Political Science
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La séparation des Églises et de l'ÉtatLa séparation des Églises et de l'État - Rapport fait au nom de la Commission de la Chambre desMessieurs, En 1778, quelques annes peine avant la Rvolution, il existait dans le royaume de France une moyenne de 130.000 ecclsiastiques. On pouvait les rpartir ainsi:...
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Dhs. 2,615.67 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Popular misgovernment in the United StatesPopular misgovernment in the United StatesGreat numbers of discerning Americans must by this time have been brought to realize that something practical must shortly be done in this country by the believers in private property and private property rights to safeguard the nation from...
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The Legislative Manual, of the State of ColoradoThe Legislative Manual, of the State of Colorado - Comprising the History of Colorado, Annals of the Legislature, Manual of Customs, Precedents and Forms, Rules of Parliamentary Parliamentary Practice, and the Constitutions of the United States and the History of Colorado, Annals of the...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Democracy in France. January 1849Democracy in France. January 1849I venture to believe that nothing will be found in the following pages which bears the impress of my personal situation. While events of such magnitude are passing before his eyes, a man who did not forget himself would deserve...
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Dhs. 960.76 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Imported AmericansImported Americans - The Story of the Experiences of a Disguised American and His Wife Studying the Immigration QuestionThat there was a tremendous increase in immigration in prospect was announced by the agents of the great immigrant-carrying lines of steamships as early as January...
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Social-Democracy and Woman SuffrageSocial-Democracy and Woman Suffrage - A Paper Read by Clara Zetkin to the Conference of Women Belonging to the Social-Democratic Party Held at Mannheim, Before the Opening of the Annual Congress of the German Social-Democracy A Paper Read by Clara Zetkin to the Conference...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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GorgiasGorgiasLopulla Lokakuuta 1897 pantiin Seuran Taloustoimikunnassa vireille kysymys, eik Seuran tulisi jollakin erityisell tehtvll ilmaista kiitollisuuttaan kansalaisten sille osottamasta suuresta suosiosta ja luottamuksesta, jota yh karttuneet lahjat ja testamentit, yh lisntyv Seuran jsenten lukumr nyttivt todistavan, tehtvll semmoisella, joka kuten sihteeri lausui "tyttisi tuntuvan...
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Dhs. 2,615.67 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The PrinceThe PrinceOf all Machiavelli's works The Prince is undoubtedly the greatest; and a new English edition of it is likely to be welcome to all those who have not the advantage of reading it in the classical Italian original. For a true appreciation of...
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Dhs. 1,585.26 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Story of the Woman's PartyThe Story of the Woman's PartyIn 1912 the situation in the United States in regard to the enfranchisement of women was as follows: Agitation for an amendment to the National Constitution had virtually ceased. Before the death of Susan B. Anthony in 1906, Suffragists...
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Presidential ProblemsPresidential ProblemsIn considering the propriety of publishing this book, the fact has not been overlooked that the push and activity of our peoples life lead them more often to the anticipation of new happenings than to a review of events which have already become...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Why Men Fight: A method of abolishing the international duelWhy Men Fight: A method of abolishing the international duelLe souffle, le rhythme, la vraie force populaire manqua la raction. Elle eut les rois, les trsors, les armes; elle crasa les peuples, mais elle resta muette. Elle tua en silence; elle ne put parler...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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What Does History Teach?What Does History Teach? - Two Edinburgh Lectures The following Lectures were prepared for the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, and were delivered, with the exception of a few passages, before audiences consisting of Members of that Institution on the evenings of 8th and 11th...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Republic of PlatoThe Republic of PlatoRepublic.INTRODUCTION. THE Republic of Plato is the longest of his works with the exception of the Laws, and is certainly the greatest of them. There are nearer approaches to modern metaphysics in the Philebus and in the Sophist; the Politicus or...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Sovereignty of the SeaThe Sovereignty of the Sea - An Historical Account of the Claims of England to the Dominion of the British Seas, and of the Evolution of the Territorial WatersOne of the most prominent and characteristic features in English history relates to the sea and...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Suffragette: The History of the Women's Militant Suffrage Movement, 1905-1910The Suffragette: The History of the Women's Militant Suffrage Movement, 1905-1910In writing this history of the Militant Women's Suffrage Movement I have endeavoured to give a just and accurate account of its progress and happenings, dealing fully with as many of its incidents as...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The New German ConstitutionThe New German ConstitutionIt is a pleasure to introduce M. Brunet to the American public. He is a French scholar of the finest type, careful, objective, and sincere. The present work on the German constitution bears the impress of these high qualities. In this...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Colonization and ChristianityColonization and Christianity - A popular history of the treatment of the natives by theThe object of this volume is to lay open to the public the most extensive and extraordinary system of crime which the world ever witnessed. It is a system which...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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The Shame of the CitiesThe Shame of the CitiesThis is not a book. It is a collection of articles reprinted from McClures Magazine. Done as journalism, they are journalism still, and no further pretensions are set up for them in their new dress. This classification may seem pretentious...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Peacemakers—Blessed and OtherwisePeacemakers—Blessed and Otherwise - Observations, Reflections and Irritations at an International ConferenceThis book does not pretend to be a history or even an adequate review of the work of the Conference on the Limitation of Armament, nor does it pretend to be the writers...
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Dhs. 582.28 AED- Dhs. 23.80 AED
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Suffrage snapshotsSuffrage snapshotsThese random paragraphs are a few of many which have appeared in Judge to express the lighter side of the so-called woman question. This centers in the suffrage movement but womans quest of the vote is not a joke. It means a great...
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