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GalatiansGalatiansThe person or persons who have associated work with this document (the "Dedicator" or "Certifier") hereby either (a) certifies that, to the best of his knowledge, the work of authorship identified is in the public domain of the country from which the work is...
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The Faith of IslamThe Faith of IslamThe following pages embody a study of Islm during a residence of fifteen years in India, the greater part of which time I have been in daily intercourse with Musalmns. I have given in the footnotes the authorities from which I...
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Fantasia of the UnconsciousFantasia of the UnconsciousThe present book is a continuation from "Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious." The generality of readers had better just leave it alone. The generality of critics likewise. I really don't want to convince anybody. It is quite in opposition to my whole...
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Über Psychoanalyse: Fünf VorlesungenÜber Psychoanalyse: Fünf VorlesungenMeine Damen und Herren! Es ist mir ein neuartiges und verwirrendes Gefhl, als Vortragender vor Wibegierigen der Neuen Welt zu stehen. Ich nehme an, da ich diese Ehre nur der Verknpfung meines Namens mit dem Thema der Psychoanalyse verdanke, und beabsichtige...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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How to Get on in the World: A Ladder to Practical SuccessHow to Get on in the World: A Ladder to Practical SuccessIt has been said that "Nothing Succeeds Like Success." What is Success? If we consult the dictionaries, they will give us the etymology of this much used word, and in general terms the...
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Sermons on Biblical CharactersSermons on Biblical Characters"Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came." Did you notice the name of this man who was missing? Who was it when the little company met after the crucifixion that was not there? There...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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Two Suffolk FriendsTwo Suffolk FriendsPublished originally in Blackwoods Magazine four and six years ago, and now a good deal extended, these two papers, I think, will be welcome to many in East Anglia who knew my father, and to more, the world over, who know FitzGeralds...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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Letters to His FriendsLetters to His Friends This volume has been printed for private circulation at the request of many of Forbes Robinson's personal friends. The first edition having been exhausted, a second has been prepared, in which are included six additional letters (cf. pp. 151, 154,...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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A Sermon Preached at the Quaker's Meeting House, in Gracechurch-Street, London, Eighth Month 12th, 1694A Sermon Preached at the Quaker's Meeting House, in Gracechurch-Street, London, Eighth Month 12th, 1694.The perusal of the first numbers of a series of tracts, containing extracts from the writings of "early Friends," and published for the avowed purpose of lowering the estimation in...
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Religion and Art in Ancient GreeceReligion and Art in Ancient GreeceGreek religion may be studied under various aspects; and many recent contributions to this study have been mainly concerned either with the remote origin of many of its ceremonies in primitive ritual, or with the manner in which some...
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Dhs. 74.61 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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The Story of the MindThe Story of the MindIn this little book I have endeavoured to maintain the simplicity which is the ideal of this series. It is more difficult, however, to be simple in a topic which, even in its illustrations, demands of the reader more or...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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De Groote PyramideDe Groote PyramideGaarne had ik meer tijd besteed aan het omwerken van de grondstoffen, doch de gelegenheid daartoe ontbreekt mij; aangezien echter velen mij verzochten de artikelen toch in boekvorm te doen verschijnen om de er in verkondigde denkbeelden in ruimer kring hier te...
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A Short History of Greek PhilosophyA Short History of Greek PhilosophyThe main purpose which I have had in view in writing this book has been to present an account of Greek philosophy which, within strict limits of brevity, shall be at once authentic and interestingauthentic, as being based on...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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Palmistry for AllPalmistry for AllIt was on July 21, 1894, that I had the honour of meeting Lord Kitchener and getting the autographed impression of his right hand, which I now publish for the first time as frontispiece to this volume. The day I had this...
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Strong SoulsStrong Souls - A Sermon Life is a gift of very unequal distribution. I am not speaking merely of length of life, though that is an important element in the case: there may be sad and quiet years which do not count: we have...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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Hymns for Christian DevotionHymns for Christian Devotion - Especially Adapted to the Universalist DenominationHumble Worship Solemn Invocation. Exhortation to Praise. Public Worship. The Same. "How amiable are thy Tabernacles, O Lord of Hosts." The Lord's Day. The Blessing of the Sabbath. Love of Sabbath Service. A Prayer...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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EtiquetteEtiquetteThe proverb, "The beginning is half the battle," applies in a multitude of ways. In the first instant of a greeting between two people, the ground upon which they meet should be indicated. Cordiality, reserve, distrust, confidence, caution, condescension, deferencewhatever the real or the...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints. January, February, MarchThe Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints. January, February, March2) The original of this work is printed very badly. In most cases, the original text is obvious and has been restored without any special notations in the transcription. In those cases...
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Dhs. 46.63 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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The Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIIIThe Works of Robert G. Ingersoll, Volume VIII. - Interviews Footnotes that describe the subject or circumstances of the interview are placed immediately after its title, or where they occur in the narrative. Other footnotes are at the end of the interview. Answer. I...
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Dhs. 74.61 AED- Dhs. 23.31 AED
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"America for Americans!""America for Americans!" - The Typical American, Thanksgiving SermonDear Sir: The universal approval by every loyal, liberty-loving American citizen who listened to your Thanksgiving sermon yesterday, together with the philosophic and fearless manner with which the great themes therein discussed were treated, prompts a...
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