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones, Commonly Called Paul JonesThe Life and Adventures of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones, Commonly Called Paul JonesI commenced writing the Life of Paul Jones with the impression, received from early reading, that he was a reckless adventurer, incapable of fear, and whose chief merit consisted in performing deeds...
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Hämäläisiä: Kirja yksinkertaisista ihmisistäHämäläisiä: Kirja yksinkertaisista ihmisistäMaallisen sielukotelonsa pulleudessa istui kirkkoherra keinutuolissa sit hiljaa edestakaisin nytkytellen ja huulet pitkll imien viimeisi haikuja sikaarinptkst. Paksu hn oli, kovin paksu. Naaman lihakset roikkuivat velttoina aivan kuin olisivat psseet ylreunastaan paikoittain irti. Vatsa lyllyi kauniisti tuolin nytkhdyksien mukaan. Tm hnen...
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