Old Is Gold
ModernitiesModernitiesThe ten studies which constitute this volume are devoted to individuals who are held out as being reasonably characteristic of that modern movement of the last and present century which started with the French Revolution. At any rate, they were all modern once. For...
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Cruelle ÉnigmeCruelle ÉnigmePermettez-moi, mon cher Henry James, de placer votre nom la premire page de ce livre, en souvenir du temps o je commenai de l'crire, qui fut le temps aussi o nous nous sommes connus. Dans nos conversations de l't dernier, en Angleterre, prolonges...
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Colin Clink, Volume 3 (of 3)Colin Clink, Volume 3 (of 3)DAY had pretty well broken as Colin trudged back homewards alone. It was one of those dull, leaden, misty, and chilly mornings, which in a town newly stirring from sleep seems to put the stamp and seal of melancholy...
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Colin Clink, Volume 2 (of 3)Colin Clink, Volume 2 (of 3)HAVING entered the room, Miss Sowersoft first peeped out to see that no listeners were in the neighbourhood, and then cautiously closed the door,all the blood in her veins mustering up in red rebellion against poor Fanny, as she...
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Colin Clink, Volume 1 (of 3)Colin Clink, Volume 1 (of 3) Affords a capital illustration of the way of the world. For, whereas knaves and fools not unusually take precedence of better men, so this chapter, though placed at the head of a long regiment, is yet inferior to...
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KotisirkkaKotisirkkaEhtymtn huumori ja syv myttunto ja rakkaus kanssaihmisi kohtaan ovat Dickensin kirjailijaluonteen kuvaavammat ominaisuudet. Huumori, hilpe, hyvntahtoinen leikinlasku oli hnelle synnynninen, se luonnonlahja, joka ei ainoastaan tehnyt hnen nimen kuuluisaksi koko sivistyneess maailmassa, vaan auttoi hnt mys kestmn nuoruuden kovaa kohtaloa ja esti hnt...
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Confessions of a ThugConfessions of a ThugThe tale of crime which forms the subject of the following pages is, alas! almost all true; what there is of fiction has been supplied only to connect the events, and make the adventures of Ameer Ali as interesting as the...
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Les belles-de-nuit ou, les anges de la famille. tome 3Les belles-de-nuit; ou, les anges de la famille. tome 3Pour voir ces corrections, faites glisser votre souris, sans cliquer, sur un mot soulign en pointills gris et le texte d'origine apparatra. La liste de ces corrections se trouve la fin du texte. C'tait impossible!...
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Neêrlands Roem Galerij van Beroemde Nederlanders uit het tijdvak van Frederik HendrikGalerij van Beroemde Nederlanders uit het tijdvak van Frederik HendrikZoo menigmaal wy in de geschiedenis een tijdvak ontmoeten, t welk met den naam van een byzonder persoon wordt aangeduid, zullen wy tevens bevinden, dat de man, naar wien het heet, wel een deel van...
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"Ask Mamma" or, The Richest Commoner In England"Ask Mamma"; or, The Richest Commoner In England IT may be a recommendation to the lover of light literature to be told, that the following story does not involve the complication of a plot. It is a mere continuous narrative of an almost everyday...
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Lady Byron Vindicated: A History of the Byron ControversyLady Byron Vindicated: A History of the Byron ControversyThe subject of this volume is of such painful notoriety that any apology from the Publishers may seem unnecessary upon issuing the Author's reply to the counter statements which her narrative in Macmillan's Magazine has called...
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Chacune son RêveChacune son RêveJe vais crire ces choses. Je ne puis pas faire autrement. Le secret professionnel m'interdit de les rvler qui que ce soit au monde. Mais ce que j'ai vu, ce que j'ai entendu, ce que j'ai accompli, la responsabilit que j'assume,tout cela...
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The Pillars of the House Or, Under Wode, Under Rode, Vol. 2 (of 2)The Pillars of the House; Or, Under Wode, Under Rode, Vol. 2 (of 2)Captain Harewood was gone. There was a good deal of truth in Wilmet's plea that much pain might have been saved if she had been allowed to abide by her first...
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Komödiantinnen: RomanKomödiantinnen: RomanAus tiefdunklem Jugendschlummer fuhr Hans Thumser mit einem Ruck in die Hhe. Teufel auch! das nenn' ich dachsen! Und diese Pestbeule von einem Korpsdiener hatte mich doch wecken wollen? Wieviel mag's denn sein? Uhr steht natrlich Skandal! schon wieder mal das Aufziehen verbummelt!...
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Der Junker von Denow Ein Geheimnis Ein Besuch Auf dem Altenteil: ErzählungenDer Junker von Denow; Ein Geheimnis; Ein Besuch; Auf dem Altenteil: Erzählungen er am Abend des sechsten Septembers alten Stils, am Donnerstag vor Mari Geburt im Jahre unsers Herrn Eintausendfnfhundertneunundneunzig, nach Sonnenuntergang einen Blick aus der Vogelschau ber die Rheinebene von Rees bis Emmerich...
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19th Century QuestionsNineteenth Century QuestionsShortly before his death, Dr. Clarke selected the material for this book, and partly prepared it for publication. He wished thus to preserve some of his papers which had excited interest when printed in periodicals or read as lectures. The distinction is...
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Le crime d'OrcivalLe crime d'OrcivalLe 9 juillet 186.., un jeudi, Jean Bertaud, dit La Ripaille, et son fils, bien connus Orcival pour vivre de braconnage et de maraude, se levrent sur les trois heures du matin, avec le jour, pour aller la pche. Ils se rendaient...
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Les belles-de-nuit ou, les anges de la famille. tome 2Les belles-de-nuit; ou, les anges de la famille. tome 2Pour voir ces corrections, faites glisser votre souris, sans cliquer, sur un mot soulign en pointills gris et le texte d'origine apparatra. La liste de ces corrections se trouve la fin du texte. La partie...
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Kobolz: GroteskenKobolz: Grotesken Die Welt ist gro. Ihr habt ein Stiergefecht in Sevilla gesehen. Der boshafte Ruber nimmt das Geld weg. Ich habe die Witwe des Generals gekt. Das schne Frulein hatte einen unglcklichen Vater. Sie erzrnten den Zwerg, indem sie Bohnen in sein Gesicht...
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The Northfield Tragedy; or, the Robber's RaidThe Northfield Tragedy; or, the Robber's Raid - A Thrilling Narrative; A history of the remarkable attempt to rob the bank at Northfield, Minnesota; the Cold-Blooded Murder of the Brave Cashier and an Inoffensive Citizen. The Slaying of Two of the Brigands. The Wonderful...
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