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RaccontiRaccontiI Racconti che vedete qui riuniti sono fratelli carnali delle Novelle vecchie e nuove che mandai per il mondo, anni fa. Anche tra questi ve n'ha di vecchi e di nuovi: c' il primo che scrissi, i Complimenti di Ceppo, e l'ultimo, che fantasticai...
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Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 3/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 3/3II. Il n'est repris qu'aprs le conte de la navet d'une fille viole; & de celle du galant qui n'entendoit pas la diffrence de questionner ordonner. Explication du mot sot; subtilit d'une femme, dont, je crois, elle fut dupe....
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 2/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 2/3II. L'histoire de Quenault & de sa serpe est coupe de diverses instructions trs-profitables. On y voit la diffrence d'une femme de par dieu, d'avec une femme de par le diable. Sermon du cur de Busanois, divis en trois...
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Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Le moyen de parvenir, tome 1/3Le moyen de parvenir, tome 1/3Le livre, qui a pour titre le Moyen de Parvenir, tant en son espece vritablement original, bien des gens demandent tous les jours qui en est l'auteur. On sait, n'en pouvoir douter, que c'est Franois Broalde, sieur de Verville,...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Die Siedler von Hohenmoor: Ein Buch des Zornes und der ZuversichtDie Siedler von Hohenmoor: Ein Buch des Zornes und der Zuversicht Sein Reich eben hatte er den letzten Kampf bestanden, es sich und den Seinen zu gewinnen. Er kam aus der Kreisstadt. Nach endlosen Verhandlungen war es ihm heute gelungen, deren Vter, die trgen,...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 9, May, 1835The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. I., No. 9, May, 1835LITERARY NOTICES I PROMESSI SPOSI, or the Betrothed Lovers; a Milanese Story of the Seventeenth Century: by Allessandro Manzoni as translated by G. W. Featherstonhaugh HORSE-SHOE ROBINSON; a Tale of the Tory Ascendency: by the...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 584.35 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Le portier des Chartreux, ou mémoires de Saturnin écrits par lui-mêmeLe portier des Chartreux, ou mémoires de Saturnin écrits par lui-mêmeQue c'est une douce satisfaction pour un cur d'tre dsabus des vains plaisirs, des amusements frivoles et des volupts dangereuses qui l'attachaient au monde! Rendu lui-mme aprs une longue suite d'garements, et dans le...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Robin LinnetRobin LinnetDAMON and Pythias, collegiately and colloquially known as Day and Pie, were seated in Damons room in the great quadrangle, on two chairs, side by side, with a candle on the table that guttered in the draught, and a copy of Socratess Apology...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Le forçat honoraire: roman immoralLe forçat honoraire: roman immoral Le Foss de Bethlem. Les Ruines, quatre actes. L'pe au fourreau, roman militaire. La Dynastie, quatre actes. Le Misanthrope la terrasse, trois actes en vers. Oraisons funbres et autres, sonnets. Servedieu, roman. Rocaroc, homme politique, roman. Mmoires du comte...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 6La fabrique de mariages, Vol. 6Il y avait, ma foi, six gros lampions le long de la ruelle Saint-Fiacre, depuis le boulevard extrieur jusqu la petite avenue de marronniers qui prcdait le chteau de la Savate. On y voyait assez pour distinguer les tas...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Erinnerungen einer ÜberflüssigenErinnerungen einer Überflüssigen Oft habe ich versucht, mir meine frheste Kindheit ins Gedchtnis zurckzurufen, doch reicht meine Erinnerung nur bis zu meinem fnften Lebensjahr und ist auch da schon teilweise ausgelscht. Mit voller Klarheit aber steht noch ein Sonntagvormittag im Winter desselben Jahres vor...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Les Romanesques: comédie en trois actes en versLes Romanesques: comédie en trois actes en versLa scne est coupe en deux par un vieux mur moussu et tout enguirland de folles plantes grimpantes. A droite, un coin du parc de Bergamin; gauche, un coin du parc de Pasquinot. De chaque ct, contre...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 3 (of 3)A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 3 (of 3)"I'm in no particular hurry, doctor, to get back to London," Sir Thomas Dudgeon had quietly hinted to his medical man. "I daresay the House can get on without me quite as well as...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 2 (of 3)A Secret of the Sea: A Novel. Vol. 2 (of 3)It was nearly dusk on the eighth day after Peter Byrne and his daughter had got settled in their new rooms, when Gerald Warburton knocked at the door of Max Van Duren's house. It...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Achtzehn Töchter: Eine Frauen-NovelleAchtzehn Töchter: Eine Frauen-NovelleDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1847 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert; altertmliche und ungewhnliche Wortformen wurden aber nicht an die heutige Schreibweise angepasst. Die Vewendung von Anfhrungszeichen der wrtlichen Rede erscheint teilweise...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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The Cliff-Dwellers: A NovelThe Cliff-Dwellers: A NovelBetween the former site of old Fort Dearborn and the present site of our newest Board of Trade there lies a restricted yet tumultuous territory through which, during the course of the last fifty years, the rushing streams of commerce have...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Cañas y barro: NovelaCañas y barro: NovelaEl barquero, un hombrecillo enjuto, con una oreja amputada, iba de puerta en puerta recibiendo encargos para Valencia, y al llegar los espacios abiertos en la nica calle del pueblo, soplaba de nuevo en la bocina para avisar su presencia las...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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Lettere di Lodovico AriostoLettere di Lodovico Ariosto - Con prefazione storico-critica, documenti e note Nel presentare una terza ristampa delle Lettere di Lodovico Ariosto, mi grato di averle potuto ordinare cronologicamente (cosa che non ebbi opportunit di fare nell'antecedente di Bologna, 1886), con introdurvi le nove lettere...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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A SheafA SheafPeace! The thought of it has become almost strange. Yet we must face that thought, or we shall be as unprepared for it as we were for war. Practical men are fighting this war, practical men will make the peace that comes some...
- Dhs. 23.88 AED
Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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James Russell Lowell, A Biography vol 2/2James Russell Lowell, A Biography; vol 2/2When the Atlantic Monthly was founded, its conductors did not conceal their intention to make it a political magazine. It bore as its sub-head a title it has never relinquished, A Magazine of Literature, Art, and Politics. The...
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Dhs. 354.15 AED- Dhs. 23.88 AED
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