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Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884Scientific American Supplement, No. 460, October 25, 1884It is, perhaps, more difficult to write accurate history than anything else, and this is true not only of nations, kings, politicians, or wars, but of events and things witnessed or called into existence in every-day life....
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887Scientific American Supplement, No. 598, June 18, 1887Should nothing chance to discourage the general interest that surrounds Havre, to dampen the enthusiasm of the public, or to act to the prejudice of the exhibitors, whose very evident desire is to show nothing but remarkable...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891Scientific American Supplement, No. 799, April 25, 1891In time of war the dispatch boats are the eyes of the fleet. It is their duty to reconnoiter and ascertain the strength of the enemy and to carry the orders of the commander. For this service...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887Scientific American Supplement, No. 595, May 28, 1887The experiments with life saving appliances which Mr. Copeman brought before the delegates of the Colonial Conference, on the 13th April, at the Westminster Aquarium, had a particular interest, due to the late and lamentable accident which...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884Scientific American Supplement, No. 458, October 11, 1884The electric railway recently set in operation between Frankfort and Offenbach furnishes an occasion for studying the question of such roads anew and from a practical standpoint. For elevated railways Messrs. Siemens and Halske a long time...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887Scientific American Supplement, No. 601, July 9, 1887Among the different classes of vessels designed for special services, constructed by Messrs. Yarrow & Co., at Poplar, for the British government, is one which is stated to be the fastest torpedo boat in her majesty's navy....
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884Scientific American Supplement, No. 446, July 19, 1884Hitherto it has been found that of all the appliances and methods for separating the liquid from the solid matters, whether it is in the case of effluents from tanneries and other manufactories, or the ocherous and...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886Roumania is thinking of protecting a portion of the artillery of the forts surrounding her capital by metallic cupolas. But, before deciding upon the mode of constructing these formidable and costly affairs, and before ordering them, she...
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Stories of Inventors: The Adventures of Inventors and EngineersStories of Inventors: The Adventures of Inventors and EngineersThere are many thrilling incidentsall the more attractive because of their truthin the study, the trials, the disappointments, the obstacles overcome, and the final triumph of the successful inventor. Every great invention, afterward marvelled at, was...
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Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883In our SUPPLEMENT No. 412 we gave several engravings and a full description of the colossal German National monument "Germania," lately unveiled on the Niederwald slope of the Rhine. We now present, as beautiful suggestions in art,...
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A Project for Flying: In Earnest at Last!A Project for Flying: In Earnest at Last!One man of my acquaintance was deeply interested to know the results of the California Experiment, because he alone, as he believed, had questioned Nature and learned from her the great secret of aerial navigation. To-day's Tribune...
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Rough and Tumble EngineeringRough and Tumble EngineeringIn placing this book before the public the author wishes it understood that it is not his intention to produce a scientific work on engineering. Such a book would be valuable only to engineers of large stationary engines. In a nice...
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What Dress Makes of UsWhat Dress Makes of UsDid you ever observe, dear comrade, what an element of caricature lurks in clothes? A short, round coat on a stout man seems to exaggerate his proportions to such a ridiculous degree that the profile of his manly form suggests...
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Reform Cookery Book (4th edition)Reform Cookery Book (4th edition) - Up-To-Date Health Cookery for the Twentieth Century.Still the Food Reform movement goes on and expresses itself in many ways. New developments and enterprises on the part of those engaged in the manufacture and distribution of pure foods are...
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En ballon! Pendant le siege de ParisEn ballon! Pendant le siege de ParisEn 1863, les campagnes arostatiques du Gant ont attir l'attention du monde entier, prouvant ainsi que l'oeuvre des Montgolfier suscitera toujours de nombreuses marques de sympathie; mais M. Nadar, qui voulait tuer un principe, et crer sur ses...
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Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and JournalsSamuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals - In Two Volumes, Volume II 1914 Packet-ship Sully.Dinner-table conversation.Dr. Charles T. Jackson. First conception of telegraph.Sketch-book.Idea of 1832 basic principle of telegraph of to-day.Thoughts on priority.Testimony of passengers and Captain Pell.Difference between "discovery" and "invention."Professor...
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Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and JournalsSamuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals - In Two Volumes, Volume I. 1914 "It is the hour of fate, And those who follow me reach every state Mortals desire, and conquer every foe Save death. But they who doubt or hesitate Condemned...
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A Catechism of the Steam EngineA Catechism of the Steam EngineFor some years past a new edition of this work has been called for, but I was unwilling to allow a new edition to go forth with all the original faults of the work upon its head, and I...
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Die Brüder WrightDie Brüder Wright - Eine Studie ueber die Entwicklung der Flugmaschine von Lilienthal bis Wright Der Prophet gilt nichts im Vaterlande! Dieses alte Sprichwort will andeuten, dass infolge der Unvollkommenheit der menschlichen Natur das Verdienst hervorragender Mnner oft nicht so gewrdigt wird, wie es...
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The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d edThe Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed.This little book has been compiled by special and repeated request. Otherwise, I should have hesitated to add to the already existing number of vegetarian cookery books. It is not addressed to the professional cook, but to those...
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