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Selections from Modern PoetsSelections from Modern Poets - Made by J. C. SquireMany good and some great living poets are therefore missing from its pages. Nothing is here by Mr Hardy or Mr Bridges, by Mr A. E. Housman, Mr Yeats, , Mr Binyon, Mr Hewlett, Mr...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Patruunan palveluksessa: Näytelmä 3:ssa näytöksessäPatruunan palveluksessa: Näytelmä 3:ssa näytöksessäKantola (Pudistellen vaatteitaan). Huh, huh sit vedentuloa! Ei tuommoisessa jumalan ilmassa ty sujusta. Kah, johan ruoka on valmiina, sep on hyv onkin niin nlk, ett oikein nk haittaa. (Heitt nutun pltn, istahtaa pytn.) Ky pois, Eetu symn! Eetu. Ole huoleti!...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Standard BearerThe Standard BearerIn this fresh and charming story, which in some respects recalls The Lilac Sunbonnet, Mr. Crockett returns to Galloway and pictures the humor and pathos of the life which he knows so well. In no one of his books does Mr. Crockett...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Dyak chief, and other versesThe Dyak chief, and other versesNeither desiring to plagiarize Csar nor to compare my book to Gaul, I wish to mention briefly that this volume as a whole is divided into three parts, of which one is occupied by the single poem, The Dyak...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Men of the 90sThe Men of the NinetiesThe day Beardsley left his stool and ledger in a London insurance office and betook himself seriously to the illustration of that strange comic world of Congreve, a new manifestation of English art blossomed. It had, no doubt, been a...
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Dhs. 351.00 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The High TobyThe High Toby - Being further chapters in the life and fortunes of Dick Ryder, otherwise Galloping Dick, sometime gentleman of the roadMy Dear Barrie,It is all but twenty years since we were first acquainted, for if we live till the spring of 1908,...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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When All the Woods Are Green: A NovelWhen All the Woods Are Green: A Novel The night of summer comes late in this north land. Although it was nearly nine oclock, the shadows, long gathering in the valleys and the woods, had but just now overflowed onto the broad levels of...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Excursions in Victorian BibliographyExcursions in Victorian BibliographyTHE VICTORIA REGIA: A Volume of Original Contributions in Poetry and Prose. Edited by Adelaide A. Procter. London: Printed and Published by Emily Faithfull and Co., Victoria Press (for the Employment of Women), Great Coram Street, W.C. 1861. 1 vol. Royal...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Kanervaisilta kankahilta 2: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaKanervaisilta kankahilta 2: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaUskollisesti hn kuntansa asioita hoitaa ja hommaa; ahkeraan istuu kokouksissa ja suurta suuta siell pit. Luottamustoimia on hnelle uskottu. Istuu jsenen kansakoulun johtokunnassa, vaivaishoitohallituksessa ja on valittu kirkkoraadin jseneksi, mik kunnia vain harvoille kuolevaisille sattuu. Sitpaitsi ottaa hn osaa...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Aus zwei Welttheilen. Zweiter BandAus zwei Welttheilen. Zweiter Band. - Gesammelte ErzählungenEine glhende Septembersonne scho ihre fast senkrechten Strahlen auf die weiten Baumwollen- und Zuckerfelder und ausgedehnten Smpfe und Prairien Louisianas herab. Die ganze Natur ruhte, oder schien vielmehr matt und kraftlos, verschmachtet und erschpft zu liegen, und...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Willow PollenWillow PollenMany of these poems were first published in Ainslees, Bellman, Century, Churchman, Contemporary Verse, Everybodys, Freeman, Forum, Hollands Magazine, McClures, Metropolitan, Nation, New Republic, North American Review, Outlook, Poetry (Chicago), Poetry Journal, The Bookman, Smart Set and other magazines. ......Buy Now (To Read...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The Murder of DeliciaThe Murder of DeliciaThe following slight and unelaborated sketch of a very commonplace and everyday tragedy will, I am aware, meet with the unqualified disapproval of the 'superior' sex. They will assert, with much indignant emphasis, that the character of 'Lord Carlyon' is an...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Self-Doomed: A NovelSelf-Doomed: A NovelI am truly glad to see you; this meeting has warmed my heart. It is one of life's pleasantest experiences to shake the hand of an old friend, and to learn from his own lips that he has not forgotten you in...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Digging for Gold: A Story of CaliforniaDigging for Gold: A Story of CaliforniaI acted for the best, as I thought, Grant. You know how your poor father left us. 3After his affairs were settled, there were only two hundred and fifty dollars left, and you were but twelve years old....
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Songs at the StartSongs at the Start[C] For this trifle, obligations are due to Maestro Mozart. A sunny little opening Andante of his, from the Second Sonata in A major, suggested immediately and quite irresistibly the words here appended, which follow its rhythm throughout. ......Buy Now (To...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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The 9 of Hearts: A NovelThe Nine of Hearts: A NovelThis morning, at the Central Criminal Court, Mr. Justice Fenmore resumed the trial of Edward Layton for the wilful murder of his wife, Agnes Layton, on the morning of the 26th of March, by the administration of poisonous narcotics...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Rakkautta ja politiikkaa: Huvinäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäRakkautta ja politiikkaa: Huvinäytelmä 1:ssä näytöksessäKetonen (Yksin; istuu sohvalla aamutakki plln ja myssy pss, poltellen pitk piippua ja katsellen pydll olevaa valokuvaa). Niin aivan tuollainen olit elesssi, Briittamuoriseni tuollainen vhn kaareva nen hieman ryppyj suun ymprill ne ovat ankaruuden merkkej Olithan joskus minulle vhn...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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Kanervaisilta kankahilta 1: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaKanervaisilta kankahilta 1: Kertomuksia ja kuvauksiaSinne sitte ihana Vappu sinun saatan, ja viel kauvan silmillni menoasi seuraan, kunnes vihdoin taivaanrannalta mulle viimeisen suudelmasi, punertavilta huuliltasi heitt ja sitte hmrn kevtyhn vaivut hiljaa, mutta varmasti vaivut toisaalta taas luokseni tullaksesi Vhitellen siit kukin puhdetilleen asettui,...
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Dhs. 212.73 AED- Dhs. 23.67 AED
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At the Sign of the Silver FlagonAt the Sign of the Silver FlagonIt is December, and the sun marks the record of a hundred and six in the shade. We are at the golden end of the world, in Australia, at Silver Creek, twelve months ago a wilderness, now a...
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