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Mitä Katy teki: KertomusMitä Katy teki: KertomusKatyn nimi oli Katy Carr. Hn asui Burnet nimisess kaupungissa, joka ei ollut kovin iso, mutta kumminkin nopeasti kasvava. Talo, jossa hn asui, oli kaupungin laidassa. Se oli iso, nelikulmainen, valkea rakennus, jonka ikkunoissa oli vihret laskuverhot. Sen etusivulla oli katettu...
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"Out of the East": Reveries and Studies in New Japan"Out of the East": Reveries and Studies in New JapanThe hotel seemed to me a paradise, and the maids thereof celestial beings. This was because I had just fled away from one of the Open Ports, where I had ventured to seek comfort in...
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Teen-age Super Science StoriesTeen-age Super Science StoriesCadet Marshall Farnsworth woke from a nightmare of exploding novae and fouling rockets. After recovering from his fright, he laughed contemptuously at himself. Here I was picked as the most stable of a group of two hundred cadets, he thought, and...
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Mosaic of New Mexico's Scenery, Rocks, and HistoryMosaic of New Mexico's Scenery, Rocks, and HistoryPrevious Scenic Trips to the Geologic Past have emphasized scenic tours of local areas in New Mexico. This book lays out a mosaic of facts and fancies concerning the states landscapes, the rocks that underlie and make...
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Lassen Trails: A Brief Guide to the Trails of Lassen Volcanic National ParkLassen Trails: A Brief Guide to the Trails of Lassen Volcanic National ParkLassen Volcanic National Park, established on August 9, 1916, and containing more than 160 square miles, is administered by the National Park Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. The National Park...
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$148.15 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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Memorial de AyresMemorial de Ayres Para veer meu amigo Que talhou preyto comigo, Al vou, madre. Para veer meu amado Que mig'a preyto talhado, Al vou, madre. Ora bem, faz hoje um anno que voltei definitivamente da Europa. O que me lembrou esta data foi, estando...
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Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana: Novela (Vol 3 de 3)Historia de Gil Blas de Santillana: Novela (Vol 3 de 3)Nota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y...
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The Sealed MessageThe Sealed MessageIt was a sultry July afternoon, and in the azure arch of the firmament flamed an unclouded sun. The corn was ripening to a rich yellow in some meadows, and the newly mown hay in others was being piled on lumbering wains...
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Zeven kleine AustraliërsZeven kleine AustraliërsSeven little Australians heeft Miss Ethel Turner het boek genoemd, dat thans in Nederlandsche vertaling verschijnt. Zeven kleine Australirs heb ik dus boven het verhaal geschreven, dat de geschiedenis bevat der kinderen van den bij Sidney wonenden kapitein Woolcot. Steeds verdiept onze...
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Tube, Train, Tram, and Car or, Up-to-date locomotionTube, Train, Tram, and Car; or, Up-to-date locomotionTHE object of this book is to give the public a general idea as to the progress now being made in the application of electricity for transport purposes, and it was intended that Sir William Preece should...
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Greeks and BarbariansGreeks & BarbariansThere have been many explanations of ancient Greece and its peculiar spirit. If I may say so, the only original thing about the explanation offered in this book is its want of originality; for it is the explanation of the Greeks themselves....
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Grundzüge der Perspektive nebst AnwendungenGrundzüge der Perspektive nebst Anwendungennunmehr schon ber 500 Bndchen umfassend, will die Errungenschaften von Wissenschaft, Kunst und Technik weiteren Kreisen zugnglich machen und einem jeden die Mglichkeit bieten, auch auf ihm ferner liegenden Gebieten deren Fortschritte zu verfolgen. Sie bietet wirkliche Einfhrungen in die...
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Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 13, October, 1920Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, Vol. 2. No. 13, October, 1920 - America's Magazine of Wit, Humor and FilosophyWith this issue, Captain Billys Whiz Bang discards swaddling clothes and starts bounding on its second year of existence. In this number, which we have termed Our...
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$645.40 AUD- $9.99 AUD
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John Lane: Catalogue of Publications in Belles LettresList of Books in Belles Lettres Published by John Lane, The Bodley Head, 1895N.B.The Authors and Publisher reserve the right of reprinting any book in this list if a new edition is called for, except in cases where a stipulation has been made to...
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Kaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset 1. Näytelmät ja kertomuksetKaarlo Bergbomin kirjoitukset 1. Näytelmät ja kertomuksetSe tosiasia ett Kaarlo Bergbom vasta kuolemansa jlkeen astuu yleisn eteen ottaakseen sijan kansansa kirjailijain riviss johtuu ainakin vlillisesti niist vaikeista oloista, joissa kansallisen sivistyksemme on tytynyt raivata itselleen tiet. Poikaijst saakka Bergbom ohjattiin rakastamaan suomalaista kansaansa, mutta...
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The Telephone: A lecture entitled Researches in Electric TelephonyThe Telephone: A lecture entitled Researches in Electric TelephonyThe President: Gentlemen, the Council of the Society of Telegraph Engineers felt that they were sure of doing what the members would consider right in summoning a special meeting for the two-fold purpose of giving a...
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World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and GirlsWorld Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls - One Hundred and Eighty-seven Five-minute Classic Stories for Retelling in Home, Sunday School, Children's Services, Public School Grades and "The Story-hour" in Public LibrariesThis book is intended chiefly for the home. It is an aid...
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The Ethics of DietThe Ethics of Diet - A Catena of Authorities Deprecatory of the Practice of Flesh EatingAT the present day, in all parts of the civilised world, the once orthodox practices of cannibalism and human sacrifice universally are regarded with astonishment and horror. The history...
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Two StrangersTwo StrangersIts a great deal more, said Lucy. Why, Miss Jones at the school is a nice young womandont you be taken in by mothers old-fashioned stilts. She is a darlingshe is as nice as nice can be. Shes pretty, and shes good, and...
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