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The JamesonsThe JamesonsUntil that summer nobody in our village had ever taken boarders. There had been no real necessity for it, and we had always been rather proud of the fact. While we were certainly not richthere was not one positively rich family among uswe...
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The Debtor: A NovelThe Debtor: A NovelBanbridge lies near enough to the great City to perceive after nightfall, along the southern horizon, the amalgamated glow of its multitudinous eyes of electric fire. In the daytime the smoke of its mighty breathing, in its race of progress and...
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Jane Field: A NovelJane Field: A NovelAmanda Pratt's cottage-house was raised upon two banks above the road-level. Here and there the banks showed irregular patches of yellow-green, where a little milky-stemmed plant grew. It had come up every spring since Amanda could remember. There was a great...
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Molly McDonald: A Tale of the Old FrontierMolly McDonald: A Tale of the Old Frontier When, late in May, 1868, Major Daniel McDonald, Sixth Infantry, was first assigned to command the new three company post established southwest of Fort Dodge, designed to protect the newly discovered Cimarron trail leading to Santa...
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The Story of BawnThe Story of BawnTheobald was my boy cousin, and we played together up and down the long corridors in winter, and in the darkness of the underground passage, in summer in the woods and shrubberies and gardens, and we were happy together. I was...
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Scenes of Clerical LifeScenes of Clerical LifeGeorge Eliot, or Mary Ann Evans, was born at Arbury Farm, in the parish of Chilvers Coton, Warwickshire, on the 22nd of November, 1819. She was the fifth and last child of her father by his second wifeof that father whose...
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The House by the Church-YardThe House by the Church-Yarde are going to talk, if you please, in the ensuing chapters, of what was going on in Chapelizod about a hundred years ago. A hundred years, to be sure, is a good while; but though fashions have changed, some...
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Gordon Craig, Soldier of FortuneGordon Craig, Soldier of Fortune I had placed the lumber inside the yard as directed, and was already rehitching the traces, when the man crossed the street slowly, switching his light cane carelessly in the air. I had noticed him before standing there in...
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Ellénore, Volume IEllénore, Volume IC'est sous le Consulat, un dner chez la marquise de Condorcet, o se trouvaient plusieurs des personnes des plus remarquables de ce temps, que je vis pour la premire fois la belle madame Mansley, cette spirituelle Ellnore qu'un homme justement clbre a...
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The Courage of Marge O'DooneThe Courage of Marge O'DooneIf you had stood there in the edge of the bleak spruce forest, with the wind moaning dismally through the twisting treesmidnight of deep Decemberthe Transcontinental would have looked like a thing of fire; dull fire, glowing with a smouldering...
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Pieces of EightPieces of Eight - Being the Authentic Narrative of a Treasure Discovered in the Bahama Islands in the Year 1903LIFE BEING OF THE NATURE BOTH OF A TREASURE-HUNT AND A PIRATICAL EXPEDITION, I DEDICATE THIS NARRATIVE TO THE FOLLOWING SAILING COMPANIONS OF MINE ON...
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Rosemary: A Christmas storyRosemary: A Christmas storyIt would be Christmas soon, and he thought that he would rather get it over on the Riviera than anywhere else, because the blue and gold weather would not remind him of other Christmases which were gonepure, white, cold Christmases, musical...
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The Black DouglasThe Black DouglasMerry fell the eve of Whitsunday of the year 1439, in the fairest and heartsomest spot in all the Scottish southland. The twined May-pole had not yet been taken down from the house of Brawny Kim, master armourer and foster father to...
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The Nigger Of The "Narcissus": A Tale Of The ForecastleThe Nigger Of The "Narcissus": A Tale Of The Forecastle A work that aspires, however humbly, to the condition of art should carry its justification in every line. And art itself may be defined as a single-minded attempt to render the highest kind of...
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Le Négrier, Vol. IVLe Négrier, Vol. IV - Aventures de mer 1854 Mon affaissement moral, le dgot de la vie, des nuits sans sommeil et des jours accablans allumrent bientt; dans mon sang irrit cette affreuse maladie que les affections de l'me tendent surtout dvelopper dans ces...
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InfeliceInfelice"I said as much at the door, but she gave me to understand she came a long way, and should not leave here without seeing the Doctor. She told the driver of the carriage to call for her in about two hours, as she...
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Le Négrier, Vol. ILe Négrier, Vol. I - Aventures de merSouvent je me suis rappel l'motion profonde que vous firent prouver, en ma prsence, la vue de la mer et l'aspect de ces tres hardis qui se sont fait un mtier d'en affronter les dangers. Les impressions...
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Le Négrier, Vol. IILe Négrier, Vol. II - Aventures de merQuelque douces que soient les jouissances de coeur et d'amour-propre, que l'on savoure dans son pays natal, elles ne peuvent suffire longtemps une me active et une tte bouillante. Le calme plat dans lequel je vivais terre...
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Le Négrier, Vol. IIILe Négrier, Vol. III - Aventures de merEncore le capitaine Niquelet.Morale maritime.Leons pour les passagers.Moeurs des quipages.Le bonhomme Tropique.Le baptme.Ivon prend le nom de M. de Livonire.Une nuit et un lever de soleil sous le tropique.La pche bord.Le feu Saint-Elme.La cagne. Combien, aprs avoir...
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