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The Medici Balls: Seven little journeys in TuscanyThe Medici Balls: Seven little journeys in Tuscany HY the Medici family assumed the well-known device of red balls on a field of gold, is one of the vexed questions of heraldic history. Some hold that as the saints, Cosmo and Damian, who appear...
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Society in America, Volume 1 (of 2)Society in America, Volume 1 (of 2)"To seize a character, even that of one man, in its life and secret mechanism, requires a philosopher; to delineate it with truth and impressiveness is work for a poet. How then shall one or two sleek clerical...
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The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10)The Decameron (Day 6 to Day 10) - Containing an hundred pleasant NovelsHaving (by your Honorable command) translated this Decameron, or Cento Novelle, sirnamed Il Principe Galeotto, of ten dayes severall discourses, grounded on variable and singuler Arguments, happening betweene seaven Noble Ladies, and...
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The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5)The Decameron (Day 1 to Day 5) - Containing an hundred pleasant NovelsThe Philosopher Zeno (Right Honourable, and my most worthily esteemed Lord) being demaunded on a time by what meanes a man might attaine to happinesse; made answere: By resorting to the dead,...
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The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 02 [of 13]The Chronicles of Enguerrand de Monstrelet, Vol. 02 [of 13] - Containing an account of the cruel civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy, of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the English, their expulsion thence, and of other memorable events...
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Three Years in TibetThree Years in TibetI was lately reading the Holy Text of the Saharma-Pudarka (the Aphorisms of the White Lotus of the Wonderful or True Law) in a Samsk manuscript under a Bohi-tree near Mga-va (Sranh), Benares. Here our Blessed Lord Buha Shkya-Muni taught His...
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The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812, vol 2The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812, vol 2WHILE Bonaparte was crossing the Syrian desert and chafing over the siege of Acre, the long gathering storm of war known as the Second Coalition had broken upon France. It had...
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The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812, vol 1The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire 1793-1812, vol 1THE present work, like its predecessor, "The Influence of Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783," is wholly a result of the author's connection with the United States Naval War College as lecturer...
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Samuell Gorton: A Forgotten Founder of our Liberties First Settler of Warwick, R. ISamuell Gorton: A Forgotten Founder of our Liberties; First Settler of Warwick, R. I.It has been the misfortune of Rhode Island to have had its earlier history written and read under the bias of prejudices engendered by the controversies which led to its settlement....
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10 years' digging in Egypt, 1881-1891Ten years' digging in Egypt, 1881-1891Although the discoveries which are related in this volume have been already published, yet there is to be considered the large number of readers who feed in the intermediate regions between the arid highlands and mountain ascents of scientific...
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The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427The Bondage and Travels of Johann Schiltberger, a Native of Bavaria, in Europe, Asia, and Africa, 1396-1427If any reliance is to be placed in a MS. marginal note that appears on a page of an old edition of the Travels of Schiltberger, presumed to...
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Saarron murtajaSaarron murtajaEnsiminen virta, jonka aaltoja hyryaluksen rattaat panivat vaahtoamaan, oli Clyde. Tm tapahtui 1812. Hyryaluksen nimi oli Komet ja se kulki snnllisesti Glasgowin ja Greenokin vli kuuden peninkulman nopeudella tunnissa. [Peninkulmilla tss kirjassa aina ymmrretn Englannin peninkulmia, johon menee noin 5,5 kilometri = 5,566...
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The Grip of Honor: A Story of Paul Jones and the American RevolutionThe Grip of Honor: A Story of Paul Jones and the American RevolutionThe fear o' Hell's a hangman's whip To haud the wretch in order; But where ye feel your honor grip, Let that aye be your border; Its slightest touches, instant pause-- Debar...
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Galicia, the Switzerland of SpainGalicia, the Switzerland of SpainAncient GaliciaNever conquered by the MoorsThe cradle of Spanish nobilityA goal for pilgrimsModern writers on GaliciaA rich literatureNational traditionsMartial geniusNo BasquesIberian wordsLigurians in SpainBarrows and tumuliDruidical stonesCeltic SpainDerivation of GaliciaScotch and Irish traditionsJulius CsarPhnician coloniesThe CassiteridesPlatos theoryIron implementsQuintus FabiusBrutus in...
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Beautiful WalesBeautiful WalesA few of my jests, impressions of scenery, and portraits in this book have already been printed in The Daily Chronicle, The World, The Week's Survey, The Outlook, and The Illustrated London News. I have only to add that the line of verse...
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The Cruise of the "Janet Nichol" Among the South Sea Islands: A DiaryThe Cruise of the "Janet Nichol" Among the South Sea Islands: A DiaryIt is always necessary to make certain elisions in a diary not meant for publication at the time of writing. For many reasons "The Cruise of the Janet Nichol" has been pruned...
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The Gold Coast Regiment in the East African CampaignThe Gold Coast Regiment in the East African CampaignFull page illustrations are interpolated in mid-paragraph. These have been moved to the closest sensible paragraph break. Most, but not all, were not included in the pagination, and do not appear here with page numbers. Errors,...
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Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, Anno Dom. 1757Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal, Anno Dom. 1757The Success that has every where attended the Efforts of the British Arms, during the Course of this just and necessary War, will render this Period of our History resplendent, even to latest Ages. It seems,...
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Bell's English History Source BooksEngland and Napoleon (1801-1815)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses:...
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