Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 11, February 1899Universal Brotherhood, Volume XIII, No. 11, February 1899 - A Magazine Devoted to the Brotherhood of Humanity, the Theosophical Movement, Philosophy, Science and ArtAnnual Subscription for the United States, Canada and Mexico, $2.00; 6 months $1.00; 3 months 50 cents; single copy, 20 cents....
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The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer (Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche)The Prophecies of the Brahan Seer (Coinneach Odhar Fiosaiche)The Second Edition of the Prophecies has long been out of print, stray copies of it selling at more than double the published price. We now place another edition, considerably extended, and much improved in every...
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The gift of friendshipThe gift of friendshipWE have a great deal more kindness than is ever spoken. Maugre all the selfishness that chills like east winds the world, the whole human family is bathed with an element of love like a fine ether. How many persons we...
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L'imitation de Jésus-ChristL'imitation de Jésus-Christ - Traduction nouvelle avec des réflexions à la fin de chaque chapitreLes personnes qui recherchent avec une prfrence fonde sur le mrite incontestable de la traduction et surtout des Rflexions, l'Imitation de Jsus-Christ de M. l'abb de Lamennais, sont induites en...
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Twenty-four DiscoursesTwenty-four Discourses - On Some of the Important and Interesting Truths, Duties, and Institutions, of the Gospel, and the General Excellency of the Christian Religion; Calculated for the People of God of Every Communion, Particularly for the Benefit of Pious Families, and the Instruction...
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Constitutions pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'annonciade céleste, fondé à Genes en l'Année 1604Constitutions pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'annonciade céleste, fondé à Genes en l'Année 1604.Comme l'Etat Religieux est un des plus grands biens que l'homme puisse recevoir de Dieu en ce monde, soit que l'on le considere en soi, ou que l'on le compare...
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Regles pour les officieres du monastere de l'Annonciade, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Regles pour les officieres du monastere de l'Annonciade, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Parce que la charit aprs Dieu commence par soi-mme, & ensuite s'tend envers le prochain. Il est ncessaire de voir premierement comment la Mere se doit comporter envers soi-mme,...
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Avis pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'Annonciade celeste, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604Avis pour les religieuses de l'ordre de l'Annonciade celeste, fondé à Genes l'année de notre Salut 1604 - R'imprimés en ladite Ville, & accomodés à la pratique de l'observance des Constitutions; pour l'instruction des exercices spirituels, à l'usage des Monasteres du même Ordre.1. Que...
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Theism and HumanismTheism and Humanism - Being the Gifford Lectures Delivered at the University of Glasgow, 1914This volume contains the substance of the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of Glasgow in January and February 1914. I say the substance of the lectures, lest any of...
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Crimes of Preachers in the United States and CanadaCrimes of Preachers in the United States and CanadaSo long as imagination creates a god to rule the destinies of men; so long as ignorance can be made to believe that the preacher or priest is in some way a go-between, or agent, between...
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Life and destinyLife and destiny Dr. Felix Adler, from whose Addresses the following gems of thought are extracted, is widely known in the United States as an impassioned preacher, a distinguished scholar, and a leading citizen. He founded in 1876, in the City of New York,...
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Altruism: Its Nature and VarietiesAltruism: Its Nature and VarietiesI have been moving about lately through different parts of our country, sitting down to dinner in many homes, and I have everywhere found the family eating bread made of Indian meal, rye, barley, or oatmeal. When I have asked,...
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Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 2 van 2Uit de ontwikkelingsgeschiedenis van het Menschelijk Denken, Deel 2 van 2Immanuel Kant werd den 22 April 1724 te Koningsbergen als zoon van eenvoudige burgers geboren. Zijn vader, een zadelmaker, was een ernstig, eerzaam, vlijtig handwerksman. Zijn moeder had een innig, vroom gemoed, een helder,...
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The Quakers, Past and PresentThe Quakers, Past and Present In the second place comes a consideration of the method of worship and of corporate living laid down by the founder of Quakerism, as best calculated to foster mystical gifts and to strengthen in the community as a whole...
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The Sermon on the Mount: A Practical ExpositionThe Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Exposition There is no plant in the spiritual garden of the Church of England which at the present moment needs more diligent watering and tending than the practical, devotional study of Holy Scripture. The extent to which...
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The changing world, and lectures to theosophical studentsThe changing world, and lectures to theosophical students. - Fifteen lectures delivered in London during May, June, and July, 1909Friends: if you stand on the seashore when the tide is flowing inwards, and if you watch the waves as they ripple up, one after...
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The Secret of Life, Death and ImmortalityThe Secret of Life, Death and Immortality - A startling proposition, with a chapter devoted to mental therapeutics and instructions for self healingThe writer of these pages a few years ago invented, patented and successfully demonstrated in the city of Los Angeles, California, a...
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Ambition and SuccessAmbition and SuccessIn a factory where mariners compasses are made, the needles, before they are magnetized, will lie in any position, wherever they are placed, but from the moment they have been touched by the mighty magnet and have been electrified, they are never...
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The Principles of Psychology, Volume 2 (of 2)The Principles of Psychology, Volume 2 (of 2)Its distinction from perception, 1. Its cognitive functionacquaintance with qualities, 3. No pure sensations after the first days of life, 7. The 'relativity of knowledge,' 9. The law of contrast, 13. The psychological and the physiological theories...
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The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2)The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2)The treatise which follows has in the main grown up in connection with the author's class-room instruction in Psychology, although it is true that some of the chapters are more 'metaphysical,' and others fuller of detail, than...
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