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The Tale of TrionaThe Tale of TrionaYoure both of you as kind as can be, and Im more than grateful for all youve done; but I do wish youd see that its no use arguing. It only hurts and makes us tired. Do help yourself, Mr. Trivett....
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The Glory of Clementina WingThe Glory of Clementina WingUnless you knew that by taking a few turnings in any direction and walking for five minutes you would inevitably come into one of the great, clashing, shrieking thoroughfares of London, you might think that Romney Place, Chelsea, was situated...
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Idillii spezzatiIdillii spezzati Io tengo a Oria, sulle rive del lago di Lugano, una piccola villa battuta dalle onde a piede di un monte vestito di ulivi, di viti ed anche di allori, che nessun poeta, prima di me, andato a cercare. un ameno e...
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The Sardonic ArmThe Sardonic ArmIf I yield to the remorseful redundancy of a foreword, with its bedraggled battalions of fiercely insinuating words, it is from no mere desire to invite the ridicule of impatient time, or to rail against that host of vacant insincerities which betrays...
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Five Minute Sermons, Volume IFive Minute Sermons, Volume I. - For Low Masses on All Sundays of the Year by Priests of the Congregation of St. Paul These short sermons were commenced in St. Paul's Church, New York, toward the close of the year 1876. The motive for...
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The Great Galveston DisasterThe Great Galveston Disaster - Containing a Full and Thrilling Account of the Most Appalling Calamity of Modern Times Including Vivid Descriptions of the Hurricane and Terrible Rush of Waters; Immense Destruction of Dwellings, Business Houses, Churches, and Loss of Thousands of Human Lives;...
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Anthony Trollope His Work, Associates and Literary OriginalsAnthony Trollope; His Work, Associates and Literary OriginalsTHE beginning of my very juvenile acquaintance with Anthony Trollope has been incidentally, but naturally, mentioned in the body of the present work. Some of my nearest relatives had been with him at Winchester, and had maintained...
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Horses and Men: Tales, long and short, from our American lifeHorses and Men: Tales, long and short, from our American lifeDid you ever have a notion of this kindthere is an orange, or say an apple, lying on a table before you. You put out your hand to take it. Perhaps you eat it,...
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Der SnobDer Snob - Komödie in drei AufzügenIch trete in kein neues Viertel meines Lebens, ohne da aus dem vergangenen die Schuld bezahlt ist. In dieses Buch habe ich nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen aufgezeichnet, was du an Aufwendungen fr mich geleistet. Dazu wurde die...
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Le fourbeLe fourbeDenis, bien qu'il ait mon ge, prside une imposante socit anglaise qui fabrique des explosifs de guerre en Ecosse, prs d'Aberdeen: c'est un personnage considrable, sans cesse occup d'affaires mouvantes avec le War Office et l'Amiraut, sinon avec les pays balkaniques, ou le...
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Le Grand ÉcartLe Grand ÉcartComme il cachait ses petites larmes dans l'ombre d'une loge ou seul avec un livre et que les vraies larmes sont rares il passait pour un homme insensible et spirituel. Sa rputation d'homme spirituel venait d'une rapidit d'esprit. Il appelait des rimes...
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GiphantiaGiphantia - Or a View of What Has Passed, What Is Now Passing, and, During the Present Century, What Will Pass, in the World.No man ever had a stronger inclination for travelling than myself. I considerd the whole earth as my country, and all...
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The Uses of Diversity: A book of essaysThe Uses of Diversity: A book of essaysI do not like seriousness. I think it is irreligious. Or, if you prefer the phrase, it is the fashion of all false religions. The man who takes everything seriously is the man who makes an idol...
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Against This AgeAgainst This AgeHe knew that he was dead because his fingers had forgotten the art of touching and were trying to regain their ability. They were no longer able to separate different textures and surfaces, and everything held to them a preposterous smoothness that...
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Clipped WingsClipped WingsThe proud lady in the new runabout was homeward bound from a shopping raid. It was her first voyage down-town alone with the thing. She guided the old family horse up to her curb in a graceful sweep, but, like a new elevator-boy,...
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Lucien Leuwen ou, l'Amarante et le Noir. Tome SecondLucien Leuwen; ou, l'Amarante et le Noir. Tome SecondEn arrivant Paris, il me faut faire grands efforts pour ne pas tomber dans quelques personnalits. Ce n'est pas que je n'aime beaucoup la satire, mais en fixant l'il du lecteur sur la figure grotesque de...
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Lucien Leuwen ou, l'Amarante et le Noir. Tome PremierLucien Leuwen; ou, l'Amarante et le Noir. Tome PremierRien a faire! inscrivit Mrime en tte du premier feuillet, lorsque Colomb lui porta les volumes manuscrits de Lucien Leuwen. Et Colomb les envoya chez Crozet Grenoble, o celui-ci les dposa la bibliothque de la ville....
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Wars and Treaties, 1815-1914Wars & Treaties, 1815 to 1914A growing number of people are devoting their attention to a closer study of foreign affairs. Many of them may not have the opportunity to read the larger volumes of histories; and, indeed, even if they had, they would...
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La mandragoreLa mandragoreQuand on sut que la reine avait accouch dune grenouille, ce fut une consternation la cour; les dames du palais en demeurrent muettes et lon ne saborda plus dans les hauts vestibules quavec des bouches cousues et des regards navrs qui en disaient...
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Sermons by the Fathers of the Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle, Volume VISermons by the Fathers of the Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle, Volume VI. The publication of another volume of Sermons by the Fathers of the Congregation of St. Paul the Apostle, is due to the encouragement already given by the extensive sale of...
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