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Noidan kirot: Kuvaus Lapin rajoiltaNoidan kirot: Kuvaus Lapin rajoiltaVarhaisen kevtaamun kirkkaassa loistossa kiilteli jrven pinta tasaisena ulappana. Mailla ja metsiss ei hanki viel kantanut, mutta tll jrven selll oli mainio lipee ja verraton kulku. Poron kavio ei luiskahtanut paisteen reikimlt hangen pinnalta eik pienoinen reki pssyt siipemn. Vain...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Aus meinem JugendlandAus meinem JugendlandDas vorliegende Buch bildet gewissermaen eine Fortsetzung und Ergnzung der Lebensgeschichte meines Vaters und die berleitung zu den Florentinischen Erinnerungen, in denen ich die Charakterbilder meiner verstorbenen Brder einzeln gezeichnet habe. Da ich bei der Niederschrift der genannten Bcher nicht daran dachte,...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Out for Business or, Robert Frost's Strange CareerOut for Business; or, Robert Frost's Strange Career THE YOUNG BOOK AGENT; Or, Frank Hardy's Road to Success. FROM FARM TO FORTUNE; Or, Nat Nason's Strange Experience. LOST AT SEA; Or, Robert Roscoe's Strange Cruise. JERRY, THE BACKWOODS BOY; Or, The Parkhurst Treasure. NELSON,...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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La Comédie humaine - Volume 08. Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome 04La Comédie humaine - Volume 08. Scènes de la vie de Province - Tome 04Vous qui, par le privilge des Raphal et des Pitt, tiez dj grand pote l'ge o les hommes sont encore si petits, vous avez, comme Chateaubriand, comme tous les vrais...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Sweet and Twenty: A Comedy in One ActSweet and Twenty: A Comedy in One ActThis volume contains FIFTY REPRESENTATIVE ONE-ACT PLAYS of the MODERN THEATER, chosen from the dramatic works of contemporary writers all over the world and is the second volume in the Stewart Kidd Dramatic Anthologies, the first being...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Galleon's Gold or, Frank Reade, Jr.'s Deep Sea SearchThe Galleon's Gold; or, Frank Reade, Jr.'s Deep Sea Search.Cecil Clifford had traveled the world over. His hobby was archology, and as he was a man of large means and a member of many historical and scientific societies, he was able to pursue his...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Perintö: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmäPerintö: Nelinäytöksinen näytelmäNyttelijtr Mirjam Krausen huoneusto. Nkyviss on hienosti kalustettu seurusteluhuone pianoineen, tauluineen, mattoineen; erll seinll on joukko seppeleit; kukkia on paljon ja niiden tuoksu tytt huoneen. Kaikki osoittaa hienoa, jonkunverran synkk vaikutusta suosivaa makua. Vasemmalla on eteinen, perlt johtaa ovi ruokailuhuoneeseen ja oikeanpuoleisesta...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Marriage as a TradeMarriage as a TradeThe only excuse for this book is the lack of books on the subject with which it dealsthe trade aspect of marriage. That is to say, wifehood and motherhood considered as a means of livelihood for women. I shall not deny...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 351.00 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Last of the De Mullins: A Play Without a PrefaceThe Last of the De Mullins: A Play Without a Preface The action of the play takes place at Brendon Underwood in Dorset, Acts I and III at the Manor House, the De Mullins house in the village, Act II on the borders of...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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A Book for a Rainy Day or, Recollections of the Events of the Years 1766-1833A Book for a Rainy Day; or, Recollections of the Events of the Years 1766-1833The highly flattering manner in which my work, entitled Nollekens and his Times, was generally received, induced me to collect numerous scattered biographical papers, which I have considerably augmented with...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Kuolema: NovellejaKuolema: NovellejaKuu loisti suurena, ihmeellisen kirkkaana; tuhannet thdet nyttivt iloisesti hymyilevn heille, ja edess levisi niitty jtyneen, tasaisena kuin lattia Jt peitti vain ohut lumikerros, ja koko lakeus hohti ja kimalteli kuutamossa, kuin olisi ollut peitetty lukemattomilla pikku timanteilla Nuori mies hellitti hymyillen hiukan...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Jockele und seine FrauJockele und seine FrauDer Doktor Jakobus Sinsheimer lieber Gott, wer kennt den Doktor Jakobus Sinsheimer nicht! Hat er nicht als der Jockele wegen seines heftigen Betriebes mit den Mdchen die kleine Stadt Weimar in groe Aufregung versetzt? Der Jockele, der als Zigeunerbblein von der...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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裨海紀遊裨海紀遊 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Kitty Alone: A Story of Three Fires (vol. 2 of 3)Kitty Alone: A Story of Three Fires (vol. 2 of 3)The crowd in the market-place and in the streets of Ashburton began to thin as the afternoon crept on. In vain did the showmen blow their trumpets, ring their bells, and invite to their...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Les chevaux de Diomède: RomanLes chevaux de Diomède: RomanOn trouvera en ce livre, qui est un petit roman d'aventures possibles, la pense, l'acte, le songe, la sensualit exposs sur le mme plan et analyss avec une pareille bonne volont. C'est que, dcidment, l'homme est un tout o l'analyse...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Hurdy-Gurdy: Bilder aus einem LandgängerdorfeHurdy-Gurdy: Bilder aus einem LandgängerdorfeIch hatte den Gipfel des Dachsbergs wieder erreicht und war somit in den Bezirk meines Kirchspiels eingetreten. Hier pflegte ich mich von dem ermdenden Steigen zu erholen und einen kleinen Umblick zu halten. Denn die Aussicht von dort in die...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Sunken Isthmus or, Frank Reade, Jr., in the Yucatan ChannelThe Sunken Isthmus; or, Frank Reade, Jr., in the Yucatan Channel.Opposite it and upon the eastern extremity of mystic Yucatan is Cape Catoche. Between these two points of land lies that body of water which connects the Gulf of Mexico with the Caribbean Sea...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Frank Reade Jr. and His Engine of the CloudsFrank Reade Jr. and His Engine of the Clouds - Or, Chased Around the World in the SkyThe detective was a middle aged, sharp, shrewd fellow, of medium size, clad in a black suit and derby hat, his bony face clean shaven, his keen...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The True Ministers of Christ Accredited by the Holy Spirit: A SermonThe True Ministers of Christ Accredited by the Holy Spirit: A SermonFor we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God, speak we in Christ. Do we begin again...
- Dhs. 23.67 AED
Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Obedience to the Articles and Rubrics of the Church of EnglandObedience to the Articles and Rubrics of the Church of England - a Bond of Union between the Established ClergyIt is with reluctance that the Author is induced to print the following Discourse, it having been compiled and written without any idea that its...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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