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Finding the Perfect Read for Dad: A Father's Day Gift Guide

by Anshika Malik 13 Jun 2024


Father's Day is a time to celebrate the amazing dads in our lives. This year, ditch the traditional tie or cologne and give Dad a gift that will truly spark his imagination: a book! Whether your dad is a history buff, a self-improvement guru, or a fiction fanatic, there's a perfect book out there waiting to be discovered.

Finding the Right Genre for Dad

Dads come in all shapes and sizes, with just as diverse reading preferences. Here are a few tips to help you choose the right genre for your dad:

  • Think about his hobbies and interests. Does he love tinkering in the garage? A book on woodworking or car repair might be perfect.
  • Consider his profession. Is he a lawyer, a doctor, or an entrepreneur? There are fascinating biographies or self-help books geared towards specific careers.
  • Remember his favorite films or TV shows. Does he love historical dramas? A historical fiction novel set in that era might be a great choice.

A Father's Day Book Collection to Impress

Here are some specific book recommendations to get you started:

For the History Buff:

  • "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari: This international bestseller explores the history of our species, from our hunter-gatherer origins to the modern world.


           Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari
       Shop Here
  • "Endurance: A Shackleton's Story" by Alfred Lansing: This gripping true story chronicles Ernest Shackleton's epic Antarctic expedition and his incredible leadership in the face of overwhelming odds.


For the Self-Improvement Seeker:

  • "The Obstacle Is the Way" by Ryan Holiday: This book, inspired by the teachings of stoic philosophy, shows how to turn life's challenges into opportunities for growth.
        The Obstacle Is the Way by Ryan Holiday
        Shop Here
  • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear: This practical guide outlines the science behind forming good habits and breaking bad ones, helping readers to achieve their goals.

For the Fiction Fanatic:

  • "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien: A timeless classic, this epic fantasy adventure will transport Dad to a world of hobbits, elves, and dragons.
  • "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles: This witty and heartwarming novel tells the story of a Russian aristocrat who is confined to a grand Moscow hotel after the revolution.

For the Foodie Father:

  • "Salt Fat Acid Heat" by Samin Nosrat: This award-winning cookbook delves into the four essential elements of good cooking, empowering readers to create delicious and satisfying meals.
  • "The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science" by J. Kenji López-Alt: This science-based exploration of cooking techniques unlocks the secrets behind perfectly cooked food, making any dad into a kitchen whiz.

Beyond the Book: Enhance Dad's Reading Experience

  • Consider an e-reader or audiobook subscription. This allows Dad to take his favorite reads on the go, whether he's commuting to work or relaxing on the beach.
  • Pair the book with a cozy reading blanket and a mug for his favorite beverage.
  • Write a heartfelt inscription in the front cover. Let Dad know how much you appreciate him.

With this guide and our vast selection of books, you're sure to find the perfect present for Dad this Father's Day. So, browse our online store, grab a cup of coffee, and settle in for some quality bonding time – over a great book, of course!

Exlpore your favourite book at your own online bookstore.

Happy Reading!


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