Old Is Gold
El Abate ConstantinEl Abate ConstantinLudovic Halvy, hijo de Len Halvyliterato y autor dramticosobrino del clebre compositor Fromental Halvy, ambos del Instituto de Francia. Naci en Pars; estudi en el liceo Luis el Grande; entr a la administracin pblica como redactor en la Secretara del Ministerio de...
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Mademoiselle de la SeiglièreMademoiselle de la Seiglière - Comédie en quatre actes, en proseLes indications de droite et de gauche sont prises dans la salle; les personnages sont inscrits en tte de chaque scne dans l'ordre qu'ils occupent: le premier inscrit au n. 1, tient la premire...
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Famous Scots Series, 15Sir Walter ScottTo the very probable remark that 'Another little book about Scott is not wanted,' I can at least reply that apparently it is, inasmuch as the publishers proposed this volume to me, not I to them. And I believe that, as a...
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Famous Scots Series, 10James BoswellThe literature of the Johnsonian period has assumed, in spite of the lexicographer's own dislike of that adjective, prodigious dimensions. After the critical labours of Malone, Murphy, Croker, J. B. Nichols, Macaulay, Carlyle, Rogers, Fitzgerald, Dr Hill and others, it may appear hazardous...
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Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 20, August 1877Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 20, August 1877Coblenz is the place which many years ago gave me my first associations with the Rhine. From a neighboring town we often drove to Coblenz, and the wide, calm flow of the river, the...
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The O'Ruddy: A RomanceThe O'Ruddy: A Romancey chieftain ancestors had lived at Glandore for many centuries and were very well known. Hardly a ship could pass the Old Head of Kinsale without some boats putting off to exchange the time of day with her, and our family...
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Le Roi s'amuseLe Roi s'amuseEn effet, ce qu'on a appel la Charte-Vrit dit: Les Franais ont le droit de publier Remarquez que le texte ne dit pas seulement le droit d'imprimer, mais largement et grandement le droit de publier. Or, le thtre n'est qu'un moyen de...
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The Story of Don QuixoteThe Story of Don QuixoteNEARLY four hundred years ago, there lived in the village of La Mancha in Spain an old gentleman of few worldly possessions but many books, who was given to a hardy and adventurous way of life, and who beguiled his...
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Urhot: Historiallinen novelli "Ison vihan" ajoiltaUrhot: Historiallinen novelli "Ison vihan" ajoilta"Ison vihan" kauhu ja levottomuus levisi kaikkialla maassamme. Siit toi maine yh hirvittvmpi viestej niihinkin paikkoihin, joissa ei sen jaloissa viel olevaisesti oltu. Senthden hehkuikin Keurun silloisen, Herpman-nimisen, kirkkoherran poikain mieli, ja senthden nkivtkin paljon vaivaa nuo urhot, jotka...
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Dr. SevierDr. SevierThe main road to wealth in New Orleans has long been Carondelet street. There you see the most alert faces; nosesit seems to onewith more and sharper edge, and eyes smaller and brighter and with less distance between them than one notices in...
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Obras de Camillo Castello Branco Edição Popular LVIIO que fazem mulheres: Romance philosophicoEscreve-se esta chronica em quanto as imagens dos algozes e victimas me cruzam por diante da phantasia, como bando de aves agoureiras, que espirram de pardieiro esboroado, se as acossa o archote de um phantasma. Sei quantos devo, e...
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Bahnwärter ThielBahnwärter ThielAllsonntglich sa der Bahnwrter Thiel in der Kirche zu Neu-Zittau, ausgenommen die Tage, an denen er Dienst hatte oder krank war und zu Bette lag. Im Verlaufe von zehn Jahren war er zweimal krank gewesen; das eine Mal infolge eines vom Tender einer...
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Browning's England: A Study in English Influences in BrowningBrowning's England: A Study in English Influences in BrowningTo any one casually trying to recall what England has given Robert Browning by way of direct poetical inspiration, it is more than likely that the little poem about Shelley, "Memorabilia" would at once occur: It...
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Henry Esmond The English Humourists The Four GeorgesHenry Esmond; The English Humourists; The Four Georges The estate of Castlewood, in Virginia, which was given to our ancestors by King Charles the First, as some return for the sacrifices made in his Majesty's cause by the Esmond family, lies in Westmoreland county,...
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As Noites do AscetaAs Noites do AscetaPor toda a parte o corao era a mais fecunda, a mais vivida, a mais completa manifestao da Vida. A humanidade entrra no idyllico periodo da sua primavera. As flores do sentimento brotavam candidas e perfumadas sob os ps da Mulher...
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Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII No. 6 June 1848Graham's Magazine Vol XXXII No. 6 June 1848Time and opportunity make menand high talent in any profession or sphere of life is valueless unless called into action. This is strikingly exemplified in the career of the person with whom we now have to do....
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Astucias de Namorada, e Um melodrama em Santo ThyrsoAstucias de Namorada, e Um melodrama em Santo ThyrsoEste livro um livro de vero. Fez-se para ser lido sombra de uma arvore copada, hora do meio dia, quando pde prestar-se apenas leitura uma vaga atteno, e quando portanto se querem livros de enredo ligeiro...
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A Gold Hunter's ExperienceA Gold Hunter's ExperienceI have often been asked to write an account of my Pike's Peak Expedition in search of gold. The following attempt has been made up partly from memory and partly from old letters written at the time to my sister in...
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Out-of-Doors in the Holy Land: Impressions of Travel in Body and SpiritOut-of-Doors in the Holy Land: Impressions of Travel in Body and SpiritThen, for a long time, in the hardening strain of early manhood, I was afraid to go to Palestine, lest the journey should prove a disenchantment, and some of my religious beliefs be...
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