Old Is Gold
Oscar WildeOscar WildeThis e-book contains one phrase in ancient Greek, which may not display properly depending on the fonts the user has installed. Hover the mouse over the Greek phrase to view a transliteration, e.g., . Inconsistencies in the author's use of hyphens and accent...
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A Day with LongfellowA Day with LongfellowThe expression of serious and tender thoughtfulness, which always characterized the quiet face of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, had deepened during his later years, into something akin to melancholy. The tragic loss of his beloved wife,burned to death while she was sealing...
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Caesar's Wife: A Comedy in Three ActsCæsar's Wife: A Comedy in Three ActsThe Performing Rights of this play are fully protected, and permission to perform it, whether by Amateurs or Professionals, must be obtained in advance from the author's Sole Agent, R. Golding Bright, 20, Green Street, Leicester Square, London,...
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Across the StreamAcross the StreamThere is a very large class of persons alive to-day who believe that not only is communication with the dead possible, but that they themselves have had actual experience of it. Many of these are eminent in scientific research, and on any...
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