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Judgments in VacationJudgments in VacationTo a sane world one must offer some few words of excuse for writing judgments in vacation. One has heard of the emancipated slave who invested his savings in purchasing a share in another slave and of the historical bus-driver who made...
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John Law of LauristonJohn Law of Lauriston - Financier and Statesman, Founder of the Bank of France, Originator of the Mississippi Scheme, Etc.The career of John Law is one of the most striking and romantic in a period teeming with great and historic personages, and provides in...
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The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 3, March 1922The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 3, March 1922Happily it is not such a frequent occurrence as may be supposed that the Judges of our Court of Errors and Appeals split apart so curiously as they did in determining that the Van...
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The New Jersey Law Journal, January, 1922The New Jersey Law Journal, January, 1922 - Vol. XLV. No. 1. Jan., 1922At least three decisions of nation-wide import were made by the United States Supreme Court in December. The first, American Steel Foundries v. Tri-City Trades Council we give, probably in full,...
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The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 2, February, 1922The New Jersey Law Journal, Volume XLV, No. 2, February, 1922Ever since my boyhood the drama of the courtroom has interested me more than the drama of the theatre. I well remember my introduction to litigated business. I was a youngster on a visit...
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Tribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon LawTribal Custom in Anglo-Saxon Law - Being an Essay Supplemental to (1) 'The English Village Community', (2) 'The Tribal System in Wales'To the two former Essays, on The English Village Community and The Tribal System in Wales, is now at last added in this...
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The Law's Lumber Room (Second Series)The Law's Lumber Room (Second Series)This is an entirely distinct book from the first series of the Laws Lumber Room. The subjects are of more general interest, they are treated with greater fulness of detail, most are as much literary as legal; but I...
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The Law's Lumber RoomThe Law's Lumber RoomTo the Lumber Room you drag furniture no longer fit for daily use, and there it lies, old fashioned, cumbrous, covered year by year with fresh depths of dust. Is it fanciful to apply this image to the Law? Has not...
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. 3 (of 16)Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. 3 (of 16)The first session of the eighth Congress, conformably to the Constitution of the United States, commenced at the city of Washington, agreeably to the Proclamation of the President of the United...
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 4 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 4 (of 15)Il y a dj plusieurs annes, mon cher abb, que je vous ai offert la premire bauche de mon travail sur lHistoire de lancienne Grce; mais je me suis aperu depuis combien ce...
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English Law and the RenaissanceEnglish Law and the Renaissance - The Rede Lecture for 1901Were we to recall to life the good Sir Robert Rede who endowed lecturers in this university, we might reasonably hope that he would approve and admire the fruit that in these last years...
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 3 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 3 (of 15)Tant que le gouvernement fodal avoit t en vigueur, et que le roi, born recevoir lhommage et les secours que lui devoient ses vassaux immdiats, nexeroit aucune autorit dans leurs terres, lhonneur de...
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 2 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 2 (of 15)A la manire dont les suzerains toient parvenus faire reconnotre leurs droits, il ne devoit y avoir aucune uniformit dans les devoirs auxquels les vassaux se soumirent. Les uns ne faisoient point difficult...
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 1 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 1 (of 15)Voici enfin tous les ouvrages de Mably, tels quils sont sortis de sa plume. Lditeur ne sest pas permis dy rien ajouter, ni den rien retrancher. Il en est un auquel il mettoit...
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Servants of Sin: A RomanceServants of Sin: A RomanceLifting aside the heavy tapestry that hung down in front of the window of the tourelle which formed an angle of the room--a window from which the Bastille might be seen frowning over the Quartier St. Antoine, a third of...
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Thibaut und SavignyThibaut und Savigny - Zum 100jährigen Gedächtnis des Kampfes um ein einheitliches bürgerliches Recht für DeutschlandKlassische Schriften der Wissenschaft haben zunchst geschichtliche Bedeutung, indem sie uns die Auffassungen der Vergangenheit kennen lehren und damit die Keime der Gegenwart aufdecken. Darber hinaus aber haben sie...
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English Interference with Irish IndustriesEnglish Interference with Irish IndustriesAgriculture is at the present time almost the only industry in Ireland. This fact has frequently been noticed and deplored. Public men of widely different views on other matters agree in their estimate of Ireland's economic condition, of which they...
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Mr. Punch in Wig and Gown: The Lighter Side of Bench and BarMr. Punch in Wig and Gown: The Lighter Side of Bench and BarDesigned to provide in a series of volumes, each complete in itself, the cream of our national humour, contributed by the masters of comic draughtsmanship and the leading wits of the age...
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Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. 4 (of 16)Abridgment of the Debates of Congress, from 1789 to 1856, Vol. 4 (of 16) Tenth Congress.Second Session. Proceedings in the Senate. Tenth Congress.Second Session. Proceedings and Debates in the House of Representatives. Eleventh Congress.First Session. Proceedings in the Senate. Eleventh Congress.First Session. Proceedings and...
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Early western travels, 1748-1846, v. 30Palmer's Journal of Travels Over the Rocky Mountains, 1845-1846In the wake of the pathfinders, fur-traders, Indian scouts, missionaries, scientific visitors, and foreign adventurers came the ultimate figure among early Western travellers, the American pioneer settler, the fore-runner of the forces of occupation and civilization....
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