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Fighting Germany's SpiesFighting Germany's SpiesEspionage has always been to Americans one of the hateful relics of an outworn political system of Europe from which America was fortunately free. We lived in an atmosphere not tainted with dynastic ambitions or internal oppression. We had no secret agents...
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My Day: Reminiscences of a Long LifeMy Day: Reminiscences of a Long Life I am constrained to encourage a possible reader by assuring him that I have no intention whatever of writing strictly an autobiography. Nothing in myself nor in my life would warrant me in so doing. I might,...
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Beautiful EnglandThe Peak DistrictIn Peakland one marvels most at the strange variety of sceneryillustrations of all English inland beauty seem to have been grouped there for mans delight. There are tender meadows, streams such as must have meandered through Arcady, fantastical hillocks, mountains that cut...
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Studies in Irish History, 1603-1649Studies in Irish History, 1603-1649 - Being a Course of Lectures Delivered before the Irish Literary Society of London. 2d Series.These words were written in an appeal for justice, or even the formality of a trial, by one who was betrayed by the English...
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The Diary of a French Private: War-Imprisonment, 1914-1915The Diary of a French Private: War-Imprisonment, 1914-1915I had the honour three years ago to write the Preface to M. Gaston Rious first book, Aux coutes de la France qui vient. It was full of fire, impetus, and passion; it was a heart-beat. I...
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Indians of the Mesa VerdeIndians of the Mesa VerdeFor almost seven centuries it has stood there looking out across the canyon toward the setting sun. Proudly, almost haughtily, it has resisted the heavy tread of those slow centuries. Like a giant with a shawl of everlasting stone pulled...
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Konstantinopelin valloitusKonstantinopelin valloitus - Kertomus Turkin vallan perustamisajoilta kansalle ja nuorisolleErn pivn alkupuolella toukokuuta 1452 kulki muudan armenialainen Adrianopelin rantakatua pitkin Maritsajoen rannalla olevalle vesiportille pin. Hnen plln oli pitk, musta kauhtana ja omituinen armenialainen lakki syvll pss. Hn nytti jo ijkklt miehelt, sill hnen...
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Terra Australis Incognita Or, A New Southern Discovery, containing A Fifth Part of the WorldTerra Australis Incognita; Or, A New Southern Discovery, containing A Fifth Part of the WorldI am called Captain Peter Ferdinand De Quir, a most humble Servant and Subject of your Majesty's, who in all Submission do shew unto you, that this is the Eighth...
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Oliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in EnglandOliver Cromwell and the Rule of the Puritans in EnglandThis Life of Cromwell is in part based on an article contributed by the author to the Dictionary of National Biography in 1888, but embodies the result of later researches, and of recently discovered documents...
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A Colored Man's Reminiscences of James MadisonA Colored Man's Reminiscences of James MadisonAmong the laborers at the Department of the Interior is an intelligent colored man, Paul Jennings, who was born a slave on President Madison's estate, in Montpelier, Va., in 1799. His reputed father was Benj. Jennings, an English...
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Haleakala GuideHawaii National Park: A Guide for the Haleakala Section, Island of Maui, HawaiiMost of us yearn to travel, and the preliminary to travel is to choose a place that others, people or books, say is interesting, then find out more about it. This guide...
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Peeps at Many Lands: SiamPeeps at Many Lands: SiamYou have doubtless already learned in your history of England that at one time this island home of ours was peopled by wild, uncivilized tribes, who were driven away into the hills of the north and the west by invaders...
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The Indians of the Pike's Peak RegionThe Indians of the Pike's Peak Region - Including an Account of the Battle of Sand Creek, and of Occurrences in El Paso County, Colorado, during the War with the Cheyennes and Arapahoes, in 1864 and 1868 For the most part this book is...
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China RevolutionizedChina RevolutionizedThe Honorable Yuan Shih Kai, confirmed as president of China by the National Assembly, January, 1913. A middle province type (Honan). He is wearing the uniform of the General-in-Chief of the northern army. A forceful progressive leader of the New China. A republic...
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National Park Service popular study series. History no. 12Rifles and Riflemen at the Battle of Kings MountainKings Mountain, the fierce attack of American frontiersmen on October 7, 1780, against Cornwallis scouting force under Ferguson, was an unexpected onslaught carried out in the foothills of South Carolina. This sudden uprising of the stalwart...
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The History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called QuakersThe History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the Christian People Called Quakers - Intermixed with Several Remarkable Occurrencs.After a labour of more than five and twenty years, this history at length appears in public view; to the compiling of which I was...
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David Cusick’s Sketches of Ancient History of the Six NationsDavid Cusick’s Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations - Comprising First—A Tale of the Foundation of the Great Island, (Now North America), The Two Infants Born, and the Creation of the Universe. Second—A Real Account of the Early Settlers of north America,...
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The Hermitage, Home of Old HickoryThe Hermitage, Home of Old HickoryThe preservation of the Hermitage as one of Americas most cherished historic shrines is due to the vision and patriotic enthusiasm of the women composing the Ladies Hermitage Association, to whom all possible credit should be given for the...
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Prospectus of the Scots New Zealand Land CompanyProspectus of the Scots New Zealand Land Company Reasons for Emigrating. Reasons for Preferring New Zealand to Every Other Emigration Field, and for Forming a Scots New Zealand Company. Fundamental Rules Respecting Shares. Further Regulations Respecting the Management of the Companys Affairs. Importance of...
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Sosialismin historiaSosialismin historia - Uudemman sosiaismin edeltäjät. 1. Platonista uudestikastajiinI. Uudestikastajat ennen talonpoikaissotaa. II. Uudestikastajien opit. III. Sveitsin uudestikastajien onni ja hvi. IV. Etel-Saksan uudestikastajat. V. Mhrin uudestikastajat. VI. Mnsterin levottomuudet. VII. Strassburgin ja Alankomaiden uudestikastajat. VIII. Mnsterin vallotus. IX. Uusi Jerusalem. a) Tietolhteet. b)...
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