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Memories of the FutureMemories of the Future - Being Memoirs of the Years 1915‒1972, Written in the Year of Grace 1988We do ill, if we fail in veneration for the pastrather, we do impiously, for it begot us, and we are of its blood. The man, the...
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 13, September, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 13, September, 1835CRITICAL NOTICES MEPHISTOPHELES IN ENGLAND, or the Confessions of a Prime Minister THE DISTRICT SCHOOL, or National Education: by J. Orville Taylor THE NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE FOR SEPTEMBER THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF THE MEDICAL AND...
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Introduction to Anatomy, 1532Introduction to Anatomy, 1532 - With English translation and an introductory essay on anatomical studies in Tudor England by C.D. O'Malley and K.F. Russell.The whole lower venterfor thence it is necessary to begin the dissection of the human body because that part putrefies very...
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Circe's DaughterCirce's DaughterRichards looked carefully over the table with the eye of the well-trained manservant. He retouched a bowl of lilac that offended against his slavish idea of symmetry and then put a screen across the dying fire. It was the end of May and...
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The S.S. GloryThe S.S. Glory Somebody was playing a mouth-organ in the midst of a group of "hard cases" that waited on a certain wharf at Montreal. You who arrive there in spick and span passenger steamers can pick out the place from the promenade decks...
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Harold's Bride: A TaleHarold's Bride: A TaleMany years ago a huge panorama of a vast extent of country was exhibited in London. Of what country it was memory retains no clear impression; but I recollect a remark made by the exhibiting artist. Referring to the tints of...
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Abaft the FunnelAbaft the FunnelThe measure of a man's popularity is not alwaysor indeed seldomthe measure of his intrinsic worth. So, when the earlier work of any writer is gathered together in more enduring form, catering to the enthusiasm of his readers in his maturer years,...
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PoemsPoemsIn her Journal, on January 22, 1916, Katherine Mansfield told her plans as her writer to her dead brother. She wanted to pay a sacred debt to her country, New Zealand, because my brother and I were born there. Then, she continued, I want...
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Betsey Bobbett: A DramaBetsey Bobbett: A DramaWid. D. Oh how much these beans makes me think of Doodle. He died, Doodle did, and was a corpse just as quick as he died; but I never can forget that dear man, nor his linement never. And it haint...
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The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 01 (of 11)The Works of Thomas Hood; Vol. 01 (of 11) - Comic and Serious, in Prose and Verse, With All the Original IllustrationsCOURTEOUS READER! Presuming that you have known something of the Comic Annual from its Child-Hood, when it was first put into half binding...
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Hiltu ja Ragnar: Kertomus kahdesta ihmislapsestaHiltu ja Ragnar: Kertomus kahdesta ihmislapsestaTmn pienen kertomuksen oli mr ilmesty syyskuun 11 pivn 1921 ja oli tlle lehdelle jo valmiiksi kirjoitettuna seuraava omistuslause: "Juhani Aholle, suomalaisen proosatyylin mestarille, suomalaisen tunnon ja tunteen tulkitsijalle ja kasvattajalle, aikakauden suurimmalle suomalaiselle kirjailijalle hnen 60-vuotispivnn omistaa tmn...
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 02 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 02 (of 12)The Memoirs of the late Thomas Holcroft, Written by Himself and continued to the time of his death, from his diary, notes, and other papers, were published in three volumes (6 3), London, 1816, printed...
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Dhs. 354.53 AED- Dhs. 23.91 AED
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Si yo fuera rico! Novela originalSi yo fuera rico! Novela originalSiento, querido Pepe, que no seas ya un conspicuo abogado de los ms clebres de la pennsula, ni un eximio diputado de los ms influyentes en la cosa pblica, para hartarme de endilgarte eptetos y calificativos modernos, entre los...
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Dhs. 354.53 AED- Dhs. 23.91 AED
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The Ingoldsby Legends or, Mirth and MarvelsThe Ingoldsby Legends; or, Mirth and MarvelsTO RICHARD BENTLEY, ESQ. My dear Sir, I should have replied sooner to your letter, but that the last three days in January are, as you are aware, always dedicated, at the Hall, to an especial battue, and...
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Schwedenklees ErlebnisSchwedenklees Erlebnis Es gibt Menschen, die vom Glck geradezu verfolgt werden. Sie wachsen in angenehmen Verhltnissen auf, behtet von Eltern und Verwandten, ihre Gesundheit ist vorzglich, sie sind begabt genug, um ohne besondere Anstrengungen und Qualen ihre Erziehung zu beenden. Sie haben gerade soviel...
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Dhs. 354.53 AED- Dhs. 23.91 AED
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Comediettas and FarcesComediettas and FarcesI HAVE been asked to write a few words of Preface to this little book of Plays. I may state that two are original; for the remainder (being too old an offender in this respect to do otherwise), I thankfully admit my...
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Minna and MyselfMinna and Myself Our thanks to the following publications, for their kindness in permitting us to reprint, in this volume, poems that have appeared in their pages: The Little Review; Poetry; the New Republic; the Century; the New York Tribune; the Touchstone; the Seven...
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The Seven ConundrumsThe Seven ConundrumsThe wind, storming up from the sea, beat against the frail little wooden building till every rafter creaked and groaned. The canvas sides flapped and strained madly at the imprisoning ropes. Those hanging lamps which were not already extinguished swung in perilous...
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Angels' Shoes, and Other StoriesAngels' Shoes, and Other StoriesThe Horado, huge, torpid vein of the back-country, after taking tribute of a thousand miles of jungle was suddenly released into the ocean, whose clear and fertile depths it stained with the earths rot and detritus. Where these two encountered...
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