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A Madeira PartyA Madeira PartySometime early in the second quarter of the century, in the City of Penn, and in what was then known as Delaware-Fourth street, soon after dusk in the evening, occurred the unimportant events of which I shall speak. The room was paneled...
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The War-Trail Fort: Further Adventures of Thomas Fox and PitamakanThe War-Trail Fort: Further Adventures of Thomas Fox and PitamakanOne of the most vivid impressions of my youth is of a certain evening in the spring of 1865. It was the evening of May 21. Just before sundown the first steamboat of the season,...
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The Last TenantThe Last TenantTranscriber's Notes: 1. Page scans provided by Google Books: (The University of Michigan) From a peculiar restlessness in my wife's movements, I gathered that she was considering some scheme which threatened to disturb the peaceful surroundings of my life. Upon two...
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