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Modern Copper SmeltingModern Copper Smelting - being lectures delivered at Birmingham University, greatly extended and adapted and with and introduction on the history, uses and properties of copper.The lectures on Modern Copper Smelting embodied in this volume were delivered at the University of Birmingham to the...
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Gas and Petroleum EnginesGas and Petroleum Engines The great and increasing importance of internal combustion motors is perhaps scarcely realized by the general public. For industrial purposes they have for many years been steadily gaining favour, and now hold an assured position. It is only in the...
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Leonardo da Vinci als Ingenieur und PhilosophLeonardo da Vinci als Ingenieur und Philosoph - Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Technik und der induktiven WissenschaftenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1874 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche, altertmliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber...
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The American Journal of Photography, Vol. XI, No. 7, July 1890The American Journal of Photography, Vol. XI, No. 7, July 1890Our illustration, Folwells Washington, is a profile of the one person characterized in our nations history as the First in war, the first in peace, and the first in the hearts of his countrymen....
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Common Sense for HousemaidsCommon Sense for HousemaidsArrived yesterday in Cavendish Square at half-past five oclock, for a visit of a few days. Much fatigued, but wonderfully sustained in spirits during the journey, by the prospect of seeing a dear friend, the ten thousand comforts of her well-regulated...
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La scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar beneLa scienza in cucina e l'arte di mangiar bene - Manuale pratico per le famiglie Avevo data l'ultima mano al mio libro La scienza in cucina e l'Arte di mangiar bene, quando capit in Firenze il mio dotto amico Francesco Trevisan, professore di belle...
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Flint Hills Cook BookFlint Hills Cook Bookhere is a custom, hoary with the accumulated dust of ages, originating many a long century ago, in a certain, but now extinct garden, of which we all know more or less, viz: That man will and must eat. Out of...
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The Tale of the Spinning WheelThe Tale of the Spinning Wheel The Tale of the Spinning-Wheel is revised and enlarged from a paper read before the Litchfield Historical Society, Litchfield, Connecticut; New England Society in the City of New York, Waldorf-Astoria, New York City; Mary Floyd Tallmadge Chapter, D....
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The Mary Frances Sewing Book Or, Adventures Among the Thimble PeopleThe Mary Frances Sewing Book; Or, Adventures Among the Thimble PeopleThe entire contents of this book are protected by the stringent new copyright law, and all persons are warned not to attempt to reproduce the text, in whole or in part, or any of...
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A Manual of Pyrotechny or, A Familiar System of Recreative Fire-worksA Manual of Pyrotechny; or, A Familiar System of Recreative Fire-works The term Pyrotechny is derived from pyr and techny, the two Greek words for Fire and Art; or it is the art of employing fire for purposes of utility or pleasure. The term...
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The British Journal of Photography, No. 613, Vol. XIX, February 2, 1872The British Journal of Photography, No. 613, Vol. XIX, February 2, 1872Herr Schultz-Sellack has recently called attention to a remarkable agreement in certain properties between chemically-clean glass surfaces and photographic films coated with tannin or albumen. The particular property in which they appear to...
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The Housekeeper's Valuable Present; Or, Lady's Closet CompanionThe Housekeeper's Valuable Present; Or, Lady's Closet Companion - Being a New and Complete Art of Preparing Confects, According to Modern PracticeDURING the course of my apprenticeship with Messrs. Negri and Gunter, in Berkeley Square, many housekeepers to noblemen and gentlemen, on special occasions,...
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Board-Work; or the Art of Wig-making, EtcBoard-Work; or the Art of Wig-making, Etc. - Designed For the Use of Hairdressers and Especially of Young Men in the Trade. To Which Is Added Remarks Upon Razors, Razor-sharpening, Razor Strops, & Miscellaneous Recipes, Specially Selected.The following work, which is the result of...
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War-Time Breads and CakesWar-Time Breads and CakesFor the last twenty years the housewives of our country have been more and more depending upon the bakers for the bread used in the homes. In some of our cities the home-baked loaf is hardly known. I had fallen into...
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The Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Assistant and GuideThe Boot and Shoe Manufacturers' Assistant and Guide. - Containing a Brief History of the Trade. History of India-rubber and Gutta-percha, and Their Application to the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes. Full Instructions in the Art, With Diagrams and Scales, Etc., Etc. Vulcanization and...
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Secrets of meat curing and sausage makingSecrets of meat curing and sausage making - how to cure hams, shoulders, bacon, corned beef, etc., and how to make all kinds of sausage, etc. to comply with the pure food lawsAdolph Heller, the father of the members of the firm of B....
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Pitman's Common Commodities and IndustriesCarpetsIn treating of carpet manufacture, which involves the employment of looms and other machinery of a complicated nature, I was confronted with the problem, how far it was necessary or desirable to explain and illustrate mechanical devices. Upon consideration, it seemed advisable, having regard...
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Fences, Gates and Bridges: A Practical ManualFences, Gates and Bridges: A Practical Manual Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, by the O. JUDD CO., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. It is authoritatively stated that the building and maintenance of the farm...
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The Modern Bicycle and Its AccessoriesThe Modern Bicycle and Its AccessoriesTo the Cyclist who appreciates the advantage of understanding his wheel, its mechanism and its construction, for the same reason and because of the same interest felt by a horseman in his roadster, an engineer in his locomotive, or...
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The Engineer's Sketch-BookThe Engineer's Sketch-Book - Of Mechanical Movements, Devices, Appliances, Contrivances and Details Employed in the Design and Construction of Machinery for Every Purpose Classified & Arranged for Reference for the Use of Engineers, Mechanical Draughtsmen, Managers, Mechanics, Inventors, Patent Agents, and All Engaged in...
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