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Les Pardaillan — Tome 02 : L'épopée d'amourLes Pardaillan — Tome 02 : L'épopée d'amourIl revoyait, comme dans un songe, la scne o Damville feignait de lui avouer qu'il avait t l'amant de Jeanne... son duel avec lui o il avait cru le laisser mort sur place... et la disparition de...
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A Prince of CornwallA Prince of Cornwall - A Story of Glastonbury and the West in the Days of Ina of WessexA few words of preface may save footnotes to a story which deals with the half-forgotten days when the power of a British prince had yet...
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The Light That LuresThe Light That LuresSeated on a green hummock, his knees drawn up, his elbows resting on his knees and his head supported in his open hands, a boy sat very still and preoccupied, gazing straight into the world before him, yet conscious of little...
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The Youth of the Great ElectorThe Youth of the Great ElectorWith hasty strides George William, the Elector, paced to and fro the length of his cabinet. His features wore a dark, agitated expression, his blue eyes flashed with indignation and wrath; his hands were folded behind his back, as...
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Tales of the Five TownsTales of the Five TownsIt was an amiable but deceitful afternoon in the third week of December. Snow fell heavily in the windows of confectioners' shops, and Father Christmas smiled in Keats's Bazaar the fawning smile of a myth who knows himself to be...
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The RomanticThe Romantic 1920 The tail of her long, averted stare was conscious of him, of his big, tweed-suited body and its behaviour, squaring and swelling and tightening in its dignity, of its heavy swing to her shoulder as they turned. She could stave off...
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