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The German Spy in AmericaThe German Spy in America - The Secret Plotting of German Spies in the United States and the Inside Story of the Sinking of the LusitaniaWhen the German note announcing that the Imperial German Government intended to resume with greater vigour its ruthless submarine...
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Koning JanKoning JanVan dit stuk is geen afzonderlijke uitgave bekend; het schijnt eerst in de verzameling van Sh.s dramatische werken, de Folio-uitgave van 1623, verschenen te zijn. Het behoort onder de stukken, die Francis Meres in 1598 in zijn Palladis Tamia vermeldt. Men mag naar...
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The Horse in HistoryThe Horse in HistoryAFTER directly helping on the progress of the world and the development of civilisation almost from the time when, according to Nehring's interesting studies, the wild and primitive horses of the great Drift began to exhibit distinct differences in make, shape...
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Pieter Maritz, der Buernsohn von TransvaalPieter Maritz, der Buernsohn von TransvaalAn einem Nachmittage des Monats Januar 1878 zog ein einzelner Reiter, neben dessen Pferd ein Knabe von etwa vierzehn Jahren einherschritt, durch das Thal des Nylflusses, welches die langgestreckten Hhenzge der Waterberge im Lande Transvaal in Sdafrika durchbricht. Die...
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A Colonial Reformer, Vol. 2 (of 3)A Colonial Reformer, Vol. 2 (of 3)Mr. Neuchamp was disposed to be wroth with himself when he discovered that he was looking forward with considerable interest to a much-talked-of ball, by which the Count von Schtterheims had resolved to mark his appreciation of the...
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The Rogerenes: some hitherto unpublished annals belonging to the colonial history of ConnecticutThe Rogerenes: some hitherto unpublished annals belonging to the colonial history of ConnecticutWhile spending the summer at New London, in 1894, we were requested to aid Mr. John R. Bolles, in the capacity of reader and amanuensis, he being compelled, by reason of impaired...
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Matkustus SuomessaMatkustus Suomessa 1. Maisema Savossa. 2. Talonpoikais-vke Vaasan seuduilta. 3. Helsingin satama. 4. Kalastajan mkki Tammisaaren kaupungin saaristossa. 5. Tyynen aikana Ahvenan laivassa. 6. Turun linna ja Auran suu. 7- Imatra. 8. Talvi-ilta Somerossa. 9. Porvoon kaupunki. 10. Maisema Pirkkalassa. 11. Jsken kirkkotiell. 12....
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Lord PalmerstonLord PalmerstonIN looking for material on which to base this short memoir of Lord Palmerston I have of course taken, as my guide to his general life, the biography of Mr. Evelyn Ashley.[A] I have also referred to the unfinished volumes by Lord Dalling,...
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History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2) - From the earliest time to the middle of the nineteenth centuryA History of the Sciences has been planned to present for the information of the general public a historic record of the great divisions of science....
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EmmelineEmmelineFor an hour at least Emmeline lay quietly curled up on the rear seat of the Willing surrey. This vehicle was very old and low and broad; it had been built in the days when people made long journeys in carriages and liked to...
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History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2)History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2) - From 1850 to 1910A History of the Sciences has been planned to present for the information of the general public a historic record of the great divisions of science. Each volume is the work of a...
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Histories of two hundred and fifty-one divisions of the German army which participated in the war (1914-1918)Histories of two hundred and fifty-one divisions of the German army which participated in the war (1914-1918)The following pages contain the record of the organization and service of the 251 divisions of the German Army during the years 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, and 1918,...
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The War in the East: Japan, China, and CoreaThe War in the East: Japan, China, and CoreaThe unexpected news of war between the Mikados Empire and the Celestial Kingdom has startled the whole world. Thereby considerable light was thrown upon the Oriental world. Japan, up to a very short time ago, through...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 51, June 19, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 51, June 19, 1841There are perhaps no objects in our own dear Ogygia, or Sacred Island, as it was also anciently called, which strike the minds of strangers with greater surprise, and excite them to more meditative...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 52, June 26, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 52, June 26, 1841Twenty years had nearly elapsed, and no stone marked the grate where Curran was interred: still Ireland continued unpossessed of the remains of one of the ablest of her orators and purest of her...
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Good stories for great birthdaysGood stories for great birthdays - arranged for story-telling and reading aloud and for the children's own readingARRANGED FOR STORY-TELLING AND READING ALOUD AND FOR THE CHILDRENS OWN READING BY FRANCES JENKINS OLCOTT WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY The Riverside...
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Mogg's Cab Fare Distance Map and London GuideMogg's Cab Fare Distance Map and London Guide. - Index to the Streets, Squares, and Cab Stands. ExplanationThe method here adopted is by dividing the Plan into Squares, with Letters at the top and bottom to correspond, and also Figures down the sides. It...
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Fort Ticonderoga: A Short HistoryFort Ticonderoga: A Short HistoryThe little bronze flint and tinder box illustrated, was found in 1888 by the present Museum Director, then a small boy. His brother dislodged a stone while they were climbing around the fort. Under the stone was this box with...
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The Last Frontier: The White Man's War for Civilisation in AfricaThe Last Frontier: The White Man's War for Civilisation in AfricaThe unknown lands are almost all discovered. The work of the explorer and the pioneer is nearly finished, and ere long their stern and hardy figures will have passed from the world's stage, never...
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My Memory of GladstoneMy Memory of GladstoneSince the appearance of the first volumes of Macaulays History there has not been such an event in the publishing world as the appearance of a Life of Gladstone by Mr. Morley. Nor has public expectation been disappointed. Though I saw...
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