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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta VIKertomuksia Suomen historiasta VI - Kaarle X Kustaa1. Puolan sodan hankkeet. 2. Puolan valloitus. 3. Puolalaisten nousu. 4. Jaroslavin retki. 5. Arvi Wittenberg Varsovassa. 6. Arvi Wittenberg, 7. Varsovan tappelu. 8. Suomen rakuunat Puolassa. 9. Marssi Juutinmaalle. 10. Retki Beltien yli ja Roskilden rauhansovinto....
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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta IVKertomuksia Suomen historiasta IV - Sigismund ja Kaarle IX 1. Kaarle herttua. 2. Upsalan kirkolliskokous. 3. Sigismund tulee Ruotsiin. 4. Sigismundin kruunaus. 5. Klaus Fleming ja Kaarle herttua. 6. Linnaleiri ja talonpojat. 7. Nuijasodan alku. 8. Ilkkaisen sota. 9. Savon kapina. 10. Pohjoispohjalaisten kapina....
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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V:2Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V:2 - Kustaa Aadolf ja Kristiina: Suomen sisällinen tila1. Kuningas Kustaa Aadolfin ensiminen kynti Suomessa. 2. Helsingin herrainpivt. 3. Turun hovioikeuden perustaminen. 4. Presidentti Juhana Kurck. 5. Iisakki Rothovius. 6. Johannes Messenius. 7. Kemin lappalaisten knnytys. 8. Kreivin aika Suomessa. 9....
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Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V:1Kertomuksia Suomen historiasta V:1 - Kustaa Aadolf ja Kristiina: Sodat1. Syyt Kustaa Aadolfin osanottoon. 2. Kustaa Aadolfin lht Ruotsista ja tulo Saksaan. 3. Seitsemnkymmenen suomalaisen sankarikuolema Demminin lhell. 4. Kustaa Aadolf Werbenin leiriss. 5. Leipzigin eli Breitenfeldin tappelu. 6. Wrzburgin valloitus. 7. Kustaa Aadolf...
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Great Cities of the United StatesGreat Cities of the United States - Historical, Descriptive, Commercial, IndustrialJust as the history of a country is largely the history of its great men, so the geography of a country is largely the story of its great cities. How much more easily history...
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Yorkshire BattlesYorkshire BattlesIn the history of our national evolution Yorkshire occupies a most important position, and the sanguinary record of Yorkshire Battles possesses something more than material for the poet and the artist. Valour, loyalty, patriotism, honour and self-sacrifice are virtues not uncommon to the...
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Thirty Years' View (Vol. 1 of 2)Thirty Years' View (Vol. 1 of 2) - or, A History of the Working of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850Justice to the men with whom I acted, and to the cause in which we were engaged, is my chief...
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Three Years in Western ChinaThree Years in Western China - A Narrative of Three Journeys in Ssu-ch'uan, Kuei-chow, and Yün-nanSince the publication of the first edition of this book, in 1890, several important changes have taken place in foreign commercial relations with Western China, and sufficient time has...
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Thirty Years' View (Vol. 2 of 2)Thirty Years' View (Vol. 2 of 2) - or, A History of the Working of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850 Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1856, by D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, in the Clerk's Office...
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Die neuesten GeschichtslügenDie neuesten GeschichtslügenDie scharfe Kritik, die auf den folgenden Blttern an den Rechtfertigungsschriften der deutschen Staatsmnner und damit auch an ihrer Politik vor dem Ausbruch des Weltkrieges gebt wird, zwingt den Verfasser zu einigen Worten persnlicher Einfhrung. Es ist nachtrglich sehr leicht, das Verhalten...
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Under the Witches' Moon: A Romantic Tale of Mediaeval RomeUnder the Witches' Moon: A Romantic Tale of Mediaeval RomeHigh on the cypress-clad hills of the Eternal City the evening sun had flamed valediction, and the last lights of the dying day were fading away on the waves of the Tiber whose changeless tide...
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Muistelmia matkoilta Venäjällä vuosina 1854-1858Muistelmia matkoilta Venäjällä vuosina 1854-1858Tss ulos-tulevat matkamuistelmat eivt ole yleislle tuntemattomat. Ne ovat jo ennen olleet painettuina aika-kautisessa kirjasessa Suomi ja sanomalehdess Suometar, ja ovat nyt, sen kehoittavaisen hyv-tahtoisuuden seureeksi, jolla moni maan-mies on minua niist puhutellut, tulleet kootuiksi yhdeksi kokonaiseksi, joksi ne kumminkin...
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Stanley in AfricaStanley in Africa - The Wonderful Discoveries and Thrilling Adventures of the Great African Explorer, and Other Travelers, Pioneers and MissionariesA volume of travel, exploration and adventure is never without instruction and fascination for old and young. There is that within us all which...
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A Little Tour in IrelandA Little Tour in IrelandI have been so often and persuasively asked to republish A Little Tour in Ireland, which I wrote as an Oxonian, many years ago, at the request of my beloved friend and companion, John Leech, and of which only one...
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Ettore Fieramosca: ossia, La disfida di BarlettaEttore Fieramosca: ossia, La disfida di BarlettaAl cadere d'una bella giornata d'aprile dell'anno 1503 la campana di San Domenico in Barletta sonava gli ultimi tocchi dell'avemaria. Sulla piazza vicina in riva al mare, luogo di ritrovo degli abitanti tranquilli che, nelle terricciuole dei climi...
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Benjamin Disraeli, the Earl of Beaconsfield, K.GBenjamin Disraeli, the Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. - Cartoons from "Punch" 1843-1878 ON of Isaac D'Israeli, author of Curiosities of Literature, of Jewish extraction; born in London 21st December, 1805; published his political novel, Vivian Grey, 1825; travelled in the East between 1828 and...
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Aids to Reflection and, The Confessions of an Inquiring SpiritAids to Reflection; and, The Confessions of an Inquiring SpiritThe "Aphorisms on that which is indeed Spiritual Religion" extend from p. 102 to p. 241. They are interspersed with other material that is listed in the Table of Contents. In addition some of the...
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The ThamesThe Thames Close your eyes and conjure up a vision of the river Thames; what is the picture that you see? If you are a prosaic and commercial person, whose business lies by the river side, the vision will be one of wharves and...
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Kertomuksia Intian ylängöiltä ja laaksoistaKertomuksia Intian ylängöiltä ja laaksoista"Minun elmni herra, se ei voi olla tytt. Min olen rukoillut niin monta yt ja lhettnyt lahjoja Sheikh Badlin pyhlle arkulle niin usein, ett min tiedn, ett Jumala antaa meille pojan pojan, josta on kasvava mies. Ajattele sit ja iloitse....
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The Seventh Regiment: A RecordThe Seventh Regiment: A Record This preface to the history of the Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry is written at the request of the accomplished author of the book; but without having read it, seen it, or heard its contents. I have, however, such confidence...
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